


CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Interest_Rates](
[Interest_Rate] [float] NULL,
[Incept_Date] [datetime] NULL


INSERT [dbo].[Interest_Rates] ([Interest_Rate], [Incept_Date]) VALUES (10, CAST(N'2001-05-03 11:12:16.000' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].[Interest_Rates] ([Interest_Rate], [Incept_Date]) VALUES (11.5, CAST(N'2014-01-07 10:49:28.433' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].[Interest_Rates] ([Interest_Rate], [Incept_Date]) VALUES (13.5, CAST(N'2016-03-01 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].[Interest_Rates] ([Interest_Rate], [Incept_Date]) VALUES (15.5, CAST(N'2016-05-01 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime))

我想知道的是,是否可以计算一段时间的利率,从利率为 11.5% 时开始,到利率上升两倍至 11.5% 时结束。 13.5%,在单个查询中。


DECLARE @StartDate DateTime
DECLARE @EndDate DateTime
DECLARE @Amount Float

SET @StartDate = '2014-04-22'
SET @EndDate = '2016-04-13'
SET @Amount = 150000.00

@Amount*(POWER(1.1550, CONVERT(NUMERIC(8,3),
DATEDIFF(d, @StartDate, @EndDate)/365.25))) - @Amount
as TotalInterest

(上例中的利率为 15.5%)





1) 找出我们所需的日期范围涵盖哪些费率


3) 将这些日期和利率结合起来,得出应计利息总额。




declare @EndOfTime date = '2049-12-31' -- This is some arbitrary end of time value that I chose
declare @StartDate Date = '2012-04-22' -- I made this earlier to cover more rates
declare @EndDate Date = '2016-04-13'
declare @Amount Float = 100000.00 -- I changed it to a softer number

1) 日期间隔

现在,您的interest_rates 表列出了如下日期:

+ ------------- + ----------- +
| interest_rate | incept_date |
+ ------------- + ----------- +
| 10            | 2001-05-03  |
| 11.5          | 2014-01-07  |
| 13.5          | 2016-03-01  |
| 15.5          | 2016-05-01  |
+ ------------- + ----------- +


+ ------------- + ------------ + ------------ +
| interest_rate | inter_begin  | inter_end    |
+ ------------- + ------------ + ------------ +
| 10            | 2001-05-03   | 2014-01-06   |
| 11.5          | 2014-01-07   | 2016-02-29   |
| 13.5          | 2016-03-01   | 2016-04-30   |
| 15.5          | 2016-05-01   | 2049-12-31   |
+ ------------- + ------------ + ------------ +


select    i1.interest_rate
        , i1.incept_date as inter_begin
        , isnull(min(i2.incept_date) - 1,@EndOfTime) as inter_end
    from #interest i1
    left join #interest i2 on i2.incept_date > i1.incept_date
    group by i1.interest_rate, i1.incept_date

注意:我在这里对日期算术有点松散,没有使用 dateadd() 命令。


2) 选择费率

现在,我们可以使用上述查询作为 CTE 来选择位于所需范围内的记录。这个查询有点棘手,所以需要一些时间来真正理解它。

; with
    intervals as ( 
        -- The above query/table
select  *
    from intervals
    where inter_begin >= (
        select inter_begin -- selects the first rate covered by our desired interval
            from intervals
            where @StartDate between inter_begin and inter_end
        and inter_end <= (
            select inter_end -- selects the last rate covered by our desired interval
                from intervals
                where @EndDate between inter_begin and inter_end


+ ------------- + ------------ + ------------ +
| interest_rate | inter_begin  | inter_end    |
+ ------------- + ------------ + ------------ +
| 10            | 2001-05-03   | 2014-01-06   |
| 11.5          | 2014-01-07   | 2016-02-29   |
| 13.5          | 2016-03-01   | 2016-04-30   |
+ ------------- + ------------ + ------------ +


现在我们已经拥有了所需的一切,计算利息只需从该表中选择正确的内容即可。您为计算所写的大部分内容保持不变;主要更改在 datediff() 命令中。使用@开始日期 and @EndDate不会向我们提供按每个特定费率花费的天数的准确计数。我们通过使用遇到了同样的问题中间开始 and 中间结束。相反,我们必须使用 case 语句,例如

    case when @StartDate > inter_begin then @StartDate else inter_begin end,
    case when @EndDate < inter_end then @EndDate else inter_end end


; with
    intervals as (...) -- same as above
select  *
        , DATEDIFF(day,
              case when @StartDate > inter_begin then @StartDate else inter_begin end,
              case when @EndDate < inter_end then @EndDate else inter_end end) as days_active
        , @Amount*(POWER((1+interest_rate/100),
                      case when @StartDate > inter_begin then @StartDate else inter_begin end,
                      case when @EndDate < inter_end then @EndDate else inter_end end
          ) - @Amount as Actual_Interest
    from ... -- same as above


+ ------------- + ------------ + ------------ + ----------- + --------------- +
| interest_rate | inter_begin  | inter_end    | days_active | Actual_interest |
+ ------------- + ------------ + ------------ + ----------- + --------------- +
| 10            | 2001-05-03   | 2014-01-06   | 624         | 17683.63        |
| 11.5          | 2014-01-07   | 2016-02-29   | 786         | 26283.00        |
| 13.5          | 2016-03-01   | 2016-04-30   | 43          | 1501.98         |
+ ------------- + ------------ + ------------ + ----------- + --------------- +

最后,将其放入 CTE 中并求和实际利息 field:

declare @EndOfTime date = '2049-12-31' -- This is some arbitrary end of time value that I chose
declare @StartDate Date = '2012-04-22' -- I made this earlier to cover more rates
declare @EndDate Date = '2016-04-13'
declare @Amount Float = 100000.00 -- I changed it to a softer number

; with
    intervals as (
        select    i1.interest_rate
                , i1.incept_date as inter_begin
                , isnull(min(i2.incept_date) - 1,@EndOfTime) as inter_end
            from #interest i1
            left join #interest i2 on i2.incept_date > i1.incept_date
            group by i1.interest_rate, i1.incept_date
    , interest as (
        select  *
                , DATEDIFF(day,
                      case when @StartDate > inter_begin then @StartDate else inter_begin end,
                      case when @EndDate < inter_end then @EndDate else inter_end end) as days_active
                , @Amount*(POWER((1+interest_rate/100),
                              case when @StartDate > inter_begin then @StartDate else inter_begin end,
                              case when @EndDate < inter_end then @EndDate else inter_end end
                  ) - @Amount as Actual_Interest
            from intervals
            where inter_begin >= (
                select inter_begin -- selects the first rate covered by our desired interval
                    from intervals
                    where @StartDate between inter_begin and inter_end
                and inter_end <= (
                    select inter_end -- selects the last rate covered by our desired interval
                        from intervals
                        where @EndDate between inter_begin and inter_end
select sum(actual_interest) as total_interest
    from interest

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