Swagger API 具有查询字符串


我想部署一个具有查询字符串的 API。这是 API

v1/products?q=circuit breaker&locale=en-GB&pageSize=8&pageNo=1&project=GLOBAL


               "Search Text"
            "summary":"Get Products by searching text, countrycode, page number, pagesize, project and country(optional)",
            "description":"Get Products by searching text, countrycode, page number, pagesize, project and country(optional)",
                  "description":"The Product that needs to be fetched",
                  "description":"The Product locale needs to be fetched. Example=en-GB, fr-FR, etc.",
                  "description":"The Product PageSize that needs to be fetched. Example=10, 20 etc.",
                  "description":"The Product pageNo that needs to be fetched. Example=1,2 etc.",
                  "description":"The Project that needs to be fetched. Example=Mypact, DSL etc.",
                  "description":"The Country that needs to be fetched. Example=France, India etc.",
                  "description":"successful operation",
                  "description":"Invalid Product_id supplied"
                  "description":"Product not found"

国家/地区是其中的可选参数。我希望 URL 仅在用户输入某些值时才显示国家/地区,否则不应在 URL 中显示。

您无法将查询参数描述为 Swagger 中路径的一部分。您必须将它们显式声明为查询参数。

               "Search Text"
            "summary":"Get Products by searching text, countrycode, page number, pagesize, project and country(optional)",
            "description":"Get Products by searching text, countrycode, page number, pagesize, project and country(optional)",
                  "description":"The Product that needs to be fetched",
                  "description":"The Product locale needs to be fetched. Example=en-GB, fr-FR, etc.",
                  "description":"The Product PageSize that needs to be fetched. Example=10, 20 etc.",
                  "description":"The Product pageNo that needs to be fetched. Example=1,2 etc.",
                  "description":"The Project that needs to be fetched. Example=Mypact, DSL etc.",
                  "description":"The Country that needs to be fetched. Example=France, India etc.",
                  "description":"successful operation",
                  "description":"Invalid Product_id supplied"
                  "description":"Product not found"

Swagger API 具有查询字符串 的相关文章
