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        <h1>Safety Around Water</h1>
        <h2>For Youth Development</h2>
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        <div class="feature-p">
          <h4>The statistics are shocking:</h4>
            <li>- Children ages 1 to 4 have the highest drowning rates.</li>
            <li>- For kids under age 12, drowning is the second leading cause of accidental death.</li>
            <li>- Two children die every day because of drowning.</li>
        <p>Drowning can happen nearly anywhere with standing water. Every child deserves to know
        how to be safe around water. As America’s swim instructor, and one of the most accessible
        community resources to prevent drowning, YMCAs across the country have committed to
        helping children learn the invaluable skill of swimming and water safety through a variety of

        <p>Safety Around Water is a grant-funded program that helps children learn how to perform a
        sequenced set of skills over eight lessons of 40 minutes each. During that time the risk of
        drowning is reduced and children are given confidence in and around water.
        A typical session includes exercises to help kids adjust to being in water; instruction in
        “Jump, Push, Turn, Grab” and “Swim, Float, Swim,” two skill sets kids can use if they
        unexpectedly find themselves in the water; and specific safety topics, like what to do if you
        see someone in the water who needs help. Participants also have fun in the process!
        In 2017, 1,608 children were served through Safety Around Water at Jerry Long, William G.
        White, Jr., Kernersville, Davie, Stokes, and Statesville Family YMCAs. Additionally, Wilkes
        Family YMCA provides 400 pre-K students with swimming lessons through United Way
        <div class="img-box"></div>	
        <p>Through a longstanding partnership with Davie County Schools, every second grader visits
        the Davie Family YMCA for the Safety Around Water program. Ethan was one of those
        students who first learned to swim at the Y. He started off in the beginner class but was
        eager to swim and made it his goal to wear a green band and be able to swim anywhere in
        the pool by himself. A green band is the designation given to child who passed the YMCA
        Swimmer Classification Test. In four days, Ethan learned rhythmic breathing, front stroke,
        backstroke, and how to be safe around water. Ethan is now confident around water and
        increased his knowledge of boating safety. </p>

        <p>He left the Second-Grade Safety Around Water program with his green band and is now
        competing for the YMCA Tyde swim team. After learning all four competitive strokes
        (breaststroke, backstroke, freestyle, butterfly), Ethan is helping new swimmers who join
        Tyde. Ethan and his family come to the Davie Family YMCA to swim for fun and Ethan’s little
        brother is learning to swim. </p>

        <p>Swim lessons are the next step in helping children not only stay safe, but also develop a
        lifelong love of the water. Across the Association, 3,370 individuals were served through
        swim lessons in 2017.</p>						

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