

当您向我的代码提出问题时,它会告诉您您的问题,但我无法更改它,因此它有多种解决方案,它总是为所有不同的问题提供相同的解决方案?我要问的是如何为正确的问题提供正确的解决方案,而不是所有问题都只导致一个解决方案,其中显示 print('您问题的解决方案是......') 我想更改它,以便它为不同的问题提供不同的解决方案:) 提前谢谢你:))

 PROBLEMS = (('My phone does not turn on.',
             {'power', 'turn', 'on', 'off'}),
            ('My phone is freezing.',
             {'freeze', 'freezing'}),
            ('The screen is cracked.',
             {'cracked', 'crack', 'broke', 'broken', 'screen'}),
            ('I dropped my phone in water.',
             {'water', 'drop', 'dropped'}))

POSITIVE = tuple(map(str.casefold, ('yes', 'true','yeah', 'positive','thats right', 'yeah bro','yes', '1')))
NEGATIVE = tuple(map(str.casefold, ('no', 'false','na', 'not true','thats wrong', 'na bro','nope' '0')))

def main():
    """Find out what problem is being experienced and provide a solution."""
    description = input('Please describe the problem with your phone: ')
    words = {''.join(filter(str.isalpha, word))
             for word in description.lower().split()}
    for problem, keywords in PROBLEMS:
        if words & keywords:
            print('This may be what you are experiencing:')
            if get_response('Does this match your problem? '):
                print('The solution to your problem is ...')
        print('Sorry, but I cannot help you.')

def get_response(query):
    """Ask the user yes/no style questions and return the results."""
    while True:
        answer = input(query).casefold()
        if answer:
            if any(option.startswith(answer) for option in POSITIVE):
                return True
            if any(option.startswith(answer) for option in NEGATIVE):
                return False
        print('Please provide a positive or negative answer.')

if __name__ == '__main__':


#! /usr/bin/env python3

# The following is a database of problems, keywords, and solutions.
PROBLEMS = (('My phone does not turn on.',
             {'power', 'turn', 'on', 'off'},
             ('Smack it with a hammer.',
              'Wrap your phone in duck tape.',
              'Throw it into the ocean.')),
            ('My phone is freezing.',
             {'freeze', 'freezing'},
             ('Dowse it in a petroleum-based product.',
              'Light a match or find a suitable flame source.',
              'Barbecue your phone until it is well done.')),
            ('The screen is cracked.',
             {'cracked', 'crack', 'broke', 'broken', 'screen'},
             ('Find some super glue.',
              'Spread the super glue over the screen of the phone.',
              'Either sit on the phone or place a 100 pounds over it.')),
            ('I dropped my phone in water.',
             {'water', 'drop', 'dropped'},
             ('Blow dry your phone with air below zero degrees Celsius.',
              'Bake it in your oven at three hundred degrees Celsius.',
              'Leave your phone on your roof for one week.')))

# These are possible answers accepted for yes/no style questions.
POSITIVE = tuple(map(str.casefold, ('yes', 'true', '1')))
NEGATIVE = tuple(map(str.casefold, ('no', 'false', '0')))

def main():
    """Find out what problem is being experienced and provide a solution."""
    description = input('Please describe the problem with your phone: ')
    words = {''.join(filter(str.isalpha, word))
             for word in description.lower().split()}
    for problem, keywords, steps in PROBLEMS:
        if words & keywords:
            print('This may be what you are experiencing:')
            if get_response('Does this match your problem? '):
                print('Please follow these steps to fix your phone:')
                for number, step in enumerate(steps, 1):
                    print('{}. {}'.format(number, step))
                print('After this, your phone should work.')
                print('If it does not, please take it to a professional.')
        print('Sorry, but I cannot help you.')

def get_response(query):
    """Ask the user yes/no style questions and return the results."""
    while True:
        answer = input(query).casefold()
        if answer:
            if any(option.startswith(answer) for option in POSITIVE):
                return True
            if any(option.startswith(answer) for option in NEGATIVE):
                return False
        print('Please provide a positive or negative answer.')

if __name__ == '__main__':

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