Linux 内核 hlist 详解



和hlist相关的数据结构有两个:hlist_head 和 hlist_node

struct hlist_head {
	struct hlist_node *first;//指向每一个hash桶的第一个结点的指针
struct hlist_node {
	struct hlist_node *next;//指向下一个结点的指针
	struct hlist_node **pprev;//指向上一个结点的next指针的地址


hlist_head结构体只有一个域,即first。 first指针指向该hlist链表的第一个节点。
hlist_node结构体有两个域,next 和pprev。 next指针很容易理解,它指向下个hlist_node结点,倘若该节点是链表的最后一个节点,next指向NULL。
pprev是一个二级指针, 它指向前一个节点的next指针的地址


static inline void __hlist_del(struct hlist_node *n) 
 struct hlist_node *next = n->next;//获取指向第二个普通结点的指针 
 struct hlist_node **pprev = n->pprev;//保留待删除的第一个结点的pprev域(即头结点first域的地址),此时 pprev = &first 
 *pprev = next; 
 因为pprev = &first,所以*pprev = next,相当于 first = next
 if (next) //如果第二个结点不为空
  next->pprev = pprev;//将第二个结点的pprev域设置为头结点first域的地址,如上图中的黑线2 



static inline void __hlist_del(struct hlist_node *n) 
 struct hlist_node *next = n->next;//获取指向待删除结点的下一个普通结点的指针 
 struct hlist_node **pprev = n->pprev;//获取待删除结点的pprev域 
 *pprev = next; //修改待删除结点的pprev域,逻辑上使待删除结点的前驱结点指向待删除结点的后继结点,如上图中的黑线1

 if (next) //如果待删除结点的下一个普通结点不为空
      next->pprev = pprev;//设置下一个结点的pprev域,如上图中的黑线2,保持hlist的结构 



n->next->prev = n->prev;
n->prev->next = n->next;

此时 n->prev->next = n->next 就会出问题,因为hash桶的表头结点没有next域

在遍历上,如果使用hlist_hode, list_node指针进行遍历,两者过程大致相似。

#define list_for_each(pos, head) \
        for (pos = (head)->next; prefetch(pos->next), pos != (head); \
                pos = pos->next)
#define hlist_for_each(pos, head) \
        for (pos = (head)->first; pos && ({ prefetch(pos->next); 1; }); \
             pos = pos->next)

如果使用其寄生结构的指针进行遍历,则 hlist list 也略有不同, hlist 在遍历时需要一个指向 hlist_node 的临时指针,该指针的引入,一是为了遍历,而 list 的遍历在 list_entry 的参数中实现了,更主要的目的在于判断结束,因为 hlist 最后一个节点的 next NULL ,只有 hlist_node 指向 NULL 时才算结束,而这个 NULL 不包含在任何寄生结构内,不能通过 tpos->member 的方式访问到,故临时变量 pos 的引入时必须的。

#define list_for_each_entry(pos, head, member) \
        for (pos = list_entry((head)->next, typeof(*pos), member); \
             prefetch(pos->, &pos->member != (head); \
             pos = list_entry(pos->, typeof(*pos), member))
#define hlist_for_each_entry(tpos, pos, head, member) \
        for (pos = (head)->first; \
             pos && ({ prefetch(pos->next); 1;}) && \
                ({ tpos = hlist_entry(pos, typeof(*tpos), member); 1;}); \
             pos = pos->next)

另外, list hlist 的遍历都实现了 safe 版本,因在遍历时,没有任何特别的东西来阻止对链表执行删除操作(通常在使用链表时使用锁来保护并发访问)。安全版本的遍历函数使用临时存放的方法使得检索链表时能不被删除操作所影响。

#define list_for_each_safe(pos, n, head) \
        for (pos = (head)->next, n = pos->next; pos != (head); \
                pos = n, n = pos->next)
#define hlist_for_each_safe(pos, n, head) \
        for (pos = (head)->first; pos && ({ n = pos->next; 1; }); \
             pos = n)


struct hlist_head { 
     struct hlist_node *first;//指向每一个hash桶的第一个结点的指针 
struct hlist_node { 
 struct hlist_node *next;//指向下一个结点的指针 
 struct hlist_node **pprev;//指向上一个结点的next指针的地址 
#define HLIST_HEAD_INIT { .first = NULL } 
#define HLIST_HEAD(name) struct hlist_head name = { .first = NULL } 
#define INIT_HLIST_HEAD(ptr) ((ptr)->first = NULL) 

static inline void INIT_HLIST_NODE(struct hlist_node *h) 
 h->next = NULL; 
 h->pprev = NULL; 

static inline int hlist_unhashed(const struct hlist_node *h) 
     return !h->pprev; 

static inline int hlist_empty(const struct hlist_head *h) 
     return !h->first; 

static inline void __hlist_del(struct hlist_node *n) 
 struct hlist_node *next = n->next;//获取指向待删除结点的下一个结点的指针 
 struct hlist_node **pprev = n->pprev;//保留待删除结点的pprev域 
 *pprev = next;//修改待删除结点的pprev域,逻辑上使待删除结点的前驱结点指向待删除结点的后继结点 
 if (next) 
  next->pprev = pprev;//设置待删除结点的下一个结点的pprev域,保持hlist的结构 

static inline void hlist_del(struct hlist_node *n) 
 n->next = LIST_POISON1; 
 n->pprev = LIST_POISON2; 

static inline void hlist_del_init(struct hlist_node *n) 
 if (!hlist_unhashed(n)) 

static inline void hlist_add_head(struct hlist_node *n, struct hlist_head *h) 
 struct hlist_node *first = h->first; 
 n->next = first; 
 if (first) 
  first->pprev = &n->next; 
 h->first = n; 
 n->pprev = &h->first; 

/* next must be != NULL */ 
static inline void hlist_add_before(struct hlist_node *n, struct hlist_node *next) 
 n->pprev = next->pprev; 
 n->next = next; 
 next->pprev = &n->next; 
 *(n->pprev) = n; 

static inline void hlist_add_after(struct hlist_node *n, struct hlist_node *next) 
 next->next = n->next; 
 n->next = next; 
 next->pprev = &n->next; 

  next->next->pprev = &next->next; 

 * Move a list from one list head to another. Fixup the pprev 
 * reference of the first entry if it exists. 
static inline void hlist_move_list(struct hlist_head *old, struct hlist_head *new) 
 new->first = old->first; 
 if (new->first) 
  new->first->pprev = &new->first; 
 old->first = NULL; 

#define hlist_entry(ptr, type, member) container_of(ptr,type,member) 

#define hlist_for_each(pos, head) \ 
 for (pos = (head)->first; pos && ({ prefetch(pos->next); 1; }); \ 
      pos = pos->next) 

#define hlist_for_each_safe(pos, n, head) \ 
 for (pos = (head)->first; pos && ({ n = pos->next; 1; }); \ 
      pos = n) 

 * hlist_for_each_entry	- iterate over list of given type 
 * @tpos:	the type * to use as a loop cursor. 
 * @pos:	the &struct hlist_node to use as a loop cursor. 
 * @head:	the head for your list. 
 * @member:	the name of the hlist_node within the struct. 
#define hlist_for_each_entry(tpos, pos, head, member)	 \ 
 for (pos = (head)->first;	 \ 
      pos && ({ prefetch(pos->next); 1;}) &&	 \ 
  ({ tpos = hlist_entry(pos, typeof(*tpos), member); 1;}); \ 
      pos = pos->next) 

 * hlist_for_each_entry_continue - iterate over a hlist continuing after current point 
 * @tpos:	the type * to use as a loop cursor. 
 * @pos:	the &struct hlist_node to use as a loop cursor. 
 * @member:	the name of the hlist_node within the struct. 
#define hlist_for_each_entry_continue(tpos, pos, member)	 \ 
 for (pos = (pos)->next;	 \ 
      pos && ({ prefetch(pos->next); 1;}) &&	 \ 
  ({ tpos = hlist_entry(pos, typeof(*tpos), member); 1;}); \ 
      pos = pos->next) 

 * hlist_for_each_entry_from - iterate over a hlist continuing from current point 
 * @tpos:	the type * to use as a loop cursor. 
 * @pos:	the &struct hlist_node to use as a loop cursor. 
 * @member:	the name of the hlist_node within the struct. 
#define hlist_for_each_entry_from(tpos, pos, member)	 \ 
 for (; pos && ({ prefetch(pos->next); 1;}) &&	 \ 
  ({ tpos = hlist_entry(pos, typeof(*tpos), member); 1;}); \ 
      pos = pos->next) 

 * hlist_for_each_entry_safe - iterate over list of given type safe against removal of list entry 
 * @tpos:	the type * to use as a loop cursor. 
 * @pos:	the &struct hlist_node to use as a loop cursor. 
 * @n:	 another &struct hlist_node to use as temporary storage 
 * @head:	the head for your list. 
 * @member:	the name of the hlist_node within the struct. 
#define hlist_for_each_entry_safe(tpos, pos, n, head, member) \ 
 for (pos = (head)->first;	 \ 
      pos && ({ n = pos->next; 1; }) && \ 
  ({ tpos = hlist_entry(pos, typeof(*tpos), member); 1;}); \ 
      pos = n)


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