C++ 错误:'input >> Group1->Entrepreneur::Item'| 中的 'operator>>' 不匹配


我收到此错误,并搜索了 4-6 个小时来尝试找到解决方案,但在我的特定情况下,我的搜索都没有产生任何结果,所以这里是我的 main.cpp。

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "Entrepreneur.h"
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

bool operator >(const Entrepreneur & Group1,const Entrepreneur & Group2)
    if((Group1.Points > Group2.Points || Group1.Points == Group2.Points) && Group1.Profit > Group2.Profit )
        return true;
        return false;

ostream &operator<<( ostream &output,const Entrepreneur &Group1)
 output <<"\nItem : " << Group1.Item << "\nNr : " << Group1.Nr << "\nDonation : R" << Group1.Donation << "\nStart up amount : R" << Group1.StartUpAmt << "\nExpenses : R" << Group1.Expenses <<"\nPoints : " << Group1.Points << "\nSold : " << Group1.Sold << endl;;
 return output;

    istream &operator>>( istream  &input,const Entrepreneur & Group1)
    cout << "Enter Items to be sold,Donation amount,number of members & startup amount. Seperated by a space." << endl;

    input >> Group1.Item >> Group1.Donation >> Group1.Nr >> Group1.StartUpAmt;
    return input;

int main()

    return 0;


#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

class Entrepreneur{
        string Item;
        int Nr;
        double Donation;
        double StartUpAmt;
        double Expenses;
        double Income;
        double Profit;
        int Points;
        bool Sold;
            Item = "Not Decided";
            Nr = 1;
            Donation = 0;
            StartUpAmt = 0;
            Expenses = 0;
            Income = 0;
            Profit = 0;
            Points = 0;
            Sold = 0;
        void CreatGroup(string iItem,int iNr,double iDonation,double iStartUpAmt){
            Item = iItem;
            Nr = iNr;
            Donation = iDonation;
            StartUpAmt = iStartUpAmt;
        void DisplayGroup(){
            cout << "\nItem : " << Item << "\nNr : " << Nr << "\nDonation : R" << Donation << "\nStart up amount : R" << StartUpAmt << "\nExpenses : R" << Expenses << "\nIncome : R" << Income << "\nProfit : R" << Profit << "\nPoints : " << Points << "\nSold : " << Sold << endl;
        void set_info(double iExpenses,double iIncome,bool iSold){
            Expenses = iExpenses;
            Income = iIncome;
            Sold = iSold;
        void calc_profit(double iDonation,double iStartUpAmt,double iExpenses,double iIncome){
            Donation = iDonation;
            StartUpAmt = iStartUpAmt;
            Expenses = iExpenses;
            Income = iIncome;

            Profit = Income + (StartUpAmt + Donation) - Expenses;
        void update_points(){
            Points = 0;

            if(Nr < 3)
                Points ++;
                Points + 2;
            if(Donation == 0)
                Points ++;
            if(Sold == 1)
                Points ++;
        void Display(){
            cout << "Congratulations to all groups that partook in the challenge !" << endl;

        friend bool operator >(const Entrepreneur & Group1,const Entrepreneur & Group2);
        friend ostream &operator<<( ostream &output,const Entrepreneur & Group1);
        friend istream &operator>>( istream  &input,const Entrepreneur & Group1);



所以错误来自于重载运算符>>的友元成员 在 Entrepreneur.h 的企业家课程中

friend istream &operator>>( istream  &input,const Entrepreneur & Group1);


istream &operator>>( istream  &input,const Entrepreneur & Group1)
    cout << "Enter Items to be sold,Donation amount,number of members & startup amount. Seperated by a space." << endl;

    input >> Group1.Item >> Group1.Donation >> Group1.Nr >> Group1.StartUpAmt;
    return input;

我通常在谷歌上碰壁10分钟,我本可以修复它,但这个已经打败了我。 PS,程序尚未完成,当我开始测试时发现了这一点。 提前致谢。

你正试图读入一个const object

istream &operator>>(istream  &input, const Entrepreneur & Group1)


input >> Group1.Item >> Group1.Donation >> Group1.Nr >> Group1.StartUpAmt;



Points + 2;



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