


Warning 5   The type library importer could not convert the signature for the member 'ADS_OCTET_STRING.lpValue'.    
Warning 6   The type library importer could not convert the signature for the member '__MIDL___MIDL_itf_ads_0000_0002.lpValue'. 
Warning 7   The type library importer could not convert the signature for the member 'ADS_NT_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR.lpValue'.  
Warning 8   The type library importer could not convert the signature for the member '__MIDL___MIDL_itf_ads_0000_0003.lpValue'. 
---- snip ----
Warning 33  The type library importer could not convert the signature for the member 'tagARRAYDESC.rgbounds'.   
Warning 34  At least one of the arguments for 'ITypeComp.RemoteBind' cannot be marshaled by the runtime marshaler.  Such arguments will therefore be passed as a pointer and may require unsafe code to manipulate.

似乎没有任何实际错误,并且重新启动 Visual Studio 似乎可以让它们消失。是什么原因造成的,除了重新启动之外有什么办法可以解决它吗?

像这样创建您自己的互操作程序集(例如 ActiveD):

tlbimp activeds.tlb /out:c:\temp\Interop.ActiveDs.dll /silent

引用它而不是 ActiveD,错误就会消失。


是什么原因导致“类型库导入程序无法转换成员的签名”警告? 的相关文章
