使用“WlanScan”刷新 WiFi 网络列表(将 api 语法从 c# 转换为 vba...或解决方法?)


我需要刷新 Windows 的无线网络列表。

我很乐意接受任何可以直接自动化的解决方法(cmdline、wmi 等)或间接来自VBA。 (我使用的是 Windows 7 Home 64 位和 Office 365 Pro 64 位。)

I can list the networks programmatically a couple ways including netsh, or the code below, but the list does not refresh unless I physically click the net Network Connection icon on the taskbar's Notification area.

  • 该列表确实not正如一些文档所述,每 60 秒自动更新一次。
  • 断开+重新连接网卡是not一个可行/可持续的选择。

我想我是没有得到句柄 from WLAN开放句柄 https://msdn.microsoft.com/27bfa0c1-4443-47a4-a374-326f553fa3bb根据需要,我不擅长将 C 转换为 VBA。

没有错误,但 WlanScan 返回未知代码1168.

  • 我这里改编自VB版本:无线扫描(wlanapi) https://www.pinvoke.net/default.aspx/wlanapi.wlanscan#
  • MSDN 文档:无线扫描功能 https://learn.microsoft.com/windows/desktop/api/wlanapi/nf-wlanapi-wlanscan



Public Shared Function WlanScan(ByVal hClientHandle As IntPtr, _
   ByRef pInterfaceGuid As Guid, ByVal pDot11Ssid As IntPtr, _
   ByVal pIeData As IntPtr, ByVal pReserved As IntPtr) As UInteger
End Function


Guid g;
//wlanHndl is the handle returned previously by calling [WlanOpenHandle]
for (int i = 0; i < infoList.dwNumberOfItems; i++)
g = infoList.InterfaceInfo[i].InterfaceGuid;
uint resultCode=WlanScan(wlanHndl, ref g, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
if (resultCode != 0)

...and 如何打开手柄,在C++ (from here https://stackoverflow.com/a/3193613/8112776):

dwResult = WlanOpenHandle(dwMaxClient, NULL, &dwCurVersion, &hClient);
if (dwResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
    wprintf(L"WlanOpenHandle failed with error: %u\n", dwResult);
    return 1;
    // You can use FormatMessage here to find out why the function failed



列出网络的代码效果很好- 除了不自行刷新之外。 (之前我正在解析文本输出netsh wlan show networks mode=bssid,也有同样的问题。)

我之前删除了这一部分,因为它很长,而且除了刷新之外似乎工作正常。 -)

Option Explicit  'section's source: vbforums.com/showthread.php?632731
Private Const DOT11_SSID_MAX_LENGTH As Long = 32
Private Const WLAN_MAX_PHY_TYPE_NUMBER As Long = 8

Private Type GUID  'from cpearson.com
    Data1 As Long: Data2 As Integer:  Data3 As Integer:  Data4(7) As Byte
End Type

    ifGuid As GUID: InterfaceDescription(255) As Byte: IsState As Long
End Type

Private Type DOT11_SSID
    uSSIDLength As Long:            ucSSID(DOT11_SSID_MAX_LENGTH - 1) As Byte
End Type

    strProfileName(511) As Byte:    dot11Ssid As DOT11_SSID
    dot11BssType As Long:           uNumberOfBssids As Long
    bNetworkConnectable As Long:    wlanNotConnectableReason As Long
    uNumberOfPhyTypes As Long:      dot11PhyTypes(WLAN_MAX_PHY_TYPE_NUMBER - 1) As Long
    bMorePhyTypes As Long:          wlanSignalQuality As Long
    bSEcurityEnabled As Long:       dot11DefaultAuthAlgorithm As Long
    dot11DefaultCipherAlgorithm As Long: dwflags As Long: dwReserved As Long
End Type

    dwNumberOfItems As Long: dwIndex As Long: InterfaceInfo As WLAN_INTERFACE_INFO
End Type

    dwNumberOfItems As Long:  dwIndex As Long: Network As WLAN_AVAILABLE_NETWORK
End Type

Declare PtrSafe Function WlanOpenHandle Lib "Wlanapi.dll" (ByVal dwClientVersion As Long, _
                ByVal pdwReserved As Long, ByRef pdwNegotiaitedVersion As Long, _
                ByRef phClientHandle As Long) As Long

Declare PtrSafe Function WlanEnumInterfaces Lib "Wlanapi.dll" (ByVal hClientHandle As Long, _
                ByVal pReserved As Long, ppInterfaceList As Long) As Long

Declare PtrSafe Function WlanGetAvailableNetworkList Lib "Wlanapi.dll" ( _
                ByVal hClientHandle As Long, pInterfaceGuid As GUID, ByVal dwflags As Long, _
                ByVal pReserved As Long, ppAvailableNetworkList As Long) As Long

Declare PtrSafe Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Destination As Any, _
                Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)

Declare PtrSafe Sub WlanFreeMemory Lib "Wlanapi.dll" (ByVal pMemory As Long)

Type WiFis
  ssid As String: signal As Single
End Type

Public Function GetWiFi() As WiFis()
'returns an array of custom type WiFis (1st interface only)

    Dim lngReturn As Long, lngHandle As Long, lngVersion As Long, lngList As Long, lngAvailable As Long
    Dim lngStart As Long, intCount As Integer, ssid As String, signal As Single, wifiOut() As WiFis
    n = 0

    lngReturn = WlanOpenHandle(2&, 0&, lngVersion, lngHandle) 'get handle
    If lngReturn <> 0 Then
        Debug.Print "Couldn't get wlan handle (Code " & lngReturn & ")"
        Exit Function
    End If

    lngReturn = WlanEnumInterfaces(ByVal lngHandle, 0&, lngList) 'enumerate <*first interface only*>
    CopyMemory udtList, ByVal lngList, Len(udtList)
    lngReturn = WlanGetAvailableNetworkList(lngHandle, udtList.InterfaceInfo.ifGuid, 2&, 0&, lngAvailable) 'get network list
    CopyMemory udtAvailList, ByVal lngAvailable, LenB(udtAvailList)
    intCount = 0
    lngStart = lngAvailable + 8

        CopyMemory udtNetwork, ByVal lngStart, Len(udtNetwork) ' Populate avail. network structure
        ssid = Replace(StrConv(udtNetwork.dot11Ssid.ucSSID, vbUnicode), Chr(0), "")
        If Len(ssid) < 4 Then ssid = "(Unnamed)"
        signal = CSng(udtNetwork.wlanSignalQuality) / 100
        '[Signal] = 0 to 100 which represents the signal strength (100 Signal)=(-100dBm RSSI), (100 Signal)=(-50dBm RSSI)

        If udtNetwork.dwflags = 0 Then
            n = n + 1
            ReDim Preserve wifiOut(n)
            wifiOut(n).ssid = ssid
            wifiOut(n).signal = signal
            'skipping networks with [dwflags] > 0
            'I *think* that's what I'm supposed to do
            'Returns 3 for currently connected network, 2 for networks that have profiles
        End If

        intCount = intCount + 1
        lngStart = lngStart + Len(udtNetwork)
    Loop Until intCount = udtAvailList.dwNumberOfItems
    WlanFreeMemory lngAvailable     'clean up memory
    WlanFreeMemory lngList

    GetWiFi = wifiOut   'Success! (function is populated with cached network list)

End Function

...and the problem:


这确实not生成 VBA 错误,但是does返回码1168(我无法识别)/(Source http://pinvoke.net/default.aspx/wlanapi.wlanscan)

'Added blindly:'wlanui type library (wlanui.dll) and "wlan pref iua" (wlanconn.dll)

Public Type DOT11_SSID 
   uSSIDLength As LongPtr: ucSSID As String
End Type

Private Type GUID 'from cpearson.com/excel/CreateGUID.aspx
    Data1 As LongPtr: Data2 As Integer
    Data3 As Integer: Data4(0 To 7) As Byte
End Type

#If Win64 Then 'also new to Office-64bit, but seems okay
    Declare PtrSafe Function WlanScan Lib "Wlanapi.dll" _
        (ByVal hClientHandle As LongPtr, ByRef pInterfaceGuid As GUID, _
        ByVal pDot11Ssid As LongPtr, ByVal pIeData As LongPtr, _
        ByVal pReserved As LongPtr) As LongPtr
    Private Declare WlanScan Lib "Wlanapi.dll" _
        (ByVal hClientHandle As LongPtr, ByRef pInterfaceGuid As GUID, _
        ByVal pDot11Ssid As LongPtr, ByVal pIeData As LongPtr, _
        ByVal pReserved As LongPtr) As LongPtr
#End If

Sub test_RefreshNetworkList()
    Dim hresult As LongPtr, phClientHandle As Long, pdwNegotiatedVersion As Long
    Dim retVal As Longptr, g As GUID
    hresult = WlanOpenHandle(2&, 0&, pdwNegotiatedVersion, phClientHandle)
    retVal = WlanScan(phClientHandle, g, 0, 0, 0)
    Select Case retVal
        Case 87: Debug.Print "ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER"
        Case 6: Debug.Print "ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE"
        Case 8: Debug.Print "ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY"
        Case Else: Debug.Print "RPC_STATUS : " & retVal  ' "misc errors"
    End Select
End Sub

当然有一种迂回的方法可以从 VBA 刷新网络列表吗?我对可以自动化的解决方法很满意......任何事情?!

paw Thanks!


我变了Long to LongPtr在适用的(我认为)地点。同样的错误。

这是WlanOpenHandle and WlanScan定义。

Declare PtrSafe Function WlanOpenHandle Lib "Wlanapi.dll" 
    (ByVal dwClientVersion As LongPtr, _
     ByVal pdwReserved As LongPtr, 
     ByRef pdwNegotiaitedVersion As LongPtr, _
     ByRef phClientHandle As LongPtr           ) As LongPtr


#If Win64 Then
    Declare PtrSafe Function WlanScan Lib "Wlanapi.dll" _
        (ByVal hClientHandle As LongPtr,
         ByRef pInterfaceGuid As GUID, _
         ByVal pDot11Ssid As LongPtr, 
         ByVal pIeData As LongPtr, _
         ByVal pReserved As LongPtr) As LongPtr
    Private Declare WlanScan Lib "Wlanapi.dll" _
        (ByVal hClientHandle As LongPtr, 
         ByRef pInterfaceGuid As GUID, _
         ByVal pDot11Ssid As LongPtr, 
         ByVal pIeData As LongPtr, _
         ByVal pReserved As LongPtr     ) As LongPtr
#End If


You use WlanOpenHandle获得接口的句柄,但是在完成它并获得所需的信息后,您应该调用WlanCloseHandle关闭该句柄和关联的连接。

Declare PtrSafe Function WlanCloseHandle Lib "Wlanapi.dll" ( _
  ByVal hClientHandle As LongPtr, _
  Optional ByVal pReserved As LongPtr) As Long


    WlanCloseHandle lngHandle 'Close handle
    GetWiFi = wifiOut   'Success! (function is populated with cached network list)
End Function

任何错误处理程序(如果要添加一个)都应该测试句柄是否不为 0,如果不是,则将其关闭。

我还改变了各种小事情,例如使用LongPtr使您的代码兼容 64 位的指针(注意:它是notVBA6 兼容,需要大量条件编译),重新设计声明以不使用可选参数,以及其他一些小事情。

我在设备上对以下代码进行了 10 次迭代测试,得到了 10 个不同的结果:


Public Function GetWiFi() As wifis()
'returns an array of custom type WiFis (1st interface only)

    Dim lngReturn As Long, pHandle As LongPtr, lngVersion As Long, pList As LongPtr, pAvailable As LongPtr
    Dim pStart As LongPtr, intCount As Integer, ssid As String, signal As Single, wifiOut() As wifis
    Dim n As Long
    n = 0

    lngReturn = WlanOpenHandle(2&, 0&, lngVersion, pHandle) 'get handle
    If lngReturn <> 0 Then
        Debug.Print "Couldn't get wlan handle (Code " & lngReturn & ")"
        Exit Function
    End If

    lngReturn = WlanEnumInterfaces(ByVal pHandle, 0&, pList) 'enumerate <*first interface only*>
    CopyMemory udtList, ByVal pList, Len(udtList)
    lngReturn = WlanScan(pHandle, udtList.InterfaceInfo.ifGuid)
    lngReturn = WlanGetAvailableNetworkList(pHandle, udtList.InterfaceInfo.ifGuid, 2&, 0&, pAvailable) 'get network list
    CopyMemory udtAvailList, ByVal pAvailable, LenB(udtAvailList)
    intCount = 0
    pStart = pAvailable + 8

        CopyMemory udtNetwork, ByVal pStart, Len(udtNetwork) ' Populate avail. network structure
        ssid = Replace(StrConv(udtNetwork.dot11Ssid.ucSSID, vbUnicode), Chr(0), "")
        If Len(ssid) < 4 Then ssid = "(Unnamed)"
        signal = CSng(udtNetwork.wlanSignalQuality) / 100
        '[Signal] = 0 to 100 which represents the signal strength (100 Signal)=(-100dBm RSSI), (100 Signal)=(-50dBm RSSI)

        If udtNetwork.dwflags = 0 Then
            n = n + 1
            ReDim Preserve wifiOut(n)
            wifiOut(n).ssid = ssid
            wifiOut(n).signal = signal
            'skipping networks with [dwflags] > 0
            'I *think* that's what I'm supposed to do
            'Returns 3 for currently connected network, 2 for networks that have profiles
        End If

        intCount = intCount + 1
        pStart = pStart + Len(udtNetwork)
    Loop Until intCount = udtAvailList.dwNumberOfItems
    WlanFreeMemory pAvailable     'clean up memory
    WlanFreeMemory pList
    WlanCloseHandle pHandle 'Close handle
    GetWiFi = wifiOut   'Success! (function is populated with cached network list)
End Function


Private Const DOT11_SSID_MAX_LENGTH As Long = 32
Private Const WLAN_MAX_PHY_TYPE_NUMBER As Long = 8

Public Type GUID
    Data(15) As Byte
End Type

    ifGuid As GUID: InterfaceDescription(255) As Byte: IsState As Long
End Type

Private Type DOT11_SSID
    uSSIDLength As Long:            ucSSID(DOT11_SSID_MAX_LENGTH - 1) As Byte
End Type

    strProfileName(511) As Byte:    dot11Ssid As DOT11_SSID
    dot11BssType As Long:           uNumberOfBssids As Long
    bNetworkConnectable As Long:    wlanNotConnectableReason As Long
    uNumberOfPhyTypes As Long:      dot11PhyTypes(WLAN_MAX_PHY_TYPE_NUMBER - 1) As Long
    bMorePhyTypes As Long:          wlanSignalQuality As Long
    bSEcurityEnabled As Long:       dot11DefaultAuthAlgorithm As Long
    dot11DefaultCipherAlgorithm As Long: dwflags As Long: dwReserved As Long
End Type

    dwNumberOfItems As Long: dwIndex As Long: InterfaceInfo As WLAN_INTERFACE_INFO
End Type

    dwNumberOfItems As Long:  dwIndex As Long: Network As WLAN_AVAILABLE_NETWORK
End Type

Public Type WiFis
  ssid As String: signal As Single
End Type


Declare PtrSafe Function WlanOpenHandle Lib "Wlanapi.dll" (ByVal dwClientVersion As Long, _
                ByVal pdwReserved As LongPtr, ByRef pdwNegotiaitedVersion As Long, _
                ByRef phClientHandle As LongPtr) As Long

Declare PtrSafe Function WlanEnumInterfaces Lib "Wlanapi.dll" (ByVal hClientHandle As LongPtr, _
                ByVal pReserved As LongPtr, ByRef ppInterfaceList As LongPtr) As Long

Declare PtrSafe Function WlanGetAvailableNetworkList Lib "Wlanapi.dll" ( _
                ByVal hClientHandle As LongPtr, ByRef pInterfaceGuid As GUID, ByVal dwflags As Long, _
                ByVal pReserved As LongPtr, ByRef ppAvailableNetworkList As LongPtr) As Long

Declare PtrSafe Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Destination As Any, _
                Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)

Declare PtrSafe Function WlanScan Lib "Wlanapi.dll" _
        (ByVal hClientHandle As LongPtr, ByRef pInterfaceGuid As GUID, _
        Optional ByVal pDot11Ssid As LongPtr, Optional ByVal pIeData As LongPtr, _
        Optional ByVal pReserved As LongPtr) As Long

Declare PtrSafe Function WlanCloseHandle Lib "Wlanapi.dll" ( _
  ByVal hClientHandle As LongPtr, _
  Optional ByVal pReserved As LongPtr) As Long

Declare PtrSafe Sub WlanFreeMemory Lib "Wlanapi.dll" (ByVal pMemory As LongPtr)


Public Sub PrintWifis()
    Dim aWifis() As wifis
    aWifis = GetWiFi
    Dim l As Long
    For l = LBound(aWifis) To UBound(aWifis)
        Debug.Print aWifis(l).ssid; aWifis(l).signal
End Sub

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