

我要“编写一个 python 程序,提示用户输入一个正整数 n。然后该程序打印一个包含 n 行和 2*n 列的空心矩形。例如,输入 3 将输出:”

*    *


n=int(input('Please enter a positive integer between 1 and 15: '))
for col in range(n):
    for row in range(n):
        print('*' if col in(0,(2*n)+1) or row in(0,n+1) else ' ', end=' ')



>n=int(input('Please enter a positive integer between 1 and 15: '))
>for row in range(n):
>    for col in range(2*n):
>        print('*' if row in(0,n-1) or col in(0,(2*n)-1) else ' ', end=' ')
>    print()



# Response to StackOverflow post:
# Making a hollow box in Python

# The multiplication operator (*) is the same as repeated
# concatenation when applied to strings in Python.

# I solved the problem by creating an array with N elements
# and gluing them together (str.join(array)) with newline
# characters.

# I trust you're already familiar with string formatting and
# concatenation, but in case you're not, please feel free to
# ask for clarification.

def main():
    n = int (input("Enter an integer between 1 and 15"))
    box = "\n".join(["*"*(2*n)] + ["*%s*" % (" "*(2*n-2))]*(n-2) + ["*"*(int(n>1)*2*n)])
    print (box)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    input() # Prevents the console from closing immediately

至于你的解决方案。在我看来,循环条件被搞乱了;列循环和行循环的顺序相反,列循环中 range() 的参数应该是 2*n (因为这是与每行相交的列数)。您还应该再次查看第一个打印语句中的条件。


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