Facebook JSON 字符串的反序列化?


我无法从运行 fql 查询后生成的 JSON 字符串中提取 facebook 用户的 work_history、从属关系和 current_loc


public class Data
    public CurrentLocation current_location { get; set; }
    public WorkHistory[] work_history { get; set; }
    public EducationHistory[] education_history { get; set; }

public class EducationHistory
    public string name { get; set; }
    public int? year { get; set; }
    public string school_type { get; set; }

public class WorkHistory
    public string company_name { get; set; }
    public Location location { get; set; }

public class CurrentLocation
    public string city { get; set; }
    public string state { get; set; }
    public string country { get; set; }

public class Location
    public string city { get; set; }
    public string state { get; set; }

我的 JSON 字符串的格式是:

   {"current_location":{"city":"Delhi","state":"Delhi","country":"India","zip":"","id":102161913158207,"name":"Delhi, India"}

,"education_history":[{"name":"I E T , Alwar (Raj.)","year":2007,"concentrations":[],"school_type":"College"},{"name":"Institute of Engineering and Technology, Alwar","concentrations":[],"school_type":"College"}],

"work_history": [{"location":{"city":"","state":""},"company_name":"Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO)","description":"","start_date":"0000-00","end_date":"0000-00"}]}


Data soap = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Data>(ser);


Edit 2:如果我只有一个用户,那么提供的解决方案将会起作用,但是我有几个用户拥有这些详细信息,我如何获取这些数据?下面针对不同的用户给出了几个类似的值

    "data": [
            "uid": 54456565,
            "name": "dgfg Barma",
            "pic_square": "https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-ash2/275277_513046358_147089990_q.jpg",
            "affiliations": [
                    "nid": 33605704,
                    "name": "Our Lady Queen of the Missions School",
                    "type": "high school"
            "birthday_date": null,
            "sex": "female",
            "relationship_status": null,
            "current_location": {
                "city": "Delhi",
                "state": "Delhi",
                "country": "India",
                "zip": "",
                "id": 102161913158207,
                "name": "Delhi, India"
            "education_history": [
                    "name": "Amity University",
                    "concentrations": [],
                    "school_type": "College"
                    "name": "Amity School of Engineering & Technology",
                    "concentrations": [],
                    "school_type": "College"
            "work_history": []
            "uid": 520310824,
            "name": "Mamta Meena",
            "pic_square": "https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-snc4/370835_520310824_553662476_q.jpg",
            "affiliations": [],
            "birthday_date": "12/03/1986",
            "sex": "female",
            "relationship_status": "Married",
            "current_location": {
                "city": "Delhi",
                "state": "Delhi",
                "country": "India",
                "zip": "",
                "id": 102161913158207,
                "name": "Delhi, India"
            "education_history": [
                    "name": "I E T , Alwar (Raj.)",
                    "year": 2007,
                    "concentrations": [],
                    "school_type": "College"
                    "name": "Institute of Engineering and Technology, Alwar",
                    "concentrations": [],
                    "school_type": "College"
            "work_history": [
                    "location": {
                        "city": "",
                        "state": ""
                    "company_name": "Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO)",
                    "description": "",
                    "start_date": "0000-00",
                    "end_date": "0000-00"
            "uid": 6565767,
            "name": "gfgfg Agarwal",
            "pic_square": "https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-ash2/372433_529863326_1656605196_q.jpg",
            "affiliations": [
                    "nid": 16827518,
                    "name": "Amity University",
                    "type": "college"
            "birthday_date": "07/18",
            "sex": "female",
            "relationship_status": null,
            "current_location": {
                "city": "Delhi",
                "state": "Delhi",
                "country": "India",
                "zip": "",
                "id": 102161913158207,
                "name": "Delhi, India"
            "education_history": [
                    "name": "Amity University, Noida",
                    "year": 2012,
                    "concentrations": [],
                    "school_type": "College"
                    "name": "Amity University",
                    "concentrations": [],
                    "school_type": "Grad School"
            "work_history": []
            "uid": 542580357,
            "name": "bnnm Gupta",
            "pic_square": "https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-snc4/372576_542580357_1330958366_q.jpg",
            "affiliations": [],
            "birthday_date": "04/30",
            "sex": "female",
            "relationship_status": "Single",
            "current_location": {
                "city": "New Delhi",
                "state": "Delhi",
                "country": "India",
                "zip": "",
                "id": 106517799384578,
                "name": "New Delhi, India"
            "education_history": [
                    "name": "Amity University",
                    "concentrations": [],
                    "school_type": "College"
                    "name": "Amity University, Noida",
                    "concentrations": [],
                    "school_type": "College"
            "work_history": [
                    "location": {
                        "city": "",
                        "state": ""
                    "company_name": "Oracle India Pvt Ltd",
                    "position": "Intern",
                    "description": "",
                    "start_date": "2011-05"
            "uid": 544204117,
            "name": "pos Gupta",
            "pic_square": "https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-snc4/275346_544204117_594313449_q.jpg",
            "affiliations": [
                    "nid": 16827518,
                    "name": "Amity University",
                    "type": "college"
            "birthday_date": "05/17/1990",
            "sex": "female",
            "relationship_status": "Single",
            "current_location": {
                "city": "Noida",
                "state": "Uttar Pradesh",
                "country": "India",
                "zip": "",
                "id": 130646063637019,
                "name": "Noida, India"
            "education_history": [
                    "name": "Amity University, Noida",
                    "year": 2012,
                    "concentrations": [],
                    "school_type": "College"
                    "name": "Amity University",
                    "concentrations": [],
                    "school_type": "Grad School"
            "work_history": []
            "uid": 4567786,
            "name": "orr Makhijani",
            "pic_square": "https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-snc4/372443_555253796_244086438_q.jpg",
            "affiliations": [
                    "nid": 16827518,
                    "name": "Amity University",
                    "type": "college"
            "birthday_date": null,
            "sex": "female",
            "relationship_status": null,
            "current_location": null,
            "education_history": [
                    "name": "Amity University",
                    "concentrations": [],
                    "school_type": "College"
            "work_history": []
            "uid": 556773604,
            "name": "Nazima Khalid",
            "pic_square": "https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-ash2/372542_556773604_1472126324_q.jpg",
            "affiliations": [],
            "birthday_date": "03/22",
            "sex": "female",
            "relationship_status": "Married",
            "current_location": {
                "city": "Toronto",
                "state": "Ontario",
                "country": "Canada",
                "zip": "",
                "id": 110941395597405,
                "name": "Toronto, Ontario"
            "education_history": [
                    "name": "AMU",
                    "concentrations": [],
                    "school_type": "College"
            "work_history": [
                    "location": {
                        "city": "Oakville",
                        "state": "Ontario"
                    "company_name": "SNC-Lavalin Inc.",
                    "position": "Contracts",
                    "description": "",
                    "start_date": "0000-00"


我不会声明很多小类,而是会去dynamic方式。这是代码动态 json 对象 http://pastebin.com/6b2fLChA。用法是这样的:

dynamic obj = JsonUtils.JsonObject.GetDynamicJsonObject(jsonString);

Console.WriteLine("{0} , {1}", obj.current_location.city, obj.current_location.state);

foreach (var eduHist in obj.education_history)
    Console.WriteLine("{0} , {1}", eduHist.name, eduHist.year);

foreach (var workHist in obj.work_history)
    Console.WriteLine("{0}  {1}-{2}", workHist.company_name, workHist.start_date, workHist.end_date);

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