

我有一个脚本,它使用 LeanTween 将对象(预制)放入预制路径上,效果很好。

其工作原理是,您可以将一个对象分配给附加有 Moveable 脚本的“路径添加器”(MoveController)。

但是,我需要能够将运行时创建的新预制件添加到 MoveController,以便它们遵循路径。

那么我将如何在运行时使实例化对象附加到 MoveController。



public class Moveable : MonoBehaviour
    [SerializeField] private float _speedMetersPerSecond = 25f;

    private Vector3? _destination;
    private Vector3 _startPosition;
    private float _totalLerpDuration;
    private float _elapsedLerpDuration;
    private Action _onCompleteCallback;
    public GameObject Electron;

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
        var NextOnPath = Instantiate(Electron, transform.position, Quaternion.identity);

        if (_destination.HasValue == false)

        if (_elapsedLerpDuration >= _totalLerpDuration && _totalLerpDuration > 0)

        _elapsedLerpDuration += Time.deltaTime;
        float percent = (_elapsedLerpDuration / _totalLerpDuration);
        Debug.Log($"{percent} = {_elapsedLerpDuration} / {_totalLerpDuration}");

        transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(_startPosition, _destination.Value, percent);

    public void MoveTo(Vector3 destination, Action onComplete = null)
        var distanceToNextWaypoint = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, destination);
        _totalLerpDuration = distanceToNextWaypoint / _speedMetersPerSecond;

        _startPosition = transform.position;
        _destination = destination;
        _elapsedLerpDuration = 0f;
        _onCompleteCallback = onComplete;


using System.Linq;

public class MoverController : MonoBehaviour
    [SerializeField] private Moveable target;
    private List<Transform> _waypoints;
    private int _nextWaypointIndex;

    private void OnEnable()
        _waypoints = GetComponentsInChildren<Transform>().ToList();

  private void MoveToNextWaypoint()
        var targetWaypointTransform = _waypoints[_nextWaypointIndex];
        target.MoveTo(targetWaypointTransform.position, MoveToNextWaypoint);

if (_nextWaypointIndex >= _waypoints.Count)
            _nextWaypointIndex = 0;




public class Moveable : MonoBehaviour
    [SerializeField] private float _speedMetersPerSecond = 25f;
    public List<Moveable> moveables = new List<Moveable>();
    private Vector3? _destination;
    private Vector3 _startPosition;
    private float _totalLerpDuration;
    private float _elapsedLerpDuration;
    private Action _onCompleteCallback;
    public GameObject Electron;

   // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
            Moveable NextOnPath = Instantiate(Electron, transform.position, Quaternion.identity).GetComponent<Moveable>();


public List<Moveable> targets;
    [SerializeField] private Moveable target;
    private List<Transform> _waypoints;
    private int _nextWaypointIndex;
    public static MoverController instance;
private void MoveToNextWaypoint()
        for (int i = 0; i < targets.Count; i++)
            var targetWaypointTransform = _waypoints[_nextWaypointIndex];
            targets[i].MoveTo(targetWaypointTransform.position, MoveToNextWaypoint);

            if (_nextWaypointIndex >= _waypoints.Count)
                _nextWaypointIndex = 0;


是的,如果您使用Array https://learn.microsoft.com/vi-vn/dotnet/csharp/programming-guide/arrays/然后您可以添加任意数量的预制件。您仍然需要在脚本中设置代码来处理多个预制件。

不过,听起来您可能不了解 C# 和 Unity 的基础知识,您可能想参加课程、阅读教程或观看 Youtube 视频。


Because your question is so broad, I cannot just give you the code. That's something you should pay a coder for. But I will tell you the general ideas of what will need to be done.
  1. 在 Moveable 类中,您需要实例化后跟踪您的 var NextOnPath https://forum.unity.com/threads/save-instantiated-objects.709040/他们。执行此操作的一个好方法(只要您不打算将任何内容转换为 JSON)就是使用 List。 例如:

    List<Moveable> moveables = new List<Moveable>();
    void Update()
        //Some code before - with instantiation
        //It is best to track items by the script that you will use since you can just use moveables[i].gameObject to access the gameObject and moveables[i].transform to access transform
        //Some code after
  2. 您可以通过以下方式节省计算能力将 Moveable 脚本添加到您的 Electron 预制件中 https://forum.unity.com/threads/adding-a-script-to-a-prefab.19843/所以你使用:Moveable nextOnPath = Instantiate(electron, transform.position, Quaternion.identity).GetComponent<Moveable>();

  3. Look up 辛格尔顿 https://gamedevbeginner.com/singletons-in-unity-the-right-way/,您可以使用它轻松地为您的 MoverController 类赋值:

public static MoverController instance;
void Awake()
    if (instance == null)
        instance = this;


然后在 Moveable 类中只需将其添加到 MoverController

//Requires changing the above code

    void Update()
        //Some code before - with instantiation
        //Some code after

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