在 Mongoose 中间件方法之间共享数据 pre save 和 post save



我在当前的 NodeJS 项目中使用 Mongoose(顺便说一句,这非常棒!),并且我有一个 MDB 集合,它将在不同的集合中存储文档的更改(基本上是一个变更日志存储修改的内容)

我试图实现的方法是创建一个存储文档的 JSON 版本的函数,这是通过pre('save')钩。然后创建另一个钩子,它通过以下方式执行post('save'),比较存储在的数据pre('save'),并与文档新数据进行比较。


var origDocument 
var testVar = 'Goodbye World'

module.exports = ( schema, options ) => {
    schema.pre( 'save', function( next ) {
        // Store the original value of the documents attrCache.Description value
        origDocument = this.toJSON().attrCache.Description

        // Change the testVar value to see if the change is reflected in post(save)
        testVar = 'Hello World'
    } )

    schema.post( 'save', function(  ) {
        // Attempt to compare the documents previous value of attrCache.Description, with the new value
        console.log("BEFORE:", origDocument)
        console.log("AFTER:", this.toJSON().attrCache.Description)

        // Both of the above values are the same! >.<

        console.log('post(save):',testVar) // result: post(save):Hello World
        // But the above works just fine..
    } )

我原本不认为这会起作用。为了测试这两个钩子是否在同一范围内执行,我在页面顶部创建了一个测试变量,名为testVar具有任意值,然后在post(save)钩子,检索到testVar,以及该变量的值修改was seen在帖子保存挂钩中。

所以从那里开始,我只是存储了this.toJSON()在一个变量中,然后在 post(save) 挂钩中,我尝试检索该文档的缓存版本,并将其与this.toJSON()。然而,它看起来并不像来自pre(save)不保存预先修改的数据,它以某种方式具有文档的价值after它已更新。


我在这里尝试做的事情可能吗?如果是这样,我做错了什么?如果没有 - 我怎样才能做到这一点?



根据@Avraam 的建议,我尝试通过以下方式运行数据JSON.stringify()在通过将其保存在内存中之前pre(save)钩子,然后在post(save),像这样:

var origDocument 

module.exports = ( schema, options ) => {
    schema.pre( 'save', function( next ) {

        origDocument = JSON.stringify( this.toJSON().attributes[1].value )

        // Should store and output the CURRENT value as it was before the 
        // document update... but it displays the NEW value somehow
        console.log( '[MIDDLEWARE] ORIGINAL value:', origDocument )

    } )

    schema.post( 'save', function(  ) {
        var newDocument = JSON.stringify(this.toJSON().attributes[1].value)

        console.log( '[MIDDLEWARE] UPDATED value:', newDocument )
    } )

这是更新 mongoose 文档的脚本:

Asset.getAsset( '56d0819b655baf4a4a7f9cad' )
    .then( assetDoc => {
        // Display original value of attribute
        console.log('[QUERY] ORIGINAL value:', assetDoc.attributes[1].value)

        var updateNum = parseInt( assetDoc.__v )+1
        assetDoc.attr('Description').set('Revision: ' + updateNum )

        return assetDoc.save()
    } )
    .then(data => {
        // Display the new value of the attribute
        console.log('[QUERY] UPDATED value:', data.attributes[1].value)
    .catch( err => console.error( 'ERROR:',err ) )


[QUERY] ORIGINAL value: Revision: 67
[MIDDLEWARE] ORIGINAL value: "Revision: 68"
[MIDDLEWARE] UPDATED value: "Revision: 68"
[QUERY] UPDATED value: Revision: 68

如您所见,[查询] 原文值和[查询] 已更新值表明有更新。但是[中间件]原始/更新后的值仍然相同......所以我仍然不知道为什么



这是应该比较的中间件模块pre(save) and

post(save): '使用严格'

import _ from 'moar-lodash'
import * as appRoot from 'app-root-path'
import Mongoose from 'mongoose'
import diff from 'deep-diff'

var originalDesc 

module.exports = ( schema, options ) => {
    schema.pre( 'save', function( next ) {
        originalDesc =  JSON.parse( JSON.stringify( this.toJSON() ) ).attributes[1].value

        console.log( '[MIDDLEWARE ORIGINAL Desc]\n\t', originalDesc )
    } )

    schema.post( 'save', function(  ) {
        var newDesc =  JSON.parse( JSON.stringify( this.toJSON() ) ).attributes[1].value

        console.log( '[MIDDLEWARE NEW Desc]\n\t', newDesc)
    } )


'use strict'

import _ from 'moar-lodash'
import Promise from 'bluebird'
import Mongoose from 'mongoose'
import Async from 'async'
import Util from 'util'
import * as appRoot from 'app-root-path'

Mongoose.Promise = Promise

Mongoose.connect( appRoot.require('./dist/lib/config').database.connection )

const accountLib = appRoot.require('./dist/lib/account')

const models = require( '../models' )( Mongoose )

models.Asset.getAsset( '56d0819b655baf4a4a7f9cad' )
    .then( assetDoc => {
        var jqDoc = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(assetDoc.toJSON()))

        // Show the CURRENT description
        console.log('[IN QUERY - Before Modify]\n\t', jqDoc.attributes[1].value)

        assetDoc.attr('Description').set( 'Date-'+Date.now() )

        return assetDoc.save()

    } )
    .then(data => {
        // Just show the Description AFTER it was saved
        console.log('[AFTER QUERY - AFTER Modify]\n\t', data.attributes[1].value)
    .catch( err => console.error( 'ERROR:',err ) )
    .finally( () => {
        console.log('# Connection Closed')

[IN QUERY - Before Modify]
# Connection Closed

好的,您问题的第一部分已由 Avraam Mavridis 正确回答 所以我只会关注你在问题中的最后更新。


post.save保存存储在数据库中的真实文档,因此仍然是更新的版本。所以你看不到所做的改变this同时pre and post save.


One way you could do this is simply query the document from database
var originalDesc 

module.exports = ( schema, options ) => {
    schema.pre( 'save', function( next ) {
        Asset.getAsset( '56d0819b655baf4a4a7f9cad' )
        .then( assetDoc => {
             originalDesc = assetDoc.attributes[1].value;
             console.log( '[MIDDLEWARE ORIGINAL Desc]\n\t', originalDesc )
         } );
    } );

    schema.post( 'save', function(  ) {
        var newDesc = this.toJSON().attributes[1].value
        console.log( '[MIDDLEWARE NEW Desc]\n\t', newDesc)
    } )

There is an alternative way than this using custom setter, and there is already a good answer here https://stackoverflow.com/a/11546870/3556874, but this would require to set a custom setter for each property
schema.path('name').set(function (newVal) {
   this.originalDesc = this.Description;
schema.pre('save', function (next) {
  console.log( '[MIDDLEWARE ORIGINAL Desc]\n\t', this.originalDesc )
schema.post( 'save', function(  ) {
  var newDesc = this.toJSON().attributes[1].value
  console.log( '[MIDDLEWARE NEW Desc]\n\t', newDesc)
} )



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