在 Python 中读取 JSON 对象时遇到问题


我有一个 JSON 对象,我试图使用 Python 读取它,但遇到一些问题。我有一个名为“test.txt”的文件,其中包含收到的 JSON 对象。 “test.txt”的内容如下:

{ "Sections": {"Now": "Thursday 3 February 2011 08:31",  "Section": [ { "Article": [ {"audioCounter": 0, "commentsCounter": 0, "Exceprt": "Category 5 cyclone slams into flood-hit Queensland", "hasMore": "true", "ID": 44871, "important": "False", "likesCounter": 0, "photoCounter": 0, "time": "20:58", "timeStamp": "2\/2\/2011 8:59:37 PM", "timeStatus": "True", "Title": "Category 5 cyclone slams into flood-hit Queensland", "Type": "Politics", "videoCounter": 0, "viewsCounter": 2 }, {"audioCounter": 0, "commentsCounter": 0, "Exceprt": "The White House: Egypt must begin a peaceful and orderly transition of power immediately", "hasMore": "false", "ID": 44868, "important": "True", "likesCounter": 0, "photoCounter": 0, "time": "20:51", "timeStamp": "2\/2\/2011 8:52:28 PM", "timeStatus": "True", "Title": "The White House: Egypt must begin a peaceful and orderly transition of power immediately", "Type": "Politics", "videoCounter": 0, "viewsCounter": 0 }, {"audioCounter": 0, "commentsCounter": 0, "Exceprt": "Bazzi: Berri endeavors to facilitate cabinet formation", "hasMore": "true", "ID": 44866, "important": "False", "likesCounter": 0, "photoCounter": 0, "time": "20:47", "timeStamp": "2\/2\/2011 8:48:18 PM", "timeStatus": "True", "Title": "Bazzi: Berri endeavors to facilitate cabinet formation", "Type": "Politics", "videoCounter": 0, "viewsCounter": 0 }, {"audioCounter": 0, "commentsCounter": 0, "Exceprt": "Saker via Future News: Opening files era has ended, Gen. Aoun can\u0027t open any corruption files since his allies were the pioneers of corruption", "hasMore": "false", "ID": 44865, "important": "False", "likesCounter": 0, "photoCounter": 0, "time": "20:41", "timeStamp": "2\/2\/2011 8:45:36 PM", "timeStatus": "True", "Title": "Saker via Future News: Opening files era has ended, Gen. Aoun can\u0027t open any corruption files since his allies were the pioneers of corruption", "Type": "Politics", "videoCounter": 0, "viewsCounter": 0 }, {"audioCounter": 0, "commentsCounter": 0, "Exceprt": "White House deplores violence in Egypt", "hasMore": "true", "ID": 44857, "important": "False", "likesCounter": 0, "photoCounter": 0, "time": "20:28", "timeStamp": "2\/2\/2011 8:29:26 PM", "timeStatus": "True", "Title": "White House deplores violence in Egypt", "Type": "Politics", "videoCounter": 0, "viewsCounter": 1 }, {"audioCounter": 0, "commentsCounter": 0, "Exceprt": "Baabda sources via MTV: President Suleiman works on a consensus curriculum hoping for the formation of a national unity cabinet, if this does not happen, the cabinet will be political inlaid with technocrats", "hasMore": "false", "ID": 44855, "important": "False", "likesCounter": 0, "photoCounter": 0, "time": "20:20", "timeStamp": "2\/2\/2011 8:23:14 PM", "timeStatus": "True", "Title": "Baabda sources via MTV: President Suleiman works on a consensus curriculum hoping for the formation of a national unity cabinet, if this does not happen, the cabinet will be political inlaid with technocrats", "Type": "Politics", "videoCounter": 0, "viewsCounter": 0 }, {"audioCounter": 0, "commentsCounter": 0, "Exceprt": "An American senior official to Reuters: expects pressure on Mubarak by the army after street violence", "hasMore": "false", "ID": 44853, "important": "True", "likesCounter": 0, "photoCounter": 0, "time": "20:18", "timeStamp": "2\/2\/2011 8:20:14 PM", "timeStatus": "True", "Title": "An American senior official to Reuters: expects pressure on Mubarak by the army after street violence", "Type": "Politics", "videoCounter": 0, "viewsCounter": 0 }, {"audioCounter": 0, "commentsCounter": 0, "Exceprt": "The disappearance of the Al-Arabia correspondence Ahmed Abdullah in Egypt after clashing with Mubarak supporters", "hasMore": "false", "ID": 44851, "important": "True", "likesCounter": 0, "photoCounter": 0, "time": "20:17", "timeStamp": "2\/2\/2011 8:18:28 PM", "timeStatus": "True", "Title": "The disappearance of the Al-Arabia correspondence Ahmed Abdullah in Egypt after clashing with Mubarak supporters", "Type": "Politics", "videoCounter": 0, "viewsCounter": 0 } ], "ID": 22, "Name": "EN Live", "totalNews": 2997 } ] }}


import json;
f = open("test.txt");
d = json.load(f);
for i in d:





In your for i in d循环,您正在循环字典的键。该字典仅包含一个顶级键,即“Sections”,这就是您只能看到该输出的原因。

我不完全理解你的 JSON 的结构,但看来你想要这样的东西:

for aritcle in d['Sections']['Section'][0]['Article']:
      print article



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