如何使用 Maven 在子文件夹中构建包含所需库的 jar(如 Eclipse)


在 Eclipse 中,您可以通过执行以下操作在相邻子文件夹中创建一个项目 jar 及其所需的依赖项:

  1. 导出->Java->可运行的 JAR 文件

  2. 选择库处理选项:将所需的库复制到生成的 JAR 旁边的子文件夹中

有没有办法使用 Maven 程序集插件来做到这一点?或者是否有另一个 Maven 插件更适合此任务?


是的,您可以使用程序集插件。 pom.xml:

    <!-- final name set the jar name, if left it 
    will give defualt "${artifactId}-${version}" -->
    <finalName>jar final name</finalName>

        <!-- compiler plug in -->
        <!-- assembly plugin -->
        <!-- the assembly plugin is used to define your 
        final deploy output (jar, zip, dir, war, etc..)-->
                        <!-- The filename of the assembled distribution 
                        file defualt ${project.build.finalName}-->
                        <!--    A list of descriptor files path to generate from-->
        <!-- jar plug in -->
                        <!-- to create a class path to your 
                        dependecies you have to fill true in this field-->
                        <!-- if you put your dependencySet/outputDirectory 
                        in the assembly file is in a specific folder (lib for example), 
                        you need to add classpathPrefix-->

                        <!-- if you defined your dependencySet/outputFileNameMapping 
                        in the assembly, instead of using the classpathPrefix, 
                        you should use customClasspathLayout, 
                        add the classpathPrefix at the begining of the 
                        customClasspathLayout, and then add the pattern of the outputFileNameMapping, 
                        NOTICE YOU NEED TO ADD '$' BEFOR OF EACH '$'.
                        supported only from version 2.3>-->






<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!--the id will be add to the end of the distribution file -->


        <!-- you need to create the bat file yourself -->

                <!--define the outputDirectory of the dependencies, 
                    NOTICE: if it's diffrent from '/'  make sure to 
                    change the classPath configuration for 
                    the maven-jar-plugin in the pom-->
                <!-- maping the dependencies jar names.
                    NOTICE : if you used this definition, you need to use 
                    customClasspathLayout classPath configuration 
                    for the maven-jar-plugin in the pomg-->


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