如何收到 wifi 网络状态变化的通知?


我正在编写一个通过 wifi 连接到 telnet 服务器的应用程序。我有一个管理套接字连接的服务。一切正常,但当手机休眠时,它会断开 wifi 无线电,这会导致套接字连接中断(并抛出 SocketException)。

我觉得我应该能够设置一个广播接收器,当 wifi 网络连接丢失时,它的 onResume() 方法会被调用,这将允许我优雅地关闭套接字,并在网络立即连接时重新打开它重新连接。但我在文档中或通过搜索找不到类似的内容。


package com.wingedvictorydesign.LightfactoryRemote;

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
import java.net.Socket;
import java.net.SocketException;
import java.net.SocketTimeoutException;
import android.app.Notification;
import android.app.NotificationManager;
import android.app.PendingIntent;
import android.app.Service;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.IBinder;
import android.os.RemoteCallbackList;
import android.os.RemoteException;
import android.text.Editable;
import android.util.Log;
import android.widget.Toast;
import android.os.Debug;

 * @author Max
public class TelnetService extends Service {

    private final int DISCONNECTED = 0;
    private final int CONNECTED = 1;
    // place notifications in the notification bar
    NotificationManager mNM;
    protected InputStream in;
    protected OutputStream out;
    protected Socket socket;
    // the socket timeout, to prevent blocking if the server connection is lost.
    protected final int SO_TIMEOUT = 250;
    // holds the incoming stream from socket until it is ready to be read.
    BufferedReader inputBuffer;
    final RemoteCallbackList<TelnetServiceCallback> mCallbacks =
            new RemoteCallbackList<TelnetServiceCallback>();

    public void onCreate() {
        Log.d("LightfactoryRemote", "TelnetService onCreate()");
        mNM = (NotificationManager) getSystemService(NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
    }// end onCreate()

    public void onDestroy() {
        Log.d("LightfactoryRemote", "TelnetService onDestroy()");
        // Cancel the persistent notification, if it hasn't been already.
    }// end onDestroy()

    public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
        Log.d("LightfactoryRemote", "TelnetService onBind()");
        return mBinder;

    public boolean onUnbind(Intent intent) {
        Log.d("LightfactoryRemote", "TelnetService onUnBind()");
        return true;

    public void onStart(Intent intent, int startId) {
        super.onStart(intent, startId);
        Log.d("TelnetService", "TelnetService onStart()");

    private final TelnetServiceInterface.Stub mBinder =
            new TelnetServiceInterface.Stub() {

        public void registerCallback(TelnetServiceCallback cb) {
            if (cb != null) mCallbacks.register(cb);

        public void unregisterCallback(TelnetServiceCallback cb) {
            if (cb != null) mCallbacks.unregister(cb);

        public String connectToTelnet(String Host, int Port)
                throws RemoteException {
            // android.os.Debug.waitForDebugger();
            String hostInfo = null;
            try {
                socket = new java.net.Socket();
                socket.connect(new InetSocketAddress(Host, Port), 10000); //setup
                // the port with a timeout of 10sec.
                out = socket.getOutputStream();
                 * in is wrapped in a reader, then in a Buffered reader. This is
                 * supposedly better for performance, and allows us to read a
                 * line at a time using the readLine() method.
                inputBuffer = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
            } catch (java.io.IOException e) {
                Log.d("TelnetService.java", "Connection failed! " + e);
                 * if the connection fails, return null for serverResponse,
                 * which will be handled appropriately on the client side.
                return hostInfo;
            // now that the command has been sent, read the response.
            hostInfo = readBuffer();
            Log.d("TelnetService.java", hostInfo);
            // notify the user that we are connected
            showNotification(CONNECTED, Host, Port);
            return hostInfo;
        }// end connectToTelnet

         * Tests for a currently active connection. Three cases must be
         * distinguished. 1. A connection attempt has not been made. Return
         * false. 2. A connection attempt has been made, and socket is
         * initialized, but no connection is active. isConnected() returns
         * false. 3. A connection is active. isConnected() returns true.
        public boolean areYouThere() {
            if (socket != null) {
                boolean connectStatus = socket.isConnected();
                return connectStatus;
            } else {
                return false;
        }// end areYouThere

        public void disconnect() {
            try {
                if (inputBuffer != null) {
                if (socket != null) {
            } catch (IOException e) {}
            // Cancel the persistent notification.
        }// end disconnect()

         * send the string to the telnet server, and return the response from
         * server If the connection is lost, an IOException results, so return
         * null to be handled appropriately on the client-side.
         * @throws RemoteException
        public String sendToTelnet(String toTelnet) throws RemoteException {
            if (out == null) {
                 * if out is still null, no connection has been made. Throw
                 * RemoteException to be handled on the client side.
                throw new RemoteException();
            } else {
                byte arr[];
                arr = (toTelnet + "\r" + "\n").getBytes();
                try {
                    // now that the command has been sent, read the response.
                    String serverResponse = readBuffer();
                    return serverResponse;
                } catch (IOException e) {
                     * if a connection was made, but then lost, we end up here.
                     * throw a Remoteexception for handling by the client.
                    Log.d("TelnetService", "IO exception" + e);
                    throw new RemoteException();
            }// end else
        }// end sendToTelnet
    };// end ConnectService.Stub class

    public String readBuffer() {
        StringBuilder serverResponse = new StringBuilder();
        int character;
        try {
            // keep reading new lines into line until there are none left.
            while (inputBuffer.ready()) {
                 * as each character is read, append it to serverResponse,
                 * throwing away the carriage returns (which read as glyphs),
                 * and the ">" prompt symbols.
                character = inputBuffer.read();
                if ((character != 13) && (character != 62)) {
                    serverResponse.append((char) character);
        }// end try
        catch (SocketTimeoutException e) {
            Log.d("TelnetService read()", "SocketTimeoutException");
        } catch (IOException e) {
            Log.d("TelnetService read()", "read() IO exception" + e);
        return serverResponse.toString();

     * Show a notification while this service is running.
    private void showNotification(int event, String Host, int Port) {
        // In this sample, we'll use the same text for the ticker and the
        // expanded notification
        CharSequence notificationText = "Connected to " + Host + " : " + Port;
        // Set the icon, scrolling text and timestamp
        Notification notification = new Notification(
            R.drawable.notbar_connected, notificationText,
        // set the notification not to clear when the user hits
        // "Clear All Notifications"
        notification.flags |= Notification.FLAG_NO_CLEAR;
        // The PendingIntent to launch our activity if the user selects this
        // notification
        PendingIntent contentIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0,
            new Intent(this, LightfactoryRemote.class), 0);
        // Set the info for the views that show in the notification panel.
            getText(R.string.telnet_service_connected), notificationText,
        // Send the notification.
        // We use a string id because it is a unique number. We use it later to
        // cancel.
        mNM.notify(R.string.telnet_service_connected, notification);
    }// end showNotification()
} // end TelnetConnection

注册一个BroadcastReceiver对于 ConnectivityManager.CONNECTIVITY_ACTION。在里面onReceive您可以调用的处理程序NetworkInfo info = (NetworkInfo) intent.getParcelableExtra(ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_NETWORK_INFO)进而info.getType()并检查ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI然后做你想做的事。 :)


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