如何解决 C# 中机器人的干扰问题?


我做了一个电报机器人。事实上,机器人是一个游戏,玩猜某些单词。但问题是当我将机器人添加到两个不同的组(作为管理员)或两个用户-Telegram,分别使用机器人和启动机器人时,会产生影响一个人的游戏对下一个人的游戏造成干扰。例如:如果 john 在 Mobile 中启动我的机器人,并且 john 的desired_word 是 Newyork 并且 length=7 ,那么当 sara 在 Mobile 中启动我的机器人时。例如 john 的 Len_desiredwords 变为 5 。

库 = NetTelegramBotApi 4.0.0 vs = 2013 v4;



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using NetTelegramBotApi;
using NetTelegramBotApi.Requests;
using NetTelegramBotApi.Types;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

namespace WordsBot

 class Program
   private static string Token =".........";
   private static ReplyKeyboardMarkup Menu1;

     static void Main(string[] args)

           Task.Run(() => RunBot());

    public static async Task RunBot()

            var bot = new TelegramBot(Token);
           // var updates = await bot.MakeRequestAsync(new GetUpdates() { Offset = offset });

            var me = await bot.MakeRequestAsync(new GetMe());
            Console.WriteLine("User Name is {0}", me.Username);
            long offset = 0;
            int whilecount = 0;
            while (true)

                Console.WriteLine("while is {0}", whilecount);
                whilecount += 1;

                var  updates = await bot.MakeRequestAsync(new GetUpdates() { Offset = offset });

                Console.WriteLine("Update Count is {0} ", updates.Count());

     string desired_word = "";
     int Len_desiredwords = 0 ;
     char [] blank1='';
     string b1="";
     string [] blank2="";
     foreach (var update in updates)
        var text = update.Message.Text;
        offset = update.Id + 1;
         if (Text == "/start")
            ds_GetDersiredWords = DAL.Get_DersiredWords();
             dt_GetDersiredWords = ds_GetDersiredWords.Tables[0];
             desired_word=dt_GetDersiredWords.Rows[0][1].tostring();// get word random of db 
             Len_desiredwords = desired_word.Length; // count charachter of word
             blank1 = desired_word.tochararray();// string to chararray

             for (int ii=0;ii<Len_desiredwords;ii+)// insert charachter '_' in blank1
                  blank1 [ii] = '_';
             for (int jj=0;jj<Len_desiredwords;jj++ )
                  blank2 = blank2 + blank1 [jj];

             var q = new SendMessage(update.Message.Chat.Id, "please Enter one charachter\n desired_word ="+blank2 ); // send to user id in telegram message.
             await bot.MakeRequestAsync(q);
          else if (Text.length==1) // if Text = one Character
             for (int xx=0;xx<Len_desiredwords;xx++)
                  if (blank1 [xx] =system.convert.char(text))// check if charachter entered is in blank1 chararray? or no?
                      correct= true;
                      index1 = xx;
                      blank1[index1] = System.Convert.ToChar(text);
                      for(int yy= 0 ;yy<Len_desiredwords;yy++)

                      blank2 = blank2 + blank1 [yy];



              if (correct==true)
                        var q = new SendMessage(u.Message.Chat.Id,(update.Message.Chat.Id, "correct\n please Enter Next charachter\n desired_word ="+blank2 ");
                        await bot.MakeRequestAsync(q);

              else if(correct!=true)  

                  var q = new SendMessage(u.Message.Chat.Id,(update.Message.Chat.Id, "incorrect\n please Enter Next charachter\n desired_word ="+blank2 ");
                  await bot.MakeRequestAsync(q);

   catch (Exception ex)


例子 :


- Welcome to Guess the word Game. 
- please Enter one charachter 
- desired_word  :  _ _ _ _ _ 
- You have 10 chances.


text = A ,如果 A 正确则将机器人发送给 john

- Good , Correct Charachter John. 
- please Enter Next charachter 
- desired_word  :  _ _ A _ _ 
- You have 9 chances.

ok ?

现在是时候了,萨拉运行我的机器人并开始。我的机器人在电报中发送给 sara:

- Welcome to Guess the word Game. 
- please Enter one charachter 
- desired_word  :  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
- You have 18 chances.


- Bad , False Charachter John. 
- please Enter Next charachter 
- desired_word  :  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
- You have 17 chances.



正如@Andy Lamb 在评论中所写,你的问题是你只管理一个“游戏”,所以每个玩家都会相互交互。


游戏对象应该是类的实例,维护链接到单人游戏的所有数据(例如desired_word等)。你的while (true)循环应该看起来像这样:

while (true) {
  var  updates = await bot.MakeRequestAsync(new GetUpdates() { Offset = offset });
  foreach(var update in updates) {
    var sender = GetSender(update);
    var game = RetrieveGameOrInit(sender);

    // ... rest of your processing, but your code is a little messy and
    // you have to figure out how to refactor the processing by yourself

    // do something with game, and possibly remove it if it's over.

public string GetSender(UpdateResponseOrSomething update)
    // use the Telegram API to find a key to uniquely identify the sender of the message.
    // the string returned should be the unique identifier and it
    // could be an instance of another type, depending upon Telegram
    // API implementation: e.g. an int, or a Guid.

private Dictionary<string, Game> _runningGamesCache = new Dictionary<string, Game>();

public Game RetrieveGameOrInit(string senderId)
    if (!_runningGamesCache.ContainsKey(senderId))
       _runningGamesCache[senderId] = InitGameForSender(senderId);

    return _runningGamesCache[senderId];

/// Game.cs
public class Game
  public string SenderId { get; set; }
  public string DesiredWord { get; set; }
  // ... etc

  public void Update(UpdateResponseOrSomething update)
    // manage the update of the game, as in your code.



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