


let result1 = add (numbers, ",")
let result2 = add (numbers, "\n")


let resultX = add (numbers, ",") |> add (numbers, "\n")



我正在学习 F#,如果这个问题看起来很愚蠢,我深表歉意。


module Calculator

open FsUnit
open NUnit.Framework
open System

let add (numbers:string) =

    let add (numbers:string) (delimiter:string) =
        if (numbers.Contains(delimiter)) then
            numbers.Split(delimiter.Chars(0)) |> Array.map Int32.Parse
                                              |> Array.sum
        else 0

    let result1 = add numbers ","
    let result2 = add numbers "\n"

    if (result1 > 0 || result2 > 0) then 
        result1 + result2

    else let _ , result = numbers |> Int32.TryParse


let ``adding empty string returns zero`` () =

    let result = add ""
    result |> should equal 0

let ``adding one number returns number`` () =

    let result = add "3"
    result |> should equal 3

let ``add two numbers`` () =

    let result = add "3,4"
    result |> should equal 7

let ``add three numbers`` () =

    let result = add "3,4,5"
    result |> should equal 12

let ``line feeds embedded`` () =

    let result = add "3\n4"
    result |> should equal 7




let add (numbers:string) =

    let add (numbers:string) (delimiter:string) =
        if (numbers.Contains(delimiter)) then
            numbers.Split(delimiter.Chars(0)) |> Array.map Int32.Parse
                                              |> Array.sum
        else 0

let resultX = numbers |> add ","
                      |> add "\n"


let add (numbers:string) =

    let add (numbers:string) (delimiters:char array) =
        if numbers.Length = 0 then 0
        else numbers.Split(delimiters) |> Array.map Int32.Parse
                                       |> Array.sum
    let delimiters = [|',';'\n'|]
    add numbers delimiters


let add01 (numbers:string) =
    let delimiters : char array = [|',';'\n'|]
    let inputArray : string array = numbers.Split(delimiters)
    let numbers : string list = Array.toList(inputArray)
    let rec add (numbers : string list) (total : int) : int =
        match (numbers : string list) with
        | ""::t ->
            add t total
        | h::t -> 
            let number =  System.Int32.Parse h
            let total = total + number
            add t total
        | [] -> total        
    add numbers 0

let numbers = "1,2,3\n4,5,6\n\n"
let result = add01 numbers


// Type mismatch. Expecting a
//     int -> 'a    
// but given a
//     string -> int    
// The type 'int' does not match the type 'string'
let result = numbers |> add ","
                     |> add "\n"

由于这是一个错误,表明两种类型不同意,因此需要理解类型推断 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type_inference以及如何解决此类问题。 我不会在这里解释类型推断,因为这本身就是一个很大的主题,但是我将给出一个在大多数情况下成功解决此类错误的模式示例。

当 F# 编译代码时,它会在执行类型检查之前使用类型推断将缺少的类型添加到函数和值中,而失败的正是类型检查。因此,为了查看编译器对类型的看法,我们将在此处手动添加它们,并剔除代码中不会导致问题的部分,从而让我们知道错误的原因,然后希望在某些事情中变得明显可以修复。


  • result
  • =
  • 数字
  • |>
  • add
  • ","
  • "\n"


  • 结果:整数
  • 数字:字符串
  • “,“ : 细绳
  • “\n”:字符串

我不记得 F# 将 equals (=) 视为函数,但这里是如何看待它的。
= : 'a -> 'a


let (|>) (x : 'a) f = f (x : 'a)  

为了解决这个问题,只需将管道运算符视为句法糖 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syntactic_sugar.

添加:字符串 -> 字符串 -> int


//Type mismatch. Expecting a
//    int -> 'a    
//but given a
//    string -> int    
//The type 'int' does not match the type 'string'
let result = numbers |> add ","
                     |> add "\n"

将类型签名添加到值中并验证是否得到相同的错误。 这就是类型推断要做的事情,我们手动完成。

//Type mismatch. Expecting a
//    int -> int    
//but given a
//    string -> int    
//The type 'int' does not match the type 'string'
let (result : int) = (numbers : string) |> add ("," : string) 
                     |> add ("\n" : string)


分解出第一个管道运算符并验证我们是否得到了相同的错误。 请注意,错误现在只是 r2 的一部分

//Expecting a
//    int -> 'a    
//but given a
//    string -> int    
//The type 'int' does not match the type 'string'
let (result : int) = 
    let r1 = (numbers : string) |> add ("," : string) 
    let r2 = r1 |> add ("\n" : string)

撤消第二个管道运算符的语法糖并验证我们是否得到了相同的错误。 请注意,错误现在只是 r2 的一部分;特别是 r1 参数

//This expression was expected to have type
//    string    
//but here has type
//    int
let (result : int) = 
    let r1 = (numbers : string) |> add ("," : string) 
    let r2 = add ("\n" : string) r1

将类型添加到 r1 并验证我们得到相同的错误。

//This expression was expected to have type
//    string    
//but here has type
//    int   
let (result : int) = 
    let (r1 : int) = (numbers : string) |> add ("," : string) 
    let r2 = add ("\n" : string) r1

此时错误应该是显而易见的。 第一个管道运算符的结果是int并作为第二个参数传递给 add 函数。 add 函数需要一个string对于第二个参数,但给出了int.



let output1 w =
    printfn "1: %A" w

let output2 w x =
    printfn "1: %A 2: %A" w x

let output3 w x y =
    printfn "1: %A 2: %A 3: %A" w x y

let output4 w x y z =
    printfn "1: %A 2: %A 3: %A 4: %A" w x y z


output1 "a"  
1: "a"  

output2 "a" "b"  
1: "a" 2: "b"  

output3 "a" "b" "c"  
1: "a" 2: "b" 3: "c"  

output4 "a" "b" "c" "d"  
1: "a" 2: "b" 3: "c" 4: "d"  



// 让 (|>) x f = fx

"a" |> output1  
1: "a"  

"a" |> output2 "b"  
1: "b" 2: "a"  

"a" |> output3 "b" "c"  
1: "b" 2: "c" 3: "a"  

"a" |> output4 "b" "c" "d"  
1: "b" 2: "c" 3: "d" 4: "a"  

请注意,由于使用了管道运算符 (|>),输出函数的最后一个参数是管道运算符 (“a”) 左侧的值。

// 参见第 3.7 节F#规范 http://fsharp.org/specs/language-spec/4.0/FSharpSpec-4.0-latest.pdf关于如何定义用户定义的运算符。


let (@.) x f = f x  

"a" @. output1  
1: "a"  

"a" @. output2 "b"  
1: "b" 2: "a"  

"a" @. output3 "b" "c"  
1: "b" 2: "c" 3: "a"  

"a" @. output4 "b" "c" "d"  
1: "b" 2: "c" 3: "d" 4: "a"  

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