如何在 WinDbg 的启动命令行中打开转储时转义引号


下列的这个答案 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2655168/how-do-i-make-a-cmdtree-window-dock-at-startup-in-windbg,我正在尝试建立一个.dmp在注册表中使用 shell 命令-c "..."每当我打开转储文件时切换到执行命令。

虽然这适用于任何不使用引号的命令,但我现在想使用需要引号的命令。我怎样才能转义引号,使其不被视为结尾-c "..." switch?

I tried:

  • 用反斜杠转义\"
  • 通过双引号转义""



(默认)值(工作):"C:\path to\windbg.exe" -z "%1" -Q -c ".echo Welcome"

(默认)值(已损坏):"C:\path to\windbg.exe" -z "%1" -Q -c ".echo Wel""come"


错误信息:The command line arguments cannot specify more than one kind of debugging to start

WinDbg版本:6.2.9200.16384 X86

你有没有尝试过^" ? ^转义大多数字符cmd


引用自WinDbg 命令行选项 http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/hardware/ff561306%28v=vs.85%29.aspx

-c " command "

    Specifies the initial debugger command to run at start-up. This command must be 
    enclosed in quotation marks. Multiple commands can be separated with semicolons. 
    (If you have a long command list, it may be easier to put them in a script and 
    then use the -c option with the $<, $><, $><, $$>< (Run Script File) command.)

    If you are starting a debugging client, this command must be intended for the 
    debugging server. Client-specific commands, such as .lsrcpath, are not allowed.


Seems that you actually want to include the " in your echo. Frankly, I've no idea - but what I'd try would be -c ".echo Wel^"come"



如何在 WinDbg 的启动命令行中打开转储时转义引号 的相关文章
