

我正在尝试了解 OOP 原则并编写自己的类。作为一种学习方法,我决定将我在 Wordpress 中编写的几个函数转换为 OOP 类。这些函数协同工作,以便根据 URL 中设置的引荐来源网址(其中 4 个)在单个页面上输出正确的帖子链接。


根据档案页面将4个查询变量设置为URL,即,为分类页面设置1个查询变量,为作者页面设置1个查询变量,依此类推。任何页面都不能有多个自定义查询变量。这 4 个变量由我的第一个类检索,并根据给定的全局变量进行检查,在本例中$_GET。我还没有对我的类中的 4 个变量进行硬编码,这适用于$_GET以及保持班级可测试。如果 URL 中存在该值,则通过以下方式返回键/值对has*方法。这些方法返回null如果没有找到匹配项。 (这是原始数据,将由使用该数据的类进行清理/转义)


namespace PG\Single\Post\Navigation;

 * Test set values against the super global given. Returns conditional properties
 * which is boolean values. true is returned on success and false on failure.
 * @param $superGlobalVar Super global to test the values against
 * @param (string) $authorReferrer 
 * @param (string) $dateReferrer 
 * @param (string) $searchReferrer 
 * @param (string) $taxReferrer 
class RequestReferrerHandler implements RequestReferrerHandlerInterface
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @access protected
     * @var (array) $superGlobalVar
    protected $superGlobalVar;

     * @since 1.0.0
     * @access protected
     * @var (string) $authorReferrer
    protected $authorReferrer;

     * @since 1.0.0
     * @access protected
     * @var (string) $dateReferrer
    protected $dateReferrer;

     * @since 1.0.0
     * @access protected
     * @var (string) $searchReferrer
    protected $searchReferrer;

     * @since 1.0.0
     * @access protected
     * @var (string) $taxReferrer
    protected $taxReferrer;

     * Public constructor method.
     * @param $superGlobalVar  Super global to get data from
     * @param $authorReferrer  Query variable from author referrer to test
     * @param $dateReferrer    Query variable from date referrer to test
     * @param $searchReferrer  Query variable from search referrer to test
     * @param $taxReferrer     Query variable from taxonomy referrer to test
    public function __construct($superGlobalVar = null, $authorReferrer= null, $dateReferrer = null, $searchReferrer = null, $taxReferrer = null)
        $this->superGlobalVar = $superGlobalVar;
        $this->authorReferrer = $authorReferrer;
        $this->dateReferrer   = $dateReferrer;
        $this->searchReferrer = $searchReferrer;
        $this->taxReferrer    = $taxReferrer;

     * Setter setSuperGlobalVar.
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @param $superGlobalVar
     * @return $this
    public function setSuperGlobalVar($superGlobalVar)
        $this->superGlobalVar = $superGlobalVar;
        return $this;

     * Returns an array of super global variables.
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @return (array) $this->superGlobalVar
    public function getSuperGlobalVar()
        return $this->superGlobalVar;

     * Setter setAuthorReferrer
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @param $authorReferrer
     * @return $this
    public function setAuthorReferrer($authorReferrer)
        $this->authorReferrer = $authorReferrer;
        return $this;

     * Returns the value of the $authorReferrer property.
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @return (array) $this->authorReferrer
    public function getAuthorReferrer()
        return $this->authorReferrer;

     * Setter setDateReferrer.
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @param $dateReferrer
     * @return $this
    public function setDateReferrer($dateReferrer)
        $this->dateReferrer = $dateReferrer;
        return $this;

     * Returns the value of the $dateReferrer property.
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @return (array) $this->dateReferrer
    public function getDateReferrer()
        return $this->dateReferrer;

     * Setter setSearchReferrer.
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @param $searchReferrer
     * @return $this
    public function setSearchReferrer($searchReferrer)
        $this->searchReferrer = $searchReferrer;
        return $this;

     * Returns the value of the $searchReferrer property.
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @return (array) $this->searchReferrer
    public function getSearchReferrer()
        return $this->searchReferrer;

     * Setter setTaxReferrer.
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @param $taxReferrer
     * @return $this
    public function setTaxReferrer($taxReferrer)
        $this->taxReferrer = $taxReferrer;
        return $this;

     * Returns the value of the $taxReferrer property.
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @return (array) $this->taxReferrer
    public function getTaxReferrer()
        return $this->$taxReferrer;

     * Test $authorReferrer against $superGlobalVar.
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @return (bool) true on success or false on failure
    public function isAuthorReferrer()
        if ($this->authorReferrer && isset($this->superGlobalVar[$this->authorReferrer])) { 
            $isAuthorReferrer = true;
        } else {
            $isAuthorReferrer = false;
        return $isAuthorReferrer;

     * Test $authorReferrer against $superGlobalVar
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @return (bool) true on success or false on failure
    public function isDateReferrer()
        if ($this->dateReferrer && isset($this->superGlobalVar[$this->dateReferrer])) { 
            $isDateReferrer = true;
        } else {
            $isDateReferrer = false;
        return $isDateReferrer;

     * Test $authorReferrer against $superGlobalVar.
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @return (bool) true on success or false on failure
    public function isSearchReferrer()
        if ($this->searchReferrer && isset($this->superGlobalVar[$this->searchReferrer])) { 
            $isSearchReferrer = true;
        } else {
            $isSearchReferrer = false;
        return $isSearchReferrer;

     * Test $authorReferrer against $superGlobalVar.
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @return (bool) true on success or false on failure
    public function isTaxReferrer()
        if ($this->taxReferrer && isset($this->superGlobalVar[$this->taxReferrer])) { 
            $isTaxReferrer = true;
        } else {
            $isTaxReferrer = false;
        return $isTaxReferrer;

     * Conditional which check if the current post is a referred post.
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @return (bool) true on success or false on failure
    public function isReferredPost()
        if ($this->isAuthorReferrer() || $this->isDateReferrer() || $this->isSearchReferrer() || $this->isTaxReferrer()) {
            $isReferredPost = true;
        } else {
            $isReferredPost = false;
        return $isReferredPost;

     * Return the value from the super global when the current post is a post referred from
     * an author archive page.
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @return (array) $authorReferrerValue
    public function hasAuthorReferrerValue()
        if ($this->isAuthorReferrer()) {
            $authorReferrerValue = [$this->authorReferrer => $this->superGlobalVar[$this->authorReferrer]];
        } else {
            $authorReferrerValue = null;
        return $authorReferrerValue;

     * Return the value from the super global when the current post is a post referred from
     * a date archive page.
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @return (array) $dateReferrerValue
    public function hasDateReferrerValue()
        if ($this->isDateReferrer()) {
            $dateReferrerValue = [$this->dateReferrer => $this->superGlobalVar[$this->dateReferrer]];
        } else {
            $dateReferrerValue = null;
        return $dateReferrerValue;

     * Return the value from the super global when the current post is a post referred from
     * a search page.
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @return (array) $searchReferrerValue
    public function hasSearchReferrerValue()
        if ($this->isSearchReferrer()) {
            $searchReferrerValue = [$this->searchReferrer => $this->superGlobalVar[$this->searchReferrer]];
        } else {
            $searchReferrerValue = null;
        return $searchReferrerValue;

     * Return the value from the super global when the current post is a post referred from
     * a taxonomy archive page.
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @return (array) $taxReferrerValue
    public function hasTaxReferrerValue()
        if ($this->isTaxReferrer()) {
            $taxReferrerValue = [$this->taxReferrer => $this->superGlobalVar[$this->taxReferrer]];
        } else {
            $taxReferrerValue = null;
        return $taxReferrerValue;



$b = new RequestReferrerHandler($_GET, 'aq', 'dq', 'sq', 'tq');
?><pre><?php var_dump($b->hasAuthorReferrerValue()); ?></pre><?php
?><pre><?php var_dump($b->hasDateReferrerValue()); ?></pre><?php
?><pre><?php var_dump($b->hasSearchReferrerValue()); ?></pre><?php
?><pre><?php var_dump($b->hasTaxReferrerValue()); ?></pre><?php

出于测试目的,您可以注入类似的东西['aq' => '1']进入班级而不是$_GET




作为一个例子,下面是两个类应该是什么样子的示例。 (我这里省略了一些方法以使代码更易于管理)


namespace PG\Single\Post\Navigation;

class ClassA //Just a generic name for testing purposes. Will also implement ClassAInterface
    protected $handler;

    public function __construct(RequestReferrerHandlerInterface $handler)
        $this->handler = $handler;

    public function santizeAuthor() 
        $author = $this->handler->hasAuthorReferrerValue(); // Value will be either null or single key/value pair array. Example ['aq' => '1']

        if ($author) {
            $author = array_values($author);
            $author = ['author' => (int)htmlspecialchars($author[0])]; //Will output ['author' => 1]

        return $author; //Returns null or the array ['author' => 1]

    public function santizeDate() 
        $date = $this->handler->hasDateReferrerValue();

        if ($date) {
            // @TODO Still to work out

        return $date;


    public function queryArguments() // Will be used in the controller class ClassC
        $queryArgs = null;

        if ($this->santizeAuthor()) {

            $queryArgs = $this->santizeAuthor();

        } elseif ($this->santizeDate) {

            $queryArgs = $this->santizeDate();

        } // etc
        return $queryArgs; //Will return null if all 4 conditions fail or return the value from the one that returns true



namespace PG\Single\Post\Navigation;

class ClassB //Just a generic name for testing purposes. Will also implement ClassBInterface
    protected $handler;

    public function __construct(RequestReferrerHandlerInterface $handler)
        $this->handler = $handler;

    public function santizeAuthor() 
        $author = $this->handler->hasAuthorReferrerValue(); // Value will be either null or single key/value pair array. Example ['aq' => '1']

        if ($author) {
            foreach ($author as $k=>$v)
                $author[htmlspecialchars($k)] = (int)htmlspecialchars($v);

        return $author; //Returns null or the array ['aq' => 1]

    public function santizeDate() 
        $date = $this->handler->hasDateReferrerValue();

        if ($date) {
            // @TODO Still to work out

        return $date;


    public function queryVars() // Will be used in the controller class ClassC
        $queryVars = null;

        if ($this->santizeAuthor()) {

            $queryVars = $this->santizeAuthor();

        } elseif ($this->santizeDate) {

            $queryVars = $this->santizeDate();

        } // etc
        return $queryVars; //Will return null if all 4 conditions fail or return the value from the one that returns true


The queryArguments()方法来自ClassAqueryVars()方法来自ClassB将在其他类(或一个控制器类)中使用

我完全缺乏 OOP 方面的适当知识,对关注点分离、封装、SOLID 原则和保持类可测试性感到困惑,这让我重新猜测我的代码,我确实觉得我错过了一些东西。


查看您的代码,您肯定有一个良好的开端。在 OOP 中编程时,您已经使用了一条好的经验法则 -对接口进行编程,而不是对实现进行编程。按术语界面我不仅指实际的接口,还指抽象类。

所以你的问题的核心是你想要上两门课,ClassA and ClassB两者都使用通用方法RequestReferrerHandler。您已经为界面做好了基础工作RequestReferrerHandlerInterface。所以我们会说你有一个如下所示的界面:

interface RequestReferrerHandlerInterface
    public function hasAuthorReferrerValue();
    public function hasDateReferrerValue();
    public function hasSearchReferrerValue();
    public function hasTaxReferrerValue();

只要这个接口是由实现的RequestReferrerHandler您可以键入提示接口作为构造函数的要求ClassA and ClassB。但这不是什么新鲜事,因为您已经这样做了。


class RequestReferrerHandler implements RequestReferrerHandlerInterface
    private $author;
    private $date;
    private $search;
    private $tax;

    public function __construct($author = null, $date = null, $search = null, $tax = null)

    public function hasAuthorReferrerValue()
        return $this->author !== null ? true : false;

    public function hasDateReferrerValue()
        return $this->date !== null ? true : false;

    public function hasSearchReferrerValue()
        return $this->search !== null ? true : false;

    public function hasTaxReferrerValue()
        return $this->tax !== null ? true : false;

    public function getAuthorReferrer()
        return $this->author;

    public function getDateReferrer()
        return $this->date;

    public function getSearchReferrer()
        return $this->search;

    public function getTaxReferrer()
        return $this->tax;

    public function setAuthorReferrer($author)
        $this->author = $author;

    public function setDateReferrer($date)
        $this->date = $date;

    public function setSearchReferrer($search)
        $this->search = $search;

    public function setTaxReferrer($tax)
        $this->tax = $tax;

第二个突出的事情是santize()方法。你看到它们是如何在两者中重复的吗?ClassA and ClassB? The sanitizeAuthor()两个类之间有所不同,但是其余的呢?这是 DRY 的情况(不要重复自己)原则可以提供帮助。由于多个类可能必须以类似的方式清理数据,因此将其从类中抽象出来是有意义的。


interface SanitizerInterface
    public function sanitizeAuthor();
    public function sanitizeDate();
    public function sanitizeSearch();
    public function sanitizeTaxonomy();

现在,如果你拥有的每一个物体ClassX以不同的方式实现这四种方法,您可以开始在不同的类中实现它,这些类只是清理数据。然而,对于这个例子,我们会说情况并非如此。让我们假设sanitizeAuthor()之间可能有所不同ClassA and ClassB(它在您的代码中)并且所有其他方法将完全相同地实现。在这种情况下,我们可以使用一个抽象类来实现消毒剂方法。

abstract class AbstractSanitizer implements SanitizerInterface
    protected $handler;

    public function __construct() {}

    public function setHandler(RequestReferrerHandlerInterface $handler)
        $this->handler = $handler;

    /* For this example we are saying that sanitizeDate(), sanitizeTaxonomy() and
     * sanitizeSearch() will be the same no matter what.  So let's implement them 
     * and leave the child classes to implement sanitizeAuthor(). 
     * Implement the details of the sanitizer function to fit your needs.

    public function sanitizeDate()
        if($this->handler !== null)
            //Perform whatever tasks to sanitize the date
            $sanitized = strtoupper($this->handler->getDateReferrer());
            echo "Sanitize date -> switch to uppercase letters.\n";

    public function sanitizeSearch()
        if($this->handler !== null)
            //Perform whatever tasks to sanitize the search
            $sanitized = strtolower($this->handler->getSearchReferrer());
            echo "Sanitize search -> switch to lowercase letters.\n";

    public function sanitizeTaxonomy()
        if($this->handler !== null)
            //Perform whatever tasks to sanitize the taxonomy
            $sanitized = str_replace(" ", "_", $this->handler->getTaxReferrer());
            echo "Sanitize Taxonomy -> convert spaces to underscores.\n";



接下来,我们使用以下方法RequestReferrerHandler中未指定的类RequestReferrerHandlerInterface。这不是一个迫在眉睫的问题per se,因为我们知道像 getter 和 setter 这样的方法在类中。然而,仅对界面进行类型提示并不能保证如果您决定使用不同的具体对象来实现该接口,那么这些方法将可用。因此,我们需要更新RequestReferrerHandlerInterface以及保证其可用性的方法。

interface RequestReferrerHandlerInterface
    public function hasAuthorReferrerValue();
    public function hasDateReferrerValue();
    public function hasSearchReferrerValue();
    public function hasTaxReferrerValue();
    public function getAuthorReferrer();
    public function getDateReferrer();
    public function getSearchReferrer();
    public function getTaxReferrer();
    public function setAuthorReferrer($author);
    public function setDateReferrer($date);
    public function setSearchReferrer($search);
    public function setTaxReferrer($tax);

现在,回到那些消毒剂。我们知道ClassA and ClassB将实施他们的sanitizeAuthor()方法不同。抽象类AbstractSanitizer之所以被做成这样是因为sanitizeAuthor()方法从SanitizerInteface未实施于AbstractSanitizer所以我们必须扩展它以提供功能。我们需要以下两个类来执行此操作:

class SanitizerForClassA extends AbstractSanitizer
    /* This class must provide an implementation for how ClassA will
     * handle the sanitizeAuthor() method.

    public function sanitizeAuthor()
        if($this->handler !== null)
            //Perform whatever tasks to sanitize the for ClassA
            $sanitized = array("author" => $this->handler->getAuthorReferrer());
            echo "Sanitize author -> ClassA makes author an array.\n";

class SanitizerForClassB extends AbstractSanitizer
    /* This class must provide an implementation for how ClassB will
     * handle the sanitizeAuthor() method.

    public function sanitizeAuthor()
        if($this->handler !== null)
            //Perform whatever tasks to sanitize the for ClassB
            $sanitized = new stdClass();
            $sanitized->author = $this->handler->getAuthorReferrer();
            echo "Sanitize author -> ClassB makes author an object property. \n";

这两个具体类可以与ClassA and ClassB净化混凝土中的数据RequestReferrerHandler将传递给它们的方法。

那么继续,让我们看看规格ClassA and ClassB。我们知道ClassA将需要该方法queryArguments(), ClassB将需要该方法queryVars()并且两个类都需要允许一个实例RequestReferrerHandlerInterface and SanitizerInterface在他们的构造函数中。我们将使用一个接口来处理构造函数要求,然后另外两个接口将扩展该接口以提供所需的所有方法要求ClassA and ClassB.

interface SanitizableHandlerInterface
    public function __construct(RequestReferrerHandlerInterface $handler, SanitizerInterface $sanitizer);

interface QueryVarsInterface extends SanitizableHandlerInterface
    public function queryVars();

interface QueryArgumentsInterface extends SanitizableHandlerInterface
    public function queryArguments();


class ClassA implements QueryArgumentsInterface
    private $handler;
    private $sanitizer;

    public function __construct(RequestReferrerHandlerInterface $handler, SanitizerInterface $sanitizer)
        $this->handler = $handler;
        $this->sanitizer = $sanitizer;

    public function queryArguments() // Will be used in the controller class ClassC
        $queryArgs = null;
            $queryArgs = $this->handler->getAuthorReferrer();
            $queryArgs = $this->handler->getDateReferrer();
            $queryArgs = $this->handler->getSearchReferrer();
            $queryArgs = $this->handler->getTaxReferrer();
        return $queryArgs; //Will return null if all 4 conditions fail or return the value from the one that returns true


class ClassB implements QueryVarsInterface
    private $handler;
    private $sanitizer;

    public function __construct(RequestReferrerHandlerInterface $handler, SanitizerInterface $sanitizer)
        $this->handler = $handler;
        $this->sanitizer = $sanitizer;

    public function queryVars() // Will be used in the controller class ClassC
        $queryVars = null;
            $queryVars = $this->handler->getAuthorReferrer();
            $queryVars = $this->handler->getDateReferrer();
            $queryVars = $this->handler->getSearchReferrer();
            $queryVars = $this->handler->getTaxReferrer();
        return $queryVars; //Will return null if all 4 conditions fail or return the value from the one that returns true


所以现在最重要的问题是如何使用它。好吧,你需要一个可以接受的控制器ClassA and ClassB。我们也将通过它们各自的接口输入提示。

class Controller
    public function __construct() {}

    public function doStuff(QueryArgumentsInterface $argsClass, QueryVarsInterface $varsClass)

在你的版本中queryArguments() and queryVars()您期望返回值是经过清理的数据。让我们插入一些数据,看看会得到什么。(注意:正如您已经发现我使用的任何清理方法都没有做您正在做的事情,它们只是说明性的。)


//Create a controller that will use the classes
$controller = new Controller();

//Now make use of your new shiny handlers and sanitizers
    new ClassA(new RequestReferrerHandler("Mark Twain", null, null, null), new SanitizerForClassA()), 
    new ClassB(new RequestReferrerHandler(null, "January 1st, 1999", null, null), new SanitizerForClassB())

    new ClassA(new RequestReferrerHandler(null, null, "OK Google Now!", null), new SanitizerForClassA()), 
    new ClassB(new RequestReferrerHandler(null, null, null, "Super Awesome Taxonomy Tables"), new SanitizerForClassB())

    new ClassA(new RequestReferrerHandler(null, "January 1st, 1999", null, null), new SanitizerForClassA()), 
    new ClassB(new RequestReferrerHandler("Mark Twain", null, null, null), new SanitizerForClassB())

    new ClassA(new RequestReferrerHandler(null, null, null, "Super Awesome Taxonomy Tables"), new SanitizerForClassA()), 
    new ClassB(new RequestReferrerHandler(null, null, "OK Google Now!", null), new SanitizerForClassB())


Sanitize author -> ClassA makes author an array.
array (size=1)
  'author' => string 'Mark Twain' (length=10)
Sanitize date -> switch to uppercase letters.
string 'JANUARY 1ST, 1999' (length=17)
Sanitize search -> switch to lowercase letters.
string 'ok google now!' (length=14)
Sanitize Taxonomy -> convert spaces to underscores.
string 'Super_Awesome_Taxonomy_Tables' (length=29)
Sanitize date -> switch to uppercase letters.
string 'JANUARY 1ST, 1999' (length=17)
Sanitize author -> ClassB makes author an object property.
  public 'author' => string 'Mark Twain' (length=10)
Sanitize Taxonomy -> convert spaces to underscores.
string 'Super_Awesome_Taxonomy_Tables' (length=29)
Sanitize search -> switch to lowercase letters.
string 'ok google now!' (length=14)

那么这一切让你付出了什么代价?简短的回答 - 复杂性。它需要 4 个接口、1 个抽象类和一些具体类才能将一点数据输出到屏幕上。

你有什么收获?简短的回答——灵活性。将来您可能希望添加更多的类来实现QueryVarsInterface or QueryArgumentsInterface。考虑这些课程ClassC, ClassD and ClassE。所有这些类都需要一个消毒剂类来配合它们(也就是说,如果SanitizerForClassA or SanitizerForClassB不符合要求)并且继续编写消毒剂类会很乏味。嗯,对你来说是件好事,因为你一直在对接口进行编程,你不会有这个问题。您可以轻松地制作一个GenericSanitizer与默认实现sanitizeAuthor()方法。使用可以将此类与Controller::doStuff()在任何情况下,您都不需要专门的消毒剂课程。您可以轻松地实现不同的具体类QueryArgumentInterface or QueryVarsInterface测试您想要添加的实验功能而不篡改当前课程。

希望这能让您对一些 OOP 原则有所了解。这是上面所有代码的完整副本。将其放入一个空的 PHP 文件中并运行它以查看所有操作。快乐编程!



interface RequestReferrerHandlerInterface
    public function hasAuthorReferrerValue();
    public function hasDateReferrerValue();
    public function hasSearchReferrerValue();
    public function hasTaxReferrerValue();
    public function getAuthorReferrer();
    public function getDateReferrer();
    public function getSearchReferrer();
    public function getTaxReferrer();
    public function setAuthorReferrer($author);
    public function setDateReferrer($date);
    public function setSearchReferrer($search);
    public function setTaxReferrer($tax);

interface SanitizerInterface
    public function sanitizeAuthor();
    public function sanitizeDate();
    public function sanitizeSearch();
    public function sanitizeTaxonomy();

interface SanitizableHandlerInterface
    public function __construct(RequestReferrerHandlerInterface $handler, SanitizerInterface $sanitizer);

interface QueryVarsInterface extends SanitizableHandlerInterface
    public function queryVars();

interface QueryArgumentsInterface extends SanitizableHandlerInterface
    public function queryArguments();


abstract class AbstractSanitizer implements SanitizerInterface
    protected $handler;

    public function __construct() {}

    public function setHandler(RequestReferrerHandlerInterface $handler)
        $this->handler = $handler;

    /* For this example we are saying that sanitizeDate(), sanitizeTaxonomy() and
     * sanitizeSearch() will be the same no matter what.  So let's implement them 
     * and leave the child classes to implement sanitizeAuthor(). 
     * Implement the details of the sanitizer function to fit your needs.

    public function sanitizeDate()
        if($this->handler !== null)
            //Perform whatever tasks to sanitize the date
            $sanitized = strtoupper($this->handler->getDateReferrer());
            echo "Sanitize date -> switch to uppercase letters.\n";

    public function sanitizeSearch()
        if($this->handler !== null)
            //Perform whatever tasks to sanitize the search
            $sanitized = strtolower($this->handler->getSearchReferrer());
            echo "Sanitize search -> switch to lowercase letters.\n";

    public function sanitizeTaxonomy()
        if($this->handler !== null)
            //Perform whatever tasks to sanitize the taxonomy
            $sanitized = str_replace(" ", "_", $this->handler->getTaxReferrer());
            echo "Sanitize Taxonomy -> convert spaces to underscores.\n";



class RequestReferrerHandler implements RequestReferrerHandlerInterface
    private $author;
    private $date;
    private $search;
    private $tax;

    public function __construct($author = null, $date = null, $search = null, $tax = null)

    public function hasAuthorReferrerValue()
        return $this->author !== null ? true : false;

    public function hasDateReferrerValue()
        return $this->date !== null ? true : false;

    public function hasSearchReferrerValue()
        return $this->search !== null ? true : false;

    public function hasTaxReferrerValue()
        return $this->tax !== null ? true : false;

    public function getAuthorReferrer()
        return $this->author;

    public function getDateReferrer()
        return $this->date;

    public function getSearchReferrer()
        return $this->search;

    public function getTaxReferrer()
        return $this->tax;

    public function setAuthorReferrer($author)
        $this->author = $author;

    public function setDateReferrer($date)
        $this->date = $date;

    public function setSearchReferrer($search)
        $this->search = $search;

    public function setTaxReferrer($tax)
        $this->tax = $tax;

class SanitizerForClassA extends AbstractSanitizer
    /* This class must provide an implementation for how ClassA will
     * handle the sanitizeAuthor() method.

    public function sanitizeAuthor()
        if($this->handler !== null)
            //Perform whatever tasks to sanitize the for ClassA
            $sanitized = array("author" => $this->handler->getAuthorReferrer());
            echo "Sanitize author -> ClassA makes author an array.\n";

class SanitizerForClassB extends AbstractSanitizer
    /* This class must provide an implementation for how ClassB will
     * handle the sanitizeAuthor() method.

    public function sanitizeAuthor()
        if($this->handler !== null)
            //Perform whatever tasks to sanitize the for ClassB
            $sanitized = new stdClass();
            $sanitized->author = $this->handler->getAuthorReferrer();
            echo "Sanitize author -> ClassB makes author an object property. \n";

class ClassA implements QueryArgumentsInterface
    private $handler;
    private $sanitizer;

    public function __construct(RequestReferrerHandlerInterface $handler, SanitizerInterface $sanitizer)
        $this->handler = $handler;
        $this->sanitizer = $sanitizer;

    public function queryArguments() // Will be used in the controller class ClassC
        $queryArgs = null;
            $queryArgs = $this->handler->getAuthorReferrer();
            $queryArgs = $this->handler->getDateReferrer();
            $queryArgs = $this->handler->getSearchReferrer();
            $queryArgs = $this->handler->getTaxReferrer();
        return $queryArgs; //Will return null if all 4 conditions fail or return the value from the one that returns true


class ClassB implements QueryVarsInterface
    private $handler;
    private $sanitizer;

    public function __construct(RequestReferrerHandlerInterface $handler, SanitizerInterface $sanitizer)
        $this->handler = $handler;
        $this->sanitizer = $sanitizer;

    public function queryVars() // Will be used in the controller class ClassC
        $queryVars = null;
            $queryVars = $this->handler->getAuthorReferrer();
            $queryVars = $this->handler->getDateReferrer();
            $queryVars = $this->handler->getSearchReferrer();
            $queryVars = $this->handler->getTaxReferrer();
        return $queryVars; //Will return null if all 4 conditions fail or return the value from the one that returns true

class Controller
    public function __construct() {}

    public function doStuff(QueryArgumentsInterface $argsClass, QueryVarsInterface $varsClass)


//Create a controller that will use the classes
$controller = new Controller();

//Now make use of your new shiny handlers and sanitizers
    new ClassA(new RequestReferrerHandler("Mark Twain", null, null, null), new SanitizerForClassA()), 
    new ClassB(new RequestReferrerHandler(null, "January 1st, 1999", null, null), new SanitizerForClassB())

    new ClassA(new RequestReferrerHandler(null, null, "OK Google Now!", null), new SanitizerForClassA()), 
    new ClassB(new RequestReferrerHandler(null, null, null, "Super Awesome Taxonomy Tables"), new SanitizerForClassB())

    new ClassA(new RequestReferrerHandler(null, "January 1st, 1999", null, null), new SanitizerForClassA()), 
    new ClassB(new RequestReferrerHandler("Mark Twain", null, null, null), new SanitizerForClassB())

    new ClassA(new RequestReferrerHandler(null, null, null, "Super Awesome Taxonomy Tables"), new SanitizerForClassA()), 
    new ClassB(new RequestReferrerHandler(null, null, "OK Google Now!", null), new SanitizerForClassB())

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