对于有多个孩子的单亲,正确使用 fork() 和 pipeline() 。我该如何正确地做到这一点?


So, my 上一篇文章 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26321100/concept-any-good-c-example-of-fork-pipe-where-one-parent-creates-multiple被标记为偏离主题、过于模糊,并寻求有用代码的意见和建议。它做了这些事情,所以我重新发布作为我正在处理的代码的问题。感谢上一篇文章中的那些人,我能够通过回顾你们所说的内容来拼凑出我所拥有的内容。

这里的重点是父/子关系以及使用 fork() 和 pipeline() 来获得所需的效果。

该项目是一个 POSIX 纸牌游戏,其中父级(发牌者)使用父级自己的管道将其分叉为 5 个子级(玩家)。家长向玩家发牌(每人至少 5 张牌),直到一名玩家拿到 3 张相同的牌(不弃牌)。获胜的孩子将获胜的手牌和 EOF (exit(0)) 发送给父母以宣布胜利。这会触发父级打印获胜玩家并将 EOF 传输给剩余的子级以将其关闭(exit(1))。然后父级关闭。如果父级到达牌堆末尾而没有获胜者,则会将 EOF 传输给子级,等待它们退出 (1)...然后关闭。





os@debian:~/Documents/cpsc351/projects/assn2$ gcc -o play play.c
os@debian:~/Documents/cpsc351/projects/assn2$ ./play
Pipe Success...toChild 1 created.
Pipe Success...toParent 1 created.
Pipe Success...toChild 2 created.
Pipe Success...toParent 2 created.
Pipe Success...toChild 3 created.
Pipe Success...toParent 3 created.
Pipe Success...toChild 4 created.
Pipe Success...toParent 4 created.
Pipe Success...toChild 5 created.
Pipe Success...toParent 5 created.
Parent: All players are at the table.  Dealing cards... 
 30  5C to player 1
 51  KS to player 2
 9  10H to player 3
 25  KD to player 4
 6  7H to player 5
 18  6D to player 1
 45  7S to player 2
 29  4C to player 3
 37  QC to player 4
 12  KH to player 5
 7  8H to player 1
 19  7D to player 2
 20  8D to player 3
 49  JS to player 4
 35  10C to player 5
 15  3D to player 1
 5  6H to player 2
 36  JC to player 3
 0  AH to player 4
 22  10D to player 5
 48  10S to player 1
 27  2C to player 2
 42  4S to player 3
 16  4D to player 4
 32  7C to player 5
 4  5H to player 1
 14  2D to player 2
 41  3S to player 3
 39  AS to player 4
 1  2H to player 5
 26  AC to player 1
 46  8S to player 2
 34  9C to player 3
 11  QH to player 4
 24  QD to player 5
 17  5D to player 1
 31  6C to player 2
 44  6S to player 3
 40  2S to player 4
 3  4H to player 5
 21  9D to player 1
 50  QS to player 2
 13  AD to player 3
 33  8C to player 4
 23  JD to player 5
 43  5S to player 1
 2  3H to player 2
 28  3C to player 3
 47  9S to player 4
 38  KC to player 5
 10  JH to player 1
 8  9H to player 2
Child: Fork Success...Player 4 is sitting at the table.
Child: Player 4 is dealt a KD. Hand Total = 1 cards.
Child: Player 4 is dealt a QC. Hand Total = 2 cards.
Child: Player 4 is dealt a JS. Hand Total = 3 cards.
Child: Player 4 is dealt a AH. Hand Total = 4 cards.
Child: Player 4 is dealt a 4D. Hand Total = 5 cards.
Child: Player 4 is dealt a AS. Hand Total = 6 cards.
Child: Player 4 is dealt a QH. Hand Total = 7 cards.
Child: Player 4 is dealt a 2S. Hand Total = 8 cards.
Child: Player 4 is dealt a 8C. Hand Total = 9 cards.
Child: Player 4 is dealt a 9S. Hand Total = 10 cards.
Child: Fork Success...Player 5 is sitting at the table.
Child: Player 5 is dealt a 7H. Hand Total = 1 cards.
Child: Player 5 is dealt a KH. Hand Total = 2 cards.
Child: Player 5 is dealt a 10C. Hand Total = 3 cards.
Child: Player 5 is dealt a 10D. Hand Total = 4 cards.
Child: Player 5 is dealt a 7C. Hand Total = 5 cards.
Child: Player 5 is dealt a 2H. Hand Total = 6 cards.
Child: Player 5 is dealt a QD. Hand Total = 7 cards.
Child: Player 5 is dealt a 4H. Hand Total = 8 cards.
Child: Player 5 is dealt a JD. Hand Total = 9 cards.
Child: Player 5 is dealt a KC. Hand Total = 10 cards.
Child: Player 5 has left the table.
os@debian:~/Documents/cpsc351/projects/assn2$ Child: Player 4 has left the table.
Child: Fork Success...Player 3 is sitting at the table.
Child: Player 3 is dealt a 10H. Hand Total = 1 cards.
Child: Player 3 is dealt a 4C. Hand Total = 2 cards.
Child: Player 3 is dealt a 8D. Hand Total = 3 cards.
Child: Player 3 is dealt a JC. Hand Total = 4 cards.
Child: Player 3 is dealt a 4S. Hand Total = 5 cards.
Child: Player 3 is dealt a 3S. Hand Total = 6 cards.
Child: Player 3 is dealt a 9C. Hand Total = 7 cards.
Child: Player 3 is dealt a 6S. Hand Total = 8 cards.
Child: Player 3 is dealt a AD. Hand Total = 9 cards.
Child: Player 3 is dealt a 3C. Hand Total = 10 cards.
Child: Player 3 has left the table.
Child: Fork Success...Player 2 is sitting at the table.
Child: Player 2 is dealt a KS. Hand Total = 1 cards.
Child: Player 2 is dealt a 7S. Hand Total = 2 cards.
Child: Player 2 is dealt a 7D. Hand Total = 3 cards.
Child: Player 2 is dealt a 6H. Hand Total = 4 cards.
Child: Player 2 is dealt a 2C. Hand Total = 5 cards.
Child: Player 2 is dealt a 2D. Hand Total = 6 cards.
Child: Player 2 is dealt a 8S. Hand Total = 7 cards.
Child: Player 2 is dealt a 6C. Hand Total = 8 cards.
Child: Player 2 is dealt a QS. Hand Total = 9 cards.
Child: Player 2 is dealt a 3H. Hand Total = 10 cards.
Child: Player 2 is dealt a 9H. Hand Total = 11 cards.
Child: Player 2 has left the table.
Child: Fork Success...Player 1 is sitting at the table.
Child: Player 1 is dealt a 5C. Hand Total = 1 cards.
Child: Player 1 is dealt a 6D. Hand Total = 2 cards.
Child: Player 1 is dealt a 8H. Hand Total = 3 cards.
Child: Player 1 is dealt a 3D. Hand Total = 4 cards.
Child: Player 1 is dealt a 10S. Hand Total = 5 cards.
Child: Player 1 is dealt a 5H. Hand Total = 6 cards.
Child: Player 1 is dealt a AC. Hand Total = 7 cards.
Child: Player 1 is dealt a 5D. Hand Total = 8 cards.
Child: Player 1 has at least "3 of a Kind". Hand Total = 8 cards.


#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200809L

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>

#include "cards.h"
#include "cards.c"

#define READ 0
#define WRITE 1

#define PLAYERS 5

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    //loop declarations ***Would not let me initialize within a for-loop...c99 error.***
    int i;
    int j;  

    pid_t player[PLAYERS];
    int toChild_pipe[PLAYERS][2];
    int toParent_pipe[PLAYERS][2];
    int dealt_card;
    int card_count = 1;
    int player_count = 0;
    int status_forChild;
    int status_forParent;
    int player_card;

    for(i = 0; i < PLAYERS; i++)
        // Create the pipes
        if (pipe(toChild_pipe[i]) < 0) 
            perror("'To-Child' Pipe Error\n");

        if (pipe(toParent_pipe[i]) < 0) 
            perror("'To-Parent' Pipe Error\n");

        // Fork the child (new player)
        player[i] = fork();
        if (player[i] < 0)
            perror("Fork Error:");
            printf(" Player %d cloud not sit at table.\n", i+1);

        else if (player[i] > 0) //Parent Process
            // Close unsed pipe ends in Parent

        else //(player[i] == 0)-- Child Process
            int player_num = (i+1);
            int player_card;
            int hand[13] = {0};         
            int player_card_count = 0;
            bool game_over = false;

            printf("Child: Fork Success...Player %d is sitting at the table.\n", player_num);

            // Close unsed pipe ends in Parent


                if ((status_forChild = read(toChild_pipe[i][READ], &player_card, sizeof(player_card))) == 0)
                    //EOF from parent.  Player lost.
                    game_over = true;
                    printf("Child: Player %d has left the table.\n", player_num);


                else if (status_forChild == -1)
                    printf("Child %d: ERROR: Could not read from pipe.\n", i+1);

                    //Players have 5 cards, loop through hand to check for winner. If yes, WIN.                 
                    if (player_card_count == 5)
                        for (j = 0; j < 13; j++)
                            if(hand[j] >=3)
                                //WINNER! Close process (status = 0) 
                                printf("Child: Player %d has at least. Hand Total = %d cards.\n"
                                    , player_num, rank(player_card));

                    //Read the current card value dealt, increment card value in hand array                 
                    int card_index = value_index(rank(player_card));

                    printf("Child: Player %d is dealt a %s%s. Hand Total = %d cards.\n", player_num, rank(player_card), 
                        suit(player_card), player_card_count);  

                    if ((hand[card_index] >= 3)&&(player_card_count > 5)) //at least (3 of a kind) and (> 5 card hand)
                        //WINNER! Close process (status = 0) 
                        printf("Child: Player %d has at least. Hand Total = %d cards.\n", player_num, rank(player_card));

    printf("Parent: All players are at the table.  Dealing cards... \n");

    while ((dealt_card = deal()) != EOF) 

        //Card is written to the pipe for current player        
        if ((status_forParent = write(toChild_pipe[i][WRITE], &dealt_card, sizeof(dealt_card))) == -1)
            printf("Parent: ERROR: Could not read from pipe for Child %d.\n", i+1);

        //If child process exited with status = 0, child had 3 of a kind and wins game.
        else if (status_forParent == 0)
            printf("Parent: Player %d has WON!!!\n", player_count+1, rank(player_card));


            printf(" %d  %s%s to player %d\n", dealt_card, rank(dealt_card), suit(dealt_card), player_count+1);

            if (player_count >= PLAYERS-1)
                player_count = 0;           

    // Close pipe ends
    return 0;

您遇到的基本问题是,您依赖 EOF 来检测事物,但直到管道写入端的所有句柄都关闭后,EOF 才会发生。因此,您必须小心关闭所有进程中所有不需要的句柄。


  • 首先为子 0 创建两个管道
  • 然后分叉孩子0
  • child 0 关闭这些管道的父端,而parent 关闭这些管道的子端(好)
  • loop
  • 为孩子 1 创建两个管道
  • 叉子1
  • 子节点 1 关闭其管道的父端,而父节点关闭子端。

此时,您遇到了一个问题 - 子级 1 已将管道的父端继承到子级 0,但并未关闭它们。这意味着子进程 0 在从父进程读取时将无法检测到 EOF。同样的情况也发生在孩子 2 及之后的孩子身上。


对于有多个孩子的单亲,正确使用 fork() 和 pipeline() 。我该如何正确地做到这一点? 的相关文章


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