django-guardian 和 django-rules 可以一起使用吗?




tl;dr是的,他们可以,我们可以解决一些可扩展性问题Rules,但是您无法绕开每个对象运行查询,因此权限过滤查询的成本很高。底部建议了一种混合但更复杂的解决方案,通过在运行时将惰性规则集编译到 SQL 中来解决这个问题,使用惰性Q类物体。


import rules
import guardian

def is_page_book_editor(user, page):
    return user.has_perm('books.edit_book',

def is_page_editor(user, page):
    return user.has_perm('pages.edit_page', page)

rules.add_perm('pages.can_edit_page', is_page_book_editor | is_page_editor)


joe.has_perm('pages.can_edit_page', page34)


@permission_required('pages.can_edit_page', fn=objectgetter(Page, 'page_id'))
def post_update(request, page_id):
    # ...




from django.contrib.auth.models import User
import rules
import guardian
from guardian.shortcuts import assign_perm
from myapp.models import Book, Page


joe = User.objects.create(username='joe', email='[email protected] /cdn-cgi/l/email-protection')
page23 = Page.objects.filter(id=123)
assign_perm('edit_page', joe, page23)
joe.has_perm('edit_page', page23)
is_page_editor(joe, page23)  # returns True
joe.has_perm('can_edit_page', i)  # returns True

rules.add_perm('can_edit_page', is_page_book_editor & is_page_editor)
joe.has_perm('can_edit_page', i)  # returns False


def is_page_book_viewer(user, instance):
    if is_page_book_viewer.context.get('user_perms') is None:
        is_page_book_viewer.context['user_perms'] = guardian.shortcuts.get_perms(user,
    return 'view_book' in is_page_book_viewer.context.get('user_perms')

def is_page_viewer(self, user, instance):
    if self.context.get('user_perms') is None:
        self.context['user_perms'] = guardian.shortcuts.get_perms(user, instance)
    return 'view_page' in self.context.get('user_perms')


当您正在执行复杂的复合权限时,明智的做法可能是用真实的外键替换 django-guardian 的通用外键可以通过数据库进行优化和索引,如下所示:

class PageUserObjectPermission(UserObjectPermissionBase):
    content_object = models.ForeignKey(Page)

class PageGroupObjectPermission(GroupObjectPermissionBase):
    content_object = models.ForeignKey(Page)

class BookUserObjectPermission(UserObjectPermissionBase):
    content_object = models.ForeignKey(Book)

class BookGroupObjectPermission(GroupObjectPermissionBase):
    content_object = models.ForeignKey(Book)

有一个错误。我们正在缓存权限Page and Book在同一个地方 - 我们需要区分并分别缓存它们。另外,让我们将重复的代码封装到它自己的方法中。最后,让我们给get()默认值,以确保我们不会在用户拥有权限时重新查询用户的权限None.

def cache_permissions(predicate, user, instance):
    Cache all permissions this user has on this instance, for potential reuse by other predicates in this rule check.
    key = 'user_%s_perms_%s_%s' % (, type(instance).__name__,
    if predicate.context.get(key, -1) == -1:
        predicate.context[key] = guardian.shortcuts.get_perms(user, instance)
    return predicate.context[key]

这样对象权限将被单独缓存。 (包括用户 IDkey没有必要,因为任何规则只会检查一个用户,但更适合未来。)


def is_page_book_viewer(self, user, instance: Page):
    return 'view_book' in cache_permissions(self, user,

一项限制rules权限检查必须根据用户单独完成,但我们通常必须获取用户拥有给定权限的所有对象。例如,要获取用户具有编辑权限的所有页面的列表,我需要重复调​​用[p for p in Pages.objects.all() if usr.has_perm('can_edit_page', p)], 而不是usr.has_perm('can_edit_page')在一个查询中返回所有允许的对象。

我们无法完全解决这个限制,但是当我们不需要检查列表中的每个对象时,我们可以使用以下方法减少查询数量next和基于惰性生成器协程的查询集。在上面的例子中我们可以使用(...)而不是[...]如果我们不能到达列表的末尾,并且next(...)如果我们只需要检查是否any列表中的对象具有权限。break or return将是正常循环代码中的等效项,如下所示。

我遇到的情况是模型具有自连接层次结构,我只需要知道是否any模型的后代拥有许可。该代码必须使用连续节点的后代递归查询表。但是一旦我们找到具有权限的对象,我们就不需要进一步查询。我已经这样做了如下。 (请注意,我感兴趣的是是否anyone拥有对象的权限,并且我指定了非通用密钥。如果您要检查特定用户的权限,您可以使用user.has_perm('perm_name', obj)使用您的规则。)

class Foo(models.Model):
    parent = models.ForeignKey('Foo', blank=True, null=True)

    def descendants(self):
        When callers don't need the complete list (eg, checking if any dependent is 
        viewable by any user), we run fewer queries by only going into the dependent 
        hierarchy as much as necessary.
        immediate_descendants = Foo.objects.filter(parent=self)
        for x in immediate_descendants:
            yield x
        for x in immediate_descendants:
            for y in x.descendants():
                yield y

    def obj_or_descendant_has_perm(self, perm_code):
        perm_id = Permission.objects.get(codename=perm_code).id

        if FooUserObjectPermission.objects.filter(permission_id=perm_id,
            return True
        if FooGroupObjectPermission.objects.filter(permission_id=perm_id,
            return True

        for o in self.descendants():
            if FooUserObjectPermission.objects.filter(permission_id=perm_id,
                return True
            if FooGroupObjectPermission.objects.filter(permission_id=perm_id,
                return True

        return False



class Foo(models.Model):
    parent = models.ForeignKey('Foo', blank=True, null=True)

    def descendants(self):
        When callers don't need the complete list (eg, checking if any dependent is 
        viewable by any user), we run fewer queries by only going into the dependent 
        hierarchy as much as necessary. Returns a generator of querysets of Foo objects.
        immediate_descendants = Foo.objects.filter(parent=self)
        yield immediate_descendants
        for x in immediate_descendants:
            for y in x.descendants():
                yield y

    def obj_or_descendant_has_perm(self, perm_code):
        perm_id = Permission.objects.get(codename=perm_code).id

        if FooUserObjectPermission.objects.filter(permission_id=perm_id,
            return True
        if FooGroupObjectPermission.objects.filter(permission_id=perm_id,
            return True

        for gen in self.descendants():
            if FooUserObjectPermission.objects.filter(permission_id=perm_id,
                return True
            if FooGroupObjectPermission.objects.filter(permission_id=perm_id,
                return True

        return False

但不幸的是,您只能预取和缓存每个对象,而不能跨查询中的所有对象,因为django-guardian生成一个 SQL 子查询Rules在检查每个对象时进行层检查,您无法预先缓存。此外,在 Django 中注册两个权限后端意味着每次都会检查两者,如果名称重复,可能会导致意外批准。

所以我去找了类似的东西Rules,但是在执行时会延迟编译成查询集过滤器。下面是一个人为的示例,演示了监护人权限规则、Django Q 对象和延迟评估 Q 对象的布尔组合:

    LazyGuardianPermission('kimsim_app.view_model') &
        LazyGuardianPermission('kimsim_app.saved_model') |
    & ~LazyQ('modelgroupobjectpermission__group__user', 'request.user')
    & ~Q(number_of_failures__lte=42)
lazy = LazyPermission('kimsim_app.model_run.view') & ~LazyGuardianPermission('kimsim_app.view_model')




Model.objects.filter(lazy.convert_to_q(user=u, obj=m))

然后可以将其构建到 DRF、Django 管理、模板标签等的权限后端中。代码:

class BaseLazyQ(Q):
    Is the type instantiated by the Q library when it parses the operators linking Q, LazyQ, LazyPermission and other
    BaseLazyQ subclasses, and generates the 'lazy' Q node tree for a rule.
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # If no args, this is a connector node joining two sub-clauses
        # Or if args[0] is not a string, this is a standard, fully declared Q object
        super(BaseLazyQ, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)'Instantiated fully declared BaseLazyQ %s, children %s', self.connector, self.children)

    # These two overrides force the connector nodes to be of type `BaseLazyQ`, ie, `LazyQ() & LazyGuardian()`
    # creates a BaseLazyQ connector node. These are then simply cloned on calling `convert_to_q()`.
    # Sub-classes do different conversion processing in `convert_to_q`.

    # They also disable `squash`, as child Q objects have not been instantiated yet: 'lazy' Q or
    # guardian permissions are still awaiting values request & obj.

    def _combine(self, other, conn):
        if not isinstance(other, Q):
            raise TypeError(other)
        obj = BaseLazyQ()
        obj.connector = conn
        obj.add(self, conn, squash=False)
        obj.add(other, conn, squash=False)
        return obj

    def __invert__(self):
        obj = BaseLazyQ()
        obj.add(self, self.AND, squash=False)
        return obj

    def convert_to_q(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Generates a tree of fully specified Q() objects at run time from our tree of lazy Q, Guardian and LazyPermission
        objects, by passing them the ``request`` and ``obj`` objects of the current request.

        Note that only kwargs ``request`` or ``obj`` can be used if you will integrate with Django ModelAdmin and
        django-restframework permissions classes.

        :param request: From the current request
        :param obj: Optional - the object permissions are being tested for, if this is object-specific.
        :return: A tree of Q() objects that can be applied to a queryset of type ``obj``
        """'Converting fully declared BaseLazyQ conn %s children %s', self.connector, self.children)
        q = self.__class__._new_instance(children=[], connector=self.connector, negated=self.negated)
        for predicate in self.children:
            if isinstance(predicate, BaseLazyQ):
                # Including subclasses
                q.children.append(predicate.convert_to_q(*args, **kwargs))
                # Q or Node
  'Cloning child Q %s', predicate)
        return q

class AlwaysQ(BaseLazyQ):
    This class is used for permissions that are always granted or denied regardless of user, request, object, etc.
    def __init__(self, always_allow, *args, **kwargs):
        Initializes a class which always permits or denies a particular permission. Still subject to boolean operators,
        ie, `AlwaysQ('allow') & [some failing test/s]` will refuse permission.
        Likewise `AlwaysQ('deny') | [some passing test/s]` will grant permission.
        :param always_allow: Must be set to `'allow'` to always allow, or `'deny'` to always deny.
        super(AlwaysQ, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        if not always_allow in ['allow', 'deny']:
            raise LazyPermDeclarationError('AlwaysQ must be declared as either \'allow\' or \'deny\'.')
        self.always_allow = always_allow

    def convert_to_q(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return Q(pk__isnull=not self.always_allow)

class LazyQ(BaseLazyQ):

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(LazyQ, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        if args and len(args) == 2 and isinstance(args[0], str) and isinstance(args[1], str):
  'Instantiating LazyQ %s %s', args[0], args[1])
            self.field = args[0]
            attrs = args[1].split('.')
            self.parameter = attrs[0]
            self.attributes = attrs[1:]
            raise LazyPermDeclarationError('LazyQ must be declared with a Q query string and the naming of the '
                                        'parameter attributes to assign it.')

    def convert_to_q(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Generates a tree of fully specified Q() objects at run time, from our tree of lazy LazyPermission() and LazyQ()
        objects, by passing them the ``request`` and ``obj`` objects of the current request.

        Note that only kwargs ``request`` or ``obj`` can be used if we are to integrate with Django ModelAdmin and
        django-restframework permissions classes.

        :param request: From the current request
        :param obj: Optional - the object permissions are being tested for, if this is object-specific.
        :return: A tree of Q() objects that can be applied to a queryset of type ``obj``
        """'Converting LazyQ conn %s children %s args %s kwargs %s', self.connector, self.children, args, kwargs)
        value = kwargs[self.parameter]
        for attr in self.attributes:
            value = getattr(value, attr)
  'attr %s = %s', attr, value)
        return Q((self.field, value))

class LazyGuardianPermission(BaseLazyQ):
    This class supports lazy guardian permissions, whose request and obj are to be passed at runtime.
    def __init__(self, permission, globals_override=False, use_groups=True, related_object=None, *args, **kwargs):
        Instantiates a lazy guardian permission that can later be converted to fully defined Q objects when passed
        request and (optionally) obj at request time.

        :param permission: The fully qualified guardian permission name, including the app label, eg, app.action_model

        :param globals_override: If 'allow', if the user has the permission on the model, then they have the
        permission on every object. It is not possible to disable global permissions inherited through group ownership.

        If 'deny', the user must have *both* the global permission, and the permission on the object. Removing the
        global permission for a user effectively removes their permission on all that model's objects.

        It is not possible to disable global permissions inherited through group ownership, and so only use those
        allocated to a user, ie, use_groups has no effect and is always True for global permission checks, as they are
        provided by the Django auth ModelBackend.

        Default False, which means global permissions are ignored.

        :param use_groups: If False, permissions a user has by group membership will not be considered.
        Default True, which means this check will check the permissions of groups the user is in. Note that this does
        not affect the `allow_groups` option, or checks that are not object-specific. These will always include group
        permissions, as determined by the Django auth ModelBackend.

        :param related_object: If the guardian permission is on a model related to the current one, this is the
        query string path from the current model to that model.
        """'Instantiating LazyGuardianPermission %s', permission)
        super(LazyGuardianPermission, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        if isinstance(permission, str):
            perm_elems = permission.split('.')
            if len(perm_elems) == 2:
                # This specifies a guardian permission
                self.app_label = perm_elems[0]
                    self.permission = Permission.objects.select_related('content_type')\
                except Permission.DoesNotExist:
                    raise LazyPermDeclarationError('Guardian permission %s not found. LazyGuardianPermission must be '
                                                'passed a fully qualified guardian permission, eg, '
                                                'app.action_model. Q, LazyQ or LazyPermission objects can also be '
                                                'used.' % permission)
                self.related_object = related_object
                self.use_groups = use_groups
                self.globals_override = globals_override
                self.model_cls = self.permission.content_type.model_class()
                raise LazyPermDeclarationError('Guardian permission %s not found. LazyGuardianPermission must contain '
                                            'a fully qualified guardian permission, eg, app_action_model. Q, LazyQ '
                                            'or LazyPermission objects can also be used.' % permission)
            raise LazyPermDeclarationError('LazyGuardianPermission must be declared with a fully qualified guardian '
                                        'permission name, eg, app.action_model. <%s> not a valid parameter.' %

    def convert_to_q(self, user, obj=None):
        Generates a tree of fully specified Q() objects at run time to test this Guardian permission, by passing them
        the `request` and `obj` objects of the current request.

        :param user: From the current request
        :param obj: Optional - the object permissions are being tested for, if this is object-specific.
        :return: A tree of Q() objects that can be applied to a queryset of type ``obj``
        """'Converting LazyGuardianPermission %s%s', '~' if self.negated else '', self.permission.codename)

        if self.globals_override:
            has_global = user.has_perm('%s.%s' % (self.app_label, self.permission.codename))
            if has_global and self.globals_override == 'allow':
                return Q(pk__isnull=False)
            elif not has_global and self.globals_override == 'deny':
                return Q(pk__isnull=True)

        related_object_prefix = '%s__' % self.related_object if self.related_object else ''

        user_obj_perms_model = get_user_obj_perms_model(self.model_cls)
        group_obj_perms_model = get_group_obj_perms_model(self.model_cls)

        #'%s %s %s', self.model_cls, user_obj_perms_model, user_obj_perms_model.objects)

        if user_obj_perms_model.objects.is_generic():
            raise LazyPermDeclarationError('%s appears to be using generic foreign keys. LazyPermissions '
                                        'does not support Guardian permissions maintained via generic '
                                        'foreign keys, and insists you specify a custom table joining '
                                        'object, permission and user, for example `class '
                                        'DatasetUserObjectPermission(UserObjectPermissionBase): '
                                        'content_object = models.ForeignKey(Dataset)` and likewise '
                                        'for Groups. This is also more performant and maintains '
                                        'referential integrity.' % self.permission)

        user_obj_perms_model_ref = '%s%s' % (related_object_prefix,

        if obj:
            filters = (
                Q(('%s__user' % user_obj_perms_model_ref, user)) &
                Q(('%s__permission' % user_obj_perms_model_ref, self.permission)) &
                Q(('%s__content_object' % user_obj_perms_model_ref,
            filters = (
                Q(('%s__user' % user_obj_perms_model_ref, user)) &
                Q(('%s__permission' % user_obj_perms_model_ref, self.permission))

        if self.use_groups:

            if user_obj_perms_model.objects.is_generic():
                raise LazyPermDeclarationError('%s appears to be using generic foreign keys. LazyPermissions '
                                            'does not support Guardian permissions maintained via generic '
                                            'foreign keys, and insists you specify a custom table joining '
                                            'object, permission and user, for example `class '
                                            'DatasetGroupObjectPermission(GroupObjectPermissionBase): '
                                            'content_object = models.ForeignKey(Dataset)` and likewise '
                                            'for Users. This is also more performant and maintains '
                                            'referential integrity.' % self.permission)

            group_obj_perms_model_ref = '%s%s' % (related_object_prefix,

            if obj:
                filters |= (
                    Q(('%s__group__user' % group_obj_perms_model_ref, user)) &
                    Q(('%s__permission' % group_obj_perms_model_ref, self.permission)) &
                    Q(('%s__content_object' % group_obj_perms_model_ref,
                filters |= (
                    Q(('%s__group__user' % group_obj_perms_model_ref, user)) &
                    Q(('%s__permission' % group_obj_perms_model_ref, self.permission))
                )'Converted non-declared LazyGuardianPermission %s%s filters %s',
                    '~' if self.negated else '', self.permission.codename, filters)

        return Q(filters)

class LazyPermission(BaseLazyQ):
    This class supports recursive LazyPermission references, converted to lazy q or guardian checks on
    declaration then treated identically on calling.
    def __init__(self, permission=None, *args, **kwargs):'instantiating gorm permission=%s', permission)
        super(LazyPermission, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        if isinstance(permission, str):
                # This is a recursive LazyPermission reference, so add it as a sub-tree
            except KeyError:
                raise LazyPermDeclarationError('%s not found in rule_set. LazyPermission must contain a fully '
                                            'qualified guardian permission, eg, app.action_model, or another '
                                            'LazyPermission\'s key.' % permission)

  'Instantiated LazyPermission %s as LazyGuardianPermission sub-tree %s.',
                        permission, self.children)
            raise LazyPermDeclarationError('LazyPermission must be declared with either a fully qualified guardian '
                                        'permission, eg, app.action_model, or another LazyPermission\' key.')

class RuleSet(dict):
    def test_rule(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
        return name in self and self[name].convert_to_q(*args, **kwargs)

    def rule_exists(self, name):
        return name in self

    def add_rule(self, name, pred):
        if name in self:
            raise KeyError('A rule with name `%s` already exists' % name)
        self[name] = pred

    def remove_rule(self, name):
        del self[name]

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    我有一个数据框 里面有一些 更有意义 数据格式如下 In 67 df Out 67 latency timestamp 2016 09 15 00 00 00 000000 0 042731 2016 09 15 00 16 24 3769
  • 应用函数创建以多列作为参数的字符串

    我有一个像这样的数据框 name size type av size type 0 John 23 Qapra 22 1 Dan 21 nuk neH 12 2 Monica 12 kahless 15 我想用一个句子创建一个新列 如下所示
  • Django ORM 是否具有与 SQLAlchemy 的混合属性等效的功能?

    In SQL炼金术 http docs sqlalchemy org en rel 0 7 index html a 混合属性 http docs sqlalchemy org en rel 0 7 orm extensions hybri
  • 如何在节标题和段落之间添加额外的空格

    我希望标题和段落之间以及段落之间有更多的空间 我不希望这是一个全局设置 但我想在需要的地方和时间使用它 感谢任何建议 您可以在行首使用竖线在输出中生成空行 像这样 Heading Paragraph with text
  • 在ubuntu 18.04上安装python 2.7

    有没有办法在 Ubuntu 18 04 上安装 Python 2 7 我尝试了这个命令 但它不起作用 sudo apt install python minimal 有没有办法手动安装 我尝试使用 python 2 7 作为不支持 pyth
  • 用 pandas 查找树中叶节点的所有祖先

    我有一个表 有两列 父 和 子 这是从 SAP ERP 下载的 SETNODE 表 需要在 python 中创建一个数据框 其中每个级别作为其自己的列 相对于其父级和之前的所有级别 在Python 3 中 完整关系的级别数量未知 或始终变化
  • Python 对象什么时候可以被 pickle

    我正在使用多处理模块在 Python 中进行大量并行处理 我知道某些对象可以是 pickle 因此作为 multi p 中的参数传递 而其他对象则不能 例如 class abc pass a abc pickle dumps a ccopy
