使用 Jenkins 凭证插件以纯文本形式显示密码


我正在尝试使用 Jenkins Credentials 插件来获取用户输入并在 Jenkinsfile 中使用它进行处理。由于密码字段高度敏感,我希望凭据插件能够屏蔽密码,使其不显示在控制台输出中。但是似乎密码以纯文本形式显示。我注意到一个现有问题https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-38181 https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-38181其中讨论了 withCredentials 块之外的 echo 语句,以纯文本形式显示密码,这是预期的。但就我而言,即使 withCredentials 块内的 echo 语句也会显示为普通。

我在这里做错了什么吗?我应该避免使用 echo 吗?


 node('someagent') {
    stage 'input'
    def userNameInput = input(
        id: 'UserName', message: 'input your username: ', ok: 'ok', parameters: [string(defaultValue: 'user', description: '.....', name: 'DB_USER')]
    def userPasswordInput = input(
        id: 'Password', message: 'input your password: ', ok: 'ok', parameters: [string(defaultValue: 'password', description: '.....', name: 'DB_PASS')]
    withCredentials(bindings: [usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'CREDS', usernameVariable: userNameInput, variable: userPasswordInput)]) {
     echo ("My Username: ${userNameInput}")
     echo ("My Password: ${userPasswordInput}")


[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] stage (input)
Using the ‘stage’ step without a block argument is deprecated
Entering stage input
[Pipeline] input
Input requested
Approved by UserId
[Pipeline] input
Input requested
Approved by UserId
[Pipeline] withCredentials
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] echo
My Username: user
[Pipeline] echo
My Password: password
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withCredentials
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] End of Pipeline
Finished: SUCCESS

你不明白withCredentials正确使用。使用时withCredentials,表示凭证已添加到 Jenkins 中,withCredentials可以将用户和密码值提取到Shell变量中,然后可以通过引用shell变量来使用它们。

因此无法将用户和密码提取到预定义的 Groovy 变量中。


    credentialsId: 'CREDS', // the CREDS should be exist in Jenkins
    passwordVariable: 'pwd', // you need to use a string, not a Groovy variable
    usernameVariable: 'user') // you need to use a string, not a Groovy variable
]) {
    sh '''
    echo UserName: ${user} // the user and pwd injected into Shell Context as Environment variable
    echo Password: ${pwd} // will show as *** in jenkins console

    // If you user `"` or `"""` to wrapper a string, 
    // Groovy will execute string substitution with Groovy variable if 
    // same name variable exist in Groovy Context
    // otherwise the string keep nothing change

    sh """
     echo ${user} 
     echo ${pwd}  // will show as *** in jenkins console
    // because the user and pwd not exist Groovy context
    // so substitution will fail and the string keep no change
    // then execute the string in Shell by sh(), 
    // the user and pwd can be found in Shell context

实际上,下面的代码将首先通过 Groovy 执行字符串替换。 这就是为什么您在詹金斯控制台中看到密码以纯文本形式显示的原因

 echo ("My Username: ${userNameInput}") 
 echo ("My Password: ${userPasswordInput}")

 // because userNameInput and userPasswordInput exist in Groovy variables,
 // so the ${userNameInput} and ${userPasswordInput} will be replaced to
 // the value of Groovy variables before echo, as result ${userNameInput}
 // and ${userPasswordInput} used variable from Groovy, rather then from Shell

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