Java Diffie-Hellman 密钥交换


我正在尝试执行代码来执行 Diffie-Hellman 密钥交换。我从网上的一个示例中获取了代码(现在忘记在哪里了)。 我必须导入 bouncycastle.jar,我认为它在执行之前一直有效。

my code:

package testproject;

import java.math.BigInteger;
import javax.crypto.KeyAgreement;
import javax.crypto.spec.DHParameterSpec;

public class KeyGen {

  private static BigInteger g512 = new BigInteger("1234567890", 16);
  //generates a random, non-negative integer for Base

  private static BigInteger p512 = new BigInteger("1234567890", 16);
  //generates a random, non-negative integer for Prime

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    Security.addProvider(new org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider());
    DHParameterSpec dhParams = new DHParameterSpec(p512, g512);
    //Specify parameters to use for the algorithm
    KeyPairGenerator keyGen = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("DH", "BC");
    //Define specific algorithm to use "diffie-hellman", with provider "bc"

    keyGen.initialize(dhParams, new SecureRandom());
    //initialize with parameters & secure random seed

    KeyAgreement aKeyAgree = KeyAgreement.getInstance("DH", "BC");
    //define algorithm for A's key agreement
    KeyPair aPair = keyGen.generateKeyPair();
    //generate keyPair for A

    KeyAgreement bKeyAgree = KeyAgreement.getInstance("DH", "BC");
    //define algorithm for B's key agreement
    KeyPair bPair = keyGen.generateKeyPair();
    //generate keyPair for B

    //initialize A's keyAgreement with A's private key
    //initialize B's keyAgreement with B's private key

    aKeyAgree.doPhase(bPair.getPublic(), true);
    //do last phase of A's keyAgreement with B's public key
    bKeyAgree.doPhase(aPair.getPublic(), true);
    //do last phase of B's keyAgreement with A's public key

    MessageDigest hash = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA1", "BC");

    System.out.println(new String(hash.digest(aKeyAgree.generateSecret())));
    //generate secret key for A, hash it.
    System.out.println(new String(hash.digest(bKeyAgree.generateSecret())));
    //generate secret key for B, hash it.


KeyPair aPair = keyGen.generateKeyPair();



续(编辑):Java - Diffie-Hellman 加密 - 错误的输出

您已经首选 bouncycastle 版本。但出于学习目的,我实现了它的一个小 helloworld 版本。也许它对于那些只想在纯 Java 中使用 Diffie-Hellman 而无需依赖的人会有所帮助:

// 1. ------------------------------------------------------------------
// This is Alice and Bob
// Alice and Bob want to chat securely. But how?

final Person alice = new Person();
final Person bob   = new Person();

//    ?                                        ?
//    O                                        O
//   /|\                                      /|\
//   / \                                      / \
//  ALICE                                     BOB

// 2. ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Alice and Bob generate public and private keys.


//    O                                        O
//   /|\                                      /|\
//   / \                                      / \
//  ALICE                                     BOB
//  _ PUBLIC KEY                              _ PUBLIC KEY
//  _ PRIVATE KEY                             _ PRIVATE KEY

// 3. ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Alice and Bob exchange public keys with each other.


//    O                                        O
//   /|\                                      /|\
//   / \                                      / \
//  ALICE                                     BOB
//  + public key                              + public key
//  + private key                             + private key
//  _ PUBLIC KEY <------------------------->  _ PUBLIC KEY

// 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Alice generates common secret key via using her private key and Bob's public key.
// Bob generates common secret key via using his private key and Alice's public key.
// Both secret keys are equal without TRANSFERRING. This is the magic of Diffie-Hellman algorithm.


//    O                                        O
//   /|\                                      /|\
//   / \                                      / \
//  ALICE                                     BOB
//  + public key                              + public key
//  + private key                             + private key
//  + public key                              + public key
//  _ SECRET KEY                              _ SECRET KEY

// 5. ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Alice encrypts message using the secret key and sends to Bob

alice.encryptAndSendMessage("Bob! Guess Who I am.", bob);

//    O                                        O
//   /|\ []-------------------------------->  /|\
//   / \                                      / \
//  ALICE                                     BOB
//  + public key                              + public key
//  + private key                             + private key
//  + public key                              + public key
//  + secret key                              + secret key
//  + message                                 _ MESSAGE

// 6. ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Bob receives the important message and decrypts with secret key.


//    O                     (((   (((   (((   \O/   )))
//   /|\                                       |
//   / \                                      / \
//  ALICE                                     BOB
//  + public key                              + public key
//  + private key                             + private key
//  + public key                              + public key
//  + secret key                              + secret key
//  + message                                 + message


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