如何从 std::vector 自动删除已完成的 future


在下面的示例中,mEventExecutors 是一个std::vector<std::future<void>>。我希望能够在完成后从向量中删除未来。这可以做到吗?

void RaiseEvent(EventID messageID)
            auto eventObject = mEventListeners.find(messageID);
            if (eventObject != mEventListeners.end())
                for (auto listener : eventObject->second)



当然,这引出了一个问题:这些 future 是否可以使用性感的延续语法.then(xxx)而不是阻塞代码。


非常感谢克里斯托弗·科尔霍夫 (Christopher Kohlhoff),该书的作者boost::asio。通过研究他出色的工作,我了解到将类别分为以下几类的价值:

  • 句柄 - 控制对象的生命周期
  • 服务 - 提供对象逻辑、在对象实现之间共享的状态,并管理实现对象的生命周期(如果它们比句柄的生命周期长)(任何依赖于回调的事物通常都会这样做),以及
  • 实现提供每个对象的状态。


int main() {
    task_manager mgr;

    // an example of using async callbacks to indicate completion and error
    mgr.submit([] {
                   emit("task 1 is doing something");
                   emit("task 1 done");
               [](auto err) {
                   if (not err) {
                       emit("task 1 completed");
                   } else {
                       emit("task 1 failed");

    // an example of returning a future (see later)
    auto f = mgr.submit([] {
        emit("task 2 doing something");
        emit("task 2 is going to throw");
        throw std::runtime_error("here is an error");
    }, use_future);

    // an example of returning a future and then immediately using its continuation.
    // note that the continuation happens on the task_manager's thread pool
                   emit("task 3 doing something");
                   emit("task 3 is done");
            .then([](auto f) {
                try {
                catch(std::exception const& e) {
                    emit("task 3 threw an exception: ", e.what());

    // block on the future of the second example
    try {
    catch (std::exception &e) {
        emit("task 2 threw: ", e.what());


task 1 is doing something
task 2 doing something
task 3 doing something
task 3 is done
task 1 done
task 1 completed
task 2 is going to throw
task 2 threw: here is an error

这是完整的代码(在 apple clang 上测试,它比 gcc 更混杂,所以如果我在 lambda 中错过了 this-> ,我很抱歉):


/* written by Richard Hodges 2017
 * You're free to use the code, but please give credit where it's due :)
#include <boost/thread/future.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/executors/basic_thread_pool.hpp>
#include <thread>
#include <utility>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <condition_variable>

// I made a task an object because I thought I might want to store state in it.
// it turns out that this is not strictly necessary

struct task {


 * This is the implementation data for one task_manager
struct task_manager_impl {

    using mutex_type = std::mutex;
    using lock_type = std::unique_lock<mutex_type>;

    auto get_lock() -> lock_type {
        return lock_type(mutex_);

    auto add_task(lock_type const &lock, std::unique_ptr<task> t) {
        auto id = t.get();
        task_map_.emplace(id, std::move(t));

    auto remove_task(lock_type lock, task *task_id) {
        if (task_map_.empty()) {

    auto wait(lock_type lock) {
        no_more_tasks_.wait(lock, [this]() { return task_map_.empty(); });

    // for this example I have chosen to express errors as exceptions
    using error_type = std::exception_ptr;

    mutex_type mutex_;
    std::condition_variable no_more_tasks_;

    std::unordered_map<task *, std::unique_ptr<task>> task_map_;

 * This stuff is the protocol to figure out whether to return a future
 * or just invoke a callback.
 * Total respect to Christopher Kohlhoff of asio fame for figuring this out
 * I merely step in his footsteps here, with some simplifications because of c++11
struct use_future_t {
constexpr auto use_future = use_future_t();

template<class Handler>
struct make_async_handler {
    auto wrap(Handler handler) {
        return handler;

    struct result_type {
        auto get() -> void {}

    struct result_type result;

struct make_async_handler<const use_future_t &> {
    struct shared_state_type {
        boost::promise<void> promise;

    make_async_handler() {

    template<class Handler>
    auto wrap(Handler &&) {
        return [shared_state = this->shared_state](auto error) {
            // boost promises deal in terms of boost::exception_ptr so we need to marshal.
            // this is a small price to pay for the extra utility of boost::promise over
            // std::promise
            if (error) {
                try {
                catch (...) {
            } else {

    struct result_type {
        auto get() -> boost::future<void> { return shared_state->promise.get_future(); }

        std::shared_ptr<shared_state_type> shared_state;

    std::shared_ptr<shared_state_type> shared_state = std::make_shared<shared_state_type>();
    result_type result{shared_state};


 * Provides the logic of a task manager. Also notice that it maintains a boost::basic_thread_pool
 * The destructor of a basic_thread_pool will not complete until all tasks are complete. So our
 * program will not crash horribly at exit time.
struct task_manager_service {

     * through this function, the service has full control over how it is created and destroyed.

    static auto use() -> task_manager_service&
        static task_manager_service me {};
        return me;

    using impl_class = task_manager_impl;

    struct deleter {
        void operator()(impl_class *p) {

        task_manager_service *service_;

     * defining impl_type in terms of a unique_ptr ensures that the handle will be
     * moveable but not copyable.
     * Had we used a shared_ptr, the handle would be copyable with shared semantics.
     * That can be useful too.
    using impl_type = std::unique_ptr<impl_class, deleter>;

    auto construct() -> impl_type {
        return impl_type(new impl_class(),
                         deleter {this});

    auto destroy(impl_class *impl) -> void {
        delete impl;

    template<class Job, class Handler>
    auto submit(impl_class &impl, Job &&job, Handler &&handler) {

        auto make_handler = make_async_handler<Handler>();

        auto async_handler = make_handler.wrap(std::forward<Handler>(handler));

        auto my_task = std::make_unique<task>();
        auto task_ptr = my_task.get();

        auto task_done = [
                task_id = task_ptr,
        ](auto error) {
            this->remove_task(impl, task_id);
        auto lock = impl.get_lock();
        impl.add_task(lock, std::move(my_task));
        launch(impl, task_ptr, std::forward<Job>(job), task_done);

        return make_handler.result.get();

    template<class F, class Handler>
    auto launch(impl_class &, task *task_ptr, F &&f, Handler &&handler) -> void {
        this->thread_pool_.submit([f, handler] {
            auto error = std::exception_ptr();
            try {
            catch (...) {
                error = std::current_exception();

    auto wait(impl_class &impl) -> void {

    auto remove_task(impl_class &impl, task *task_id) -> void {
        impl.remove_task(impl.get_lock(), task_id);

    boost::basic_thread_pool thread_pool_{std::thread::hardware_concurrency()};


 * The task manage handle. Holds the task_manager implementation plus provides access to the
 * owning task_manager_service. In this case, the service is a global static object. In an io loop environment
 * for example, asio, the service would be owned by the io loop.
struct task_manager {

    using service_type = task_manager_service;
    using impl_type = service_type::impl_type;
    using impl_class = decltype(*std::declval<impl_type>());

            : service_(std::addressof(service_type::use()))
            , impl_(get_service().construct()) {}

    template<class Job, class Handler>
    auto submit(Job &&job, Handler &&handler) {
        return get_service().submit(get_impl(),

    auto get_service() -> service_type & {
        return *service_;

    auto get_impl() -> impl_class & {
        return *impl_;


    service_type* service_;
    impl_type impl_;

 * helpful thread-safe emitter
std::mutex thing_mutex;

void emit(Things &&...things) {
    auto lock = std::unique_lock<std::mutex>(thing_mutex);
    using expand = int[];
                ((std::cout << things), 0)...
    std::cout << std::endl;

using namespace std::literals;

int main() {
    task_manager mgr;

    // an example of using async callbacks to indicate completion and error
    mgr.submit([] {
                   emit("task 1 is doing something");
                   emit("task 1 done");
               [](auto err) {
                   if (not err) {
                       emit("task 1 completed");
                   } else {
                       emit("task 1 failed");

    // an example of returning a future (see later)
    auto f = mgr.submit([] {
        emit("task 2 doing something");
        emit("task 2 is going to throw");
        throw std::runtime_error("here is an error");
    }, use_future);

    // an example of returning a future and then immediately using its continuation.
    // note that the continuation happens on the task_manager's thread pool
    mgr.submit([] {
                   emit("task 3 doing something");
                   emit("task 3 is done");
            .then([](auto f) {
                try {
                catch (std::exception const &e) {
                    emit("task 3 threw an exception: ", e.what());

    // block on the future of the second example
    try {
    catch (std::exception &e) {
        emit("task 2 threw: ", e.what());

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