Code First 中的一对多关系播种



public class Department
    public int DepartmentId { get; set; }
    public string Title { get; set; }
    public string Description { get; set; }
    public virtual ICollection<Course> Courses { get; set; } 

 public class Course
    public int CourseId { get; set; }
    public string Title { get; set; }
    public string Description { get; set; }
    public int DepartmentId { get; set; } 
    public virtual Department Department { get; set; }


我的问题是我想给它们播种。我希望种子函数中至少有 5 个值。这是种子函数。

public class DataInitializer : DropCreateDatabaseIfModelChanges<StudentRecordContext>
    protected override void Seed(StudentRecordContext context)
    var departments = new  List<Department>
        new Department {  DepartmentId = 1, Title = "English", Description ="English     Department",  Courses = new List<Course>() },
        new Department {  DepartmentId= 2,Title = "Chemistry",   Description ="chemistry department", Courses = new List<Course>() },
        new Department {  DepartmentId= 3,Title = "Mahematics", Description ="mathematics department", Courses = new List<Course>() },
        new Department {  DepartmentId= 4,Title = "Philosophy",  Description ="philosophy department", Courses = new List<Course>() },
        new Department {  DepartmentId= 5,Title = "Biology",     Description ="biology department", Courses = new List<Course>() }
    departments.ForEach( t => context.Departments.Add(t));

    var courses = new List<Course>
        new Course { CourseId = 1055, Title = "Classic English",  Description = "Some        Description", DepartmentId = 1 },
        new Course { CourseId = 2055, Title = "Applied Chemistry",  Description = "Some Description", DepartmentId = 2 },
        new Course { CourseId = 2056, Title = "Applied Mathematics", Description = "Some Description", DepartmentId = 3 },
        new Course { CourseId = 3041, Title = "MetaPhysics",  Description = "Some Description", DepartmentId = 4 },
        new Course { CourseId = 3024, Title = "Molecular Biology", Description = "Some Description", DepartmentId = 5 },
    courses.ForEach(t => context.Courses.Add(t));

但这不起作用。我是 EF 和 Code First 的新手...并且截止日期即将到来...任何人都可以帮助我,因为播种数据库的正确方法是什么。

不要在中设置主键Seed()方法。实体框架将知道名称中带有 Id 的属性将是主键。

在您的系统中尝试以下操作Seed() method:

protected override void Seed(StudentRecordContext context)
    var departments = new  List<Department>
        // this will have DepartmentId = 1
        new Department { Title = "English", Description ="English Department",  Courses = new List<Course>() },
        // more departments
    departments.ForEach(d => context.Departments.Add(d));

    var courses = new List<Course>
        // this will have CourseId = 1
        new Course { Title = "Classic English",  Description = "Some Description", Department = departments.FirstOrDefault(d => d.DepartmentId == 1) },
        // this will have CourseId = 2
        new Course { Title = "Drama",  Description = "Some Description", Department = departments.FirstOrDefault(d => d.DepartmentId == 1) },
        // both of the above courses will be added to Department with DepartmentId = 1
        // more courses
    courses.ForEach(c => context.Courses.Add(c));

    // now add the two courses to the department
    departments[0].Courses.Add(courses[0]); // in list departments at index 0 add course from list courses at index 0
    departments[0].Courses.Add(courses[1]); // in list departments at index 0 add course from list courses at index 1

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