禁用 Chrome 的文本输入撤消/重做 (CTRL+Z / CTRL+Y)


i'm currently developing a web application and i encounter a problem. As you might know or not, chrome has a feature that gives <input> (especially text inputs) an "undo" function when you hit CTRL+Z and "redo" with CTRL+Y it may seem like a good feature in normal websites, but currently i'm making an image editor that also uses those keyboard shortcuts (CTRL+Z & CTRL+Y).

in my app i also have a text input, so when i change the text input's content and then hit CTRL+Z to undo the changes in my image editor, it would undo the change in the text editor instead!

这里有一个Codepen http://codepen.io/anandhiya23/full/LRzpWE/这将证明效果
(说明在 Codepen 中)

所以总而言之,我想删除 chrome 中的撤消/重做功能,我该怎么做?

您可以使用 onkeydown 事件和 PreventDefault .. 例如。

document.onkeydown = function(e) {
  if (e.ctrlKey && e.key === 'z') {
    alert("CTRL + Z!");

禁用 Chrome 的文本输入撤消/重做 (CTRL+Z / CTRL+Y) 的相关文章
