R:函数中使用的 ggplot2 未反映字体大小变量的变化


我经常需要将多个不同大小的相同 ggplot2 图表输出到 png 文件。通过使用输出高度和宽度(以像素为单位)的变量,可以轻松生成每个 png 文件的大小。对于 ggplot2 部分,我使用字体大小和某些其他元素的变量,并设置一个简单的循环来在每次传递中更改这些变量。这一切都按预期工作,并且是对 R 和 ggplot2 灵活性的致敬。

大多数时候,我都会创建少数图表类型之一,其中大多数都没有变化。因此,我认为创建一个简单的函数来处理样板代码并从列表中返回 ggplot2 的绘图是有意义的。我需要做的就是将数据框、我想要在图表中使用的列的名称以及其他几个变量传递给函数。该循环为绘图创建一个名称,调用 ggplot 并将结果分配给列表中的元素。在第二遍中,它更改字体大小变量,但其他方面的行为相同。

然而,字体大小似乎没有被 ggplot 拾取。具体来说,我使用变量来控制 geom_text() 的大小、x 轴和 y 轴文本的大小以及绘图的标题。当我在从函数返回后打印列表的内容时,geom_text() 大小正如人们所期望的那样发生变化,但其他两个元素在它们应该不同时却没有变化。 (请注意,在下面的代码中,我使用两个具有相同像素大小的“中”和“大”png 文件,但通常一个文件的大小是另一个文件的两倍 - 这仅用于说明目的。)



我以前没有在 R 中使用过命名函数,而且我是一个临时程序员而不是专业人士,所以提前对下面的不可靠代码表示歉意。

# create test data
mydf <- data.frame(passdate=seq(as.Date("1995/1/1"), by="month", length.out=204),passval=runif(204, min=25, max=100),ignoreval=runif(204, min=-21, max=-2))

myplots <- list()
myplots <- chart_high_mom(mydf,'passdate','passval','1995-02-01','2011-12-31',"My title here")

# first chart
mywidth = 700
myheight = 600
png(filename = "chart1.png", width = 700, height = 600, units = "px", res = NA)
# second chart - this intended to be twice as large when bugs fixed
png(filename = "chart2.png", width = 700, height = 600, units = "px", res = NA)
# end of calling code

chart_high_mom <- function(
    x = NULL, # a data frame containing the data to plot
    datecol, # name of column holding yyyy-mm-dd date series
    valcol, # name of column holding value to use for calculation
    fstartdate, # date in yyyy-mm-dd format specifying first date to plot
    fenddate, # date in yyyy-mm-dd format specifying last date to plot
    ftitle # title to add to plot

    # strip the data frame down
    x <- subset(x,select = c(datecol,valcol))
    colnames(x) <- c('mydate','myval')
    # create year and month columns
    x$year <- as.numeric(format(as.Date(x$mydate), format="%Y"))
    x$month <- as.numeric(format(as.Date(x$mydate), format="%m"))
    # create month-on-month change column
    mydata.xts <- xts(x$myval,order.by=x$mydate)
    x$myvalmom <- diff(mydata.xts,lag=1)/lag(mydata.xts,1)

    plotlist <- list()

    for (i in 1:2) { # loop to create plot with two different sets of font sizes

        plotname <- paste("myplot", i, sep = "")

        if (i == 1) {
            fontsize <- 8
            titlesize <- 16
            geomtextsize <- 4
            ftitle <- "medium"
        if (i == 2) {
            fontsize <- 24
            titlesize <- 28
            geomtextsize <- 5
            ftitle <- "large"

        print(paste("i = ",i," and fontsize = ",fontsize," and plot = ",plotname,sept=""))

        plotlist[[plotname]] <- ggplot(x[x$mydate>=fstartdate & x$mydate<=fenddate,], 
            aes(x=month(mydate,label=TRUE),y=year(mydate), fill = myvalmom, label = sprintf("%1.1f%%", 100*myvalmom))) + 
          scale_y_date(major="years", format="%Y") +
          geom_tile() + 
          geom_text(data=x[x$mydate>=fstartdate & x$mydate<=fenddate,],size = geomtextsize,colour = "black") +
          scale_fill_gradient2(low = "blue", high = "red",midpoint=0) +
          scale_x_discrete(expand=c(0,0)) +
          scale_y_reverse(breaks=1980:2012, labels=1980:2012, expand=c(0,0) ) +


          axis.text.y = theme_text(size = fontsize, colour = "grey50"),
          axis.text.x = theme_text(size = fontsize, colour = "grey50"),
          plot.title = theme_text(size = titlesize),
          title = ftitle,
          panel.grid.minor = theme_blank(),
          axis.ticks = theme_blank(),
          panel.grid.major = theme_blank(),
          axis.title.y = theme_blank(),
          axis.title.x = theme_blank(),
          panel.background = theme_rect(fill = "transparent",colour = NA),
          legend.position = "none"





chart_high_mom <- function(fontsize, titlesize, geomtextsize, ftitle,
    x = NULL, # a data frame containing the data to plot
    datecol, # name of column holding yyyy-mm-dd date series
    valcol, # name of column holding value to use for calculation
    fstartdate, # date in yyyy-mm-dd format specifying first date to plot
    fenddate # date in yyyy-mm-dd format specifying last date to plot
                         ) {

    # strip the data frame down
    x <- subset(x,select = c(datecol,valcol))
    colnames(x) <- c('mydate','myval')
    # create year and month columns
    x$year <- as.numeric(format(as.Date(x$mydate), format="%Y"))
    x$month <- as.numeric(format(as.Date(x$mydate), format="%m"))
    # create month-on-month change column
    mydata.xts <- xts(x$myval,order.by=x$mydate)
    x$myvalmom <- diff(mydata.xts,lag=1)/lag(mydata.xts,1)

    plotlist <- list()

        print(paste("i = ",i," and fontsize = ",fontsize," and titlesize = ",titlesize,sep=""))

        thisplot <- ggplot(x[x$mydate>=fstartdate &
             fill = myvalmom, label = sprintf("%1.1f%%", 100*myvalmom))) + 
                    scale_y_date(major="years", format="%Y") +
                    geom_tile() + 
                    geom_text(data=x[x$mydate>=fstartdate &
                         x$mydate<=fenddate,],size = geomtextsize, 
                         colour = "black") +
          scale_fill_gradient2(low = "blue", high = "red",midpoint=0) +
          scale_x_discrete(expand=c(0,0)) +
      scale_y_reverse(breaks=1980:2012, labels=1980:2012, expand=c(0,0) ) +
          force(opts(axis.text.y = 
                  theme_text(size = force(fontsize), colour = "grey50"),
               axis.text.x = theme_text(size = force(fontsize), colour = "grey50"),
          plot.title = theme_text(size = titlesize),
          title = ftitle,
          panel.grid.minor = theme_blank(),
          axis.ticks = theme_blank(),
          panel.grid.major = theme_blank(),
          axis.title.y = theme_blank(),
          axis.title.x = theme_blank(),
          panel.background = theme_rect(fill = "transparent",colour = NA),
          legend.position = "none"



mydf <- data.frame(passdate=seq(as.Date("1995/1/1"), by="month", length.out=204),passval=runif(204, min=25, max=100),ignoreval=runif(204, min=-21, max=-2))

myplots <- list()

for (i in 1:2) { # loop to create plot with two different sets of font sizes
              if (i == 1) {
            print(fontsize <- 8)
            print(titlesize <- 32)
            print(geomtextsize <- 4)
            print(ftitle <- "medium");  
     myplots[[1]] <-chart_high_mom(fontsize= fontsize , titlesize= titlesize , geomtextsize= geomtextsize , ftitle= ftitle , x=mydf, 'passdate', 'passval', '1995-02-01', '2011-12-31')
      png(filename = "chart1.png", width = 700, height = 600, units = "px", res = NA)
dev.off()             }
        if (i == 2) {
            fontsize <- 24
            titlesize <- 12
            geomtextsize <- 5
            ftitle <- "large"; 
     myplots[[2]] <-chart_high_mom(fontsize= fontsize , titlesize= titlesize , geomtextsize= geomtextsize , ftitle= ftitle , x=mydf, 'passdate', 'passval', '1995-02-01', '2011-12-31')
      png(filename = "chart2.png", width = 700, height = 600, units = "px", res = NA)
dev.off()      }       }
# end of calling code

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