使用 pyspark 计算所有可能的单词对


我有一个文本文档。我需要找到整个文档中重复单词对的可能数量。例如,我有下面的word文档。该文档有两行,每行用“;”分隔。 文档:

My name is Sam My name is Sam My name is Sam;
My name is Sam;


[(('my', 'my'), 3), (('name', 'is'), 7), (('is', 'name'), 3), (('sam', 'sam'), 3), (('my', 'name'), 7), (('name', 'sam'), 7), (('is', 'my'), 3), (('sam', 'is'), 3), (('my', 'sam'), 7), (('name', 'name'), 3), (('is', 'is'), 3), (('sam', 'my'), 3), (('my', 'is'), 7), (('name', 'my'), 3), (('is', 'sam'), 7), (('sam', 'name'), 3)]


wordPairCount = rddData.map(lambda line: line.split()).flatMap(lambda x: [((x[i], x[i + 1]), 1) for i in range(0, len(x) - 1)]).reduceByKey(lambda a,b:a + b)





# spark is SparkSession object
s1 = 'The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle; The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle;'

# Split the string on ; and I parallelize it to make an rdd
rddData = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(rdd_Data.split(";"))

# ['The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle', ' The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle', '']

import itertools

final = (
    rddData.filter(lambda x: x != "")
        .map(lambda x: x.split(" "))
        .flatMap(lambda x: itertools.combinations(x, 2))
        .filter(lambda x: x[0] != "")
        .map(lambda x: (x, 1))
        .reduceByKey(lambda x, y: x + y).collect()
# [(('The', 'of'), 7), (('The', 'Blue'), 7), (('The', 'Carbuncle'), 7), (('Adventure', 'the'), 7), (('Adventure', 'Adventure'), 3), (('of', 'The'), 3), (('the', 'Adventure'), 3), (('the', 'the'), 3), (('Blue', 'The'), 3), (('Carbuncle', 'The'), 3), (('Adventure', 'The'), 3), (('of', 'the'), 7), (('of', 'Adventure'), 3), (('the', 'The'), 3), (('Blue', 'Adventure'), 3), (('Blue', 'the'), 3), (('Carbuncle', 'Adventure'), 3), (('Carbuncle', 'the'), 3), (('The', 'The'), 3), (('of', 'Blue'), 7), (('of', 'Carbuncle'), 7), (('of', 'of'), 3), (('Blue', 'Carbuncle'), 7), (('Blue', 'of'), 3), (('Blue', 'Blue'), 3), (('Carbuncle', 'of'), 3), (('Carbuncle', 'Blue'), 3), (('Carbuncle', 'Carbuncle'), 3), (('The', 'Adventure'), 7), (('The', 'the'), 7), (('Adventure', 'of'), 7), (('Adventure', 'Blue'), 7), (('Adventure', 'Carbuncle'), 7), (('the', 'Blue'), 7), (('the', 'Carbuncle'), 7), (('the', 'of'), 3)]
  1. 删除第一个分割中的所有空格
  2. 将 x 分割为空格分隔的字符串,按空格
  3. 创建 2 个元素的组合,每个元素使用itertools.combinations (flatMap将每个单词与行中的每个其他单词配对)
  4. 像字数统计一样进行映射和缩减

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