Matter(一)Matter(C.H.I.P) 介绍


Matter、C.H.I.P 介绍

  • Matter(C.H.I.P) 介绍
    • Architecture Overview
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Matter(C.H.I.P) 介绍

  1. What is Project Connected Home over IP?

    Project Connected Home over IP is a new Working Group within the Zigbee Alliance. This Working Group plans to develop and promote the adoption of a new, royalty-free connectivity standard to increase compatibility among smart home products, with security as a fundamental design tenet.

    The goal of the Connected Home over IP project is to simplify development for manufacturers and increase compatibility for consumers. The project is built around a shared belief that smart home devices should be secure, reliable, and seamless to use. By building upon Internet Protocol (IP), the project aims to enable communication across smart home devices, mobile apps, and cloud services and to define a specific set of IP-based networking technologies for device certification.

    The Zigbee Alliance officially opened the Project Connected Home over IP (Project CHIP) Working Group on January 17, 2020 and is in the process of drafting the specification.

    Visit to learn more and read the latest news and updates about the project.

Architecture Overview

The Project, as illustrated above, defines the application layer that will be deployed on devices and controllers as well as the supported IPv6-based networks to help achieve our interoperability architectural goal. Project CHIP will initially support Wi-Fi and Thread for core, operational communications and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) to simplify device commissioning and setup.

The Application Layer can be further broken down seven main components:

  1. Application: High order business logic of a device. For example, an application that is focused on lighting might contain logic to handle turning on/off the bulb as well its color characteristics.
  2. Data Model: Data primitives that help describe the various functionalities of the devices. The Application operates on these data structures when there is intent to interact with the device.
  3. Interaction Model: Represents a set of actions that can be performed on the devices to interact with it. For example, reading or writing attributes on a device would correspond to interactions with the devices. These actions operate on the structures defined by the data model.
  4. Action Framing: Once an action is constructed using the Interaction Model, it is framed into a prescriptive packed binary format to enable being well represented on the “wire”.
  5. Security: An encoded action frame is then sent down to the Security Layer to encrypt and sign the payload to ensure that data is secured and authenticated by both sender and receiver of a packet.
  6. Message Framing & Routing: With an interaction encrypted and signed, the Message Layer constructs the payload format with required and optional header fields; which specify properties of the message as well some routing information.
  7. IP Framing & Transport Management: After the final payload has been constructed, it is sent to the underlying transport protocol for IP management of the data.


  • Project Connected Home over IP
  • Project Connected Home over IP Connectivity Standard Developing Into Reality
  • project-chip/connectedhomeip

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