Elm:如何从 JSON API 解码数据


我有这个数据使用http://jsonapi.org/ http://jsonapi.org/ format:

    "data": [
            "type": "prospect",
            "id": "1",
            "attributes": {
                "provider_user_id": "1",
                "provider": "facebook",
                "name": "Julia",
                "invitation_id": 25
            "type": "prospect",
            "id": "2",
            "attributes": {
                "provider_user_id": "2",
                "provider": "facebook",
                "name": "Sam",
                "invitation_id": 23


type alias Model = {
  id: Int,
  invitation: Int,
  name: String,
  provider: String,
  provider_user_id: Int

 type alias Collection = List Model

我想将 json 解码为 Collection,但不知道如何。

fetchAll: Effects Actions.Action
fetchAll =
  Http.get decoder (Http.url prospectsUrl [])
   |> Task.toResult
   |> Task.map Actions.FetchSuccess
   |> Effects.task

decoder: Json.Decode.Decoder Collection
decoder =


N.B. Json.Decode 文档 http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/elm-lang/core/latest/Json-Decode


import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder)
import String

-- <SNIP>

stringToInt : Decoder String -> Decoder Int
stringToInt d =
  Decode.customDecoder d String.toInt

decoder : Decoder Model
decoder =
  Decode.map5 Model
    (Decode.field "id" Decode.string |> stringToInt )
    (Decode.at ["attributes", "invitation_id"] Decode.int)
    (Decode.at ["attributes", "name"] Decode.string)
    (Decode.at ["attributes", "provider"] Decode.string)
    (Decode.at ["attributes", "provider_user_id"] Decode.string |> stringToInt)

decoderColl : Decoder Collection
decoderColl =
  Decode.map identity
    (Decode.field "data" (Decode.list decoder))

棘手的部分是使用stringToInt将字符串字段转换为整数。我按照 API 示例了解什么是 int 和什么是 string。我们幸运一点String.toInt返回一个Result正如预期的那样customDecoder但有足够的灵活性,您可以变得更加成熟并接受两者。通常你会使用map对于这种事情;customDecoder本质上是map对于可能失败的功能。



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