

给定两种 RGB 颜色和一个矩形,我可以创建一个基本的线性渐变。这博客文章 https://bsou.io/posts/color-gradients-with-python关于如何创建它给出了很好的解释。但我想在这个算法中添加一个变量,角度。我想创建线性渐变,我可以在其中指定颜色的角度。

例如,我有一个矩形(400x100)。从颜色为红色 (255, 0, 0) 到颜色为绿色 (0, 255, 0),角度为 0°,所以我将得到以下颜色渐变。

鉴于我有相同的矩形,从颜色到颜色。但这次我将角度改为 45°。所以我应该有以下颜色渐变。


  1. 如何在两种颜色之间生成平滑的颜色渐变。
  2. 如何在角度上渲染渐变。

渐变的强度在感知颜色空间中必须恒定,否则渐变中的点看起来会显得不自然的暗或亮。您可以在基于 sRGB 值的简单插值的渐变中轻松看到这一点,特别是红绿渐变在中间太暗。对线性值而不是伽玛校正值使用插值可以使红绿梯度更好,但代价是背白梯度。通过将光强度与颜色分开,您可以两全其美。

通常,当需要感知色彩空间时,实验室色彩空间 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lab_color_space将被提议。我认为有时它太过分了,因为它试图适应蓝色比同等强度的其他颜色(例如黄色)更暗的感觉。这是事实,但我们习惯于在自然环境中看到这种效果,并且在梯度中最终会出现过度补偿。

A 0.43 的幂律函数 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamma_correction#Power_law_for_video_display研究人员通过实验确定最适合将灰光强度与感知亮度联系起来。

我在这里采集了由以下人员准备的精美样品Ian Boyd https://stackoverflow.com/a/39924008/5987并在最后添加了我自己提出的方法。我希望您会同意这种新方法在所有情况下都是优越的。

Algorithm MarkMix
      color1: Color, (rgb)   The first color to mix
      color2: Color, (rgb)   The second color to mix
      mix:    Number, (0..1) The mix ratio. 0 ==> pure Color1, 1 ==> pure Color2
      color:  Color, (rgb)   The mixed color
   //Convert each color component from 0..255 to 0..1
   r1, g1, b1 ← Normalize(color1)
   r2, g2, b2 ← Normalize(color1)

   //Apply inverse sRGB companding to convert each channel into linear light
   r1, g1, b1 ← sRGBInverseCompanding(r1, g1, b1)       
   r2, g2, b2 ← sRGBInverseCompanding(r2, g2, b2)

   //Linearly interpolate r, g, b values using mix (0..1)
   r ← LinearInterpolation(r1, r2, mix)
   g ← LinearInterpolation(g1, g2, mix)
   b ← LinearInterpolation(b1, b2, mix)

   //Compute a measure of brightness of the two colors using empirically determined gamma
   gamma ← 0.43
   brightness1 ← Pow(r1+g1+b1, gamma)
   brightness2 ← Pow(r2+g2+b2, gamma)

   //Interpolate a new brightness value, and convert back to linear light
   brightness ← LinearInterpolation(brightness1, brightness2, mix)
   intensity ← Pow(brightness, 1/gamma)

   //Apply adjustment factor to each rgb value based
   if ((r+g+b) != 0) then
      factor ← (intensity / (r+g+b))
      r ← r * factor
      g ← g * factor
      b ← b * factor
   end if

   //Apply sRGB companding to convert from linear to perceptual light
   r, g, b ← sRGBCompanding(r, g, b)

   //Convert color components from 0..1 to 0..255
   Result ← MakeColor(r, g, b)
End Algorithm MarkMix

这是 Python 中的代码:

def all_channels(func):
    def wrapper(channel, *args, **kwargs):
            return func(channel, *args, **kwargs)
        except TypeError:
            return tuple(func(c, *args, **kwargs) for c in channel)
    return wrapper

def to_sRGB_f(x):
    ''' Returns a sRGB value in the range [0,1]
        for linear input in [0,1].
    return 12.92*x if x <= 0.0031308 else (1.055 * (x ** (1/2.4))) - 0.055

def to_sRGB(x):
    ''' Returns a sRGB value in the range [0,255]
        for linear input in [0,1]
    return int(255.9999 * to_sRGB_f(x))

def from_sRGB(x):
    ''' Returns a linear value in the range [0,1]
        for sRGB input in [0,255].
    x /= 255.0
    if x <= 0.04045:
        y = x / 12.92
        y = ((x + 0.055) / 1.055) ** 2.4
    return y

def all_channels2(func):
    def wrapper(channel1, channel2, *args, **kwargs):
            return func(channel1, channel2, *args, **kwargs)
        except TypeError:
            return tuple(func(c1, c2, *args, **kwargs) for c1,c2 in zip(channel1, channel2))
    return wrapper

def lerp(color1, color2, frac):
    return color1 * (1 - frac) + color2 * frac

def perceptual_steps(color1, color2, steps):
    gamma = .43
    color1_lin = from_sRGB(color1)
    bright1 = sum(color1_lin)**gamma
    color2_lin = from_sRGB(color2)
    bright2 = sum(color2_lin)**gamma
    for step in range(steps):
        intensity = lerp(bright1, bright2, step, steps) ** (1/gamma)
        color = lerp(color1_lin, color2_lin, step, steps)
        if sum(color) != 0:
            color = [c * intensity / sum(color) for c in color]
        color = to_sRGB(color)
        yield color

现在回答你问题的第二部分。您需要一个方程来定义表示渐变中点的线,以及与渐变端点颜色对应的线的距离。将端点放在矩形的最远角是很自然的,但从您在问题中的示例来看,这不是您所做的。我选择了 71 像素的距离来近似该示例。

生成渐变的代码需要对上面显示的代码稍作修改,以更加灵活。它不是将梯度分解为固定数量的步骤,而是根据参数进行连续统一计算t范围在 0.0 到 1.0 之间。

class Line:
    ''' Defines a line of the form ax + by + c = 0 '''
    def __init__(self, a, b, c=None):
        if c is None:
            x1,y1 = a
            x2,y2 = b
            a = y2 - y1
            b = x1 - x2
            c = x2*y1 - y2*x1
        self.a = a
        self.b = b
        self.c = c
        self.distance_multiplier = 1.0 / sqrt(a*a + b*b)

    def distance(self, x, y):
        ''' Using the equation from
            modified so that the distance can be positive or negative depending
            on which side of the line it's on.
        return (self.a * x + self.b * y + self.c) * self.distance_multiplier

class PerceptualGradient:
    GAMMA = .43
    def __init__(self, color1, color2):
        self.color1_lin = from_sRGB(color1)
        self.bright1 = sum(self.color1_lin)**self.GAMMA
        self.color2_lin = from_sRGB(color2)
        self.bright2 = sum(self.color2_lin)**self.GAMMA

    def color(self, t):
        ''' Return the gradient color for a parameter in the range [0.0, 1.0].
        intensity = lerp(self.bright1, self.bright2, t) ** (1/self.GAMMA)
        col = lerp(self.color1_lin, self.color2_lin, t)
        total = sum(col)
        if total != 0:
            col = [c * intensity / total for c in col]
        col = to_sRGB(col)
        return col

def fill_gradient(im, gradient_color, line_distance=None, max_distance=None):
    w, h = im.size
    if line_distance is None:
        def line_distance(x, y):
            return x - ((w-1) / 2.0) # vertical line through the middle
    ul = line_distance(0, 0)
    ur = line_distance(w-1, 0)
    ll = line_distance(0, h-1)
    lr = line_distance(w-1, h-1)
    if max_distance is None:
        low = min([ul, ur, ll, lr])
        high = max([ul, ur, ll, lr])
        max_distance = min(abs(low), abs(high))
    pix = im.load()
    for y in range(h):
        for x in range(w):
            dist = line_distance(x, y)
            ratio = 0.5 + 0.5 * dist / max_distance
            ratio = max(0.0, min(1.0, ratio))
            if ul > ur: ratio = 1.0 - ratio
            pix[x, y] = gradient_color(ratio)

>>> w, h = 406, 101
>>> im = Image.new('RGB', [w, h])
>>> line = Line([w/2 - h/2, 0], [w/2 + h/2, h-1])
>>> grad = PerceptualGradient([252, 13, 27], [41, 253, 46])
>>> fill_gradient(im, grad.color, line.distance, 71)



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