KY-RTI分布仿真技术:第八章 Visual C#程序设计


第八章 Visual C#程序设计

       本章讲述如何基于Visual C#设计ping、pong程序。本质上是对上一章Visual C++程序的一次成功移植。对于不同的程序设计语言而言,基于HLA/RTI设计仿真应用的方法都差不多,而关键在于RTI软件能否支持相应程序设计语言的开发,用户关心一下调用接口即可,通过调用接口可以设计形式多样的程序。与C++调用接口的一个显著区别在于句柄和时间的表示,Visual C#中的各种句柄全部用int表示,各类时间则用double表示。Visual C#与Java编程风格相似,开发的仿真程序可以相互借鉴。






class chat {           //交互类

       string  name;     //参数

       string  sentence; //参数




8.3 ping-notick代码设计




















                                                 表8.1  Visual C# ping-notick示例:program.cs

  1. using System;
  2. using System.Collections.Generic;
  3. using System.Linq;
  4. using System.Text;
  5. using RTI;
  6. using MID; //定义数据类型,例如HandleValuePair;
  7. using System.Threading; //for sleep
  8. using MYFED;
  9. namespace test
  10. {
  11. class Definitions
  12. {
  13.     public static int   STEP = 100;
  14.     public static int   data_size = 1024;
  15.     public static int   receivedInteractions = 0; //收到多少个交互
  16.     //定义交互类句柄和参数句柄
  17.     public static int   hChatClass = -1;    //对应chat.xml中的chat交互类
  18.     public static int   hChatName = -1;     //对应chat交互类的name参数
  19.     public static int   hChatSentence = -1; //对应chat交互类的sentence参数
  20.     public static bool received = false;    //收到1个交互
  21. }
  22. class Program
  23. {
  24.     static void Main(string[] args) {
  25.         RTI.RTIambassador rti = null;
  26.         string federationExecutionName = "chat";   //联盟名称
  27.         string  FEDfile = "chat.fed";               //FED文件
  28.         string  federateType = "ping";              //盟员名称
  29.         Console.WriteLine("请输入要传输的字节数:"); //pingpong要一致
  30.         Definitions.data_size = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
  31.         if (Definitions.data_size <= 0) {
  32.             Console.WriteLine("字节数不正确");
  33.             return;
  34.         }
  35.         Console.WriteLine("请输入交互次数:");      //pingpong要一致
  36.         Definitions.STEP = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
  37.         if (Definitions.STEP < 1) {
  38.             Console.WriteLine("交互次数不正确");
  39.             return;
  40.         }
  41.         try {
  42.             rti = new RTI.RTIambassador();                        // libRTI provided
  43.             MYFED.HwFederateAmbassador myfed = new MYFED.HwFederateAmbassador(); // User-defined
  44.             RTI.FederateAmbassador fedAmb = (RTI.FederateAmbassador)myfed;
  45.             int     federateId;
  46.             try {
  47.                 rti.createFederationExecution(federationExecutionName, FEDfile);
  48.             } catch ( RTI.FederationExecutionAlreadyExists ) {
  49.                 Console.WriteLine("FED_HW: Note: Federation execution already exists.");
  50.             } catch (Exception) {
  51.                 Console.WriteLine("FED_HW: ERROR: Failed to create federation execution.");
  52.             }
  53.             try {
  54.                 Console.WriteLine("FED_HW: JOINING FEDERATION EXECUTION: ");
  55.                 federateId = rti.joinFederationExecution( federateType,
  56.                              federationExecutionName,
  57.                              ref fedAmb);
  58.             } catch (RTI.FederateAlreadyExecutionMember) {
  59.                 Console.WriteLine("FED_HW: ERROR: federate already exists in the Federation Execution " + federationExecutionName+".");
  60.                 return;
  61.             } catch (RTI.FederationExecutionDoesNotExist) {
  62.                 Console.WriteLine("FED_HW: ERROR: Federation Execution does not exists.");
  63.                 return;
  64.             } catch (Exception) {
  65.                 Console.WriteLine("FED_HW: ERROR: Failed to join federation execution.");
  66.                 return;
  67.             }
  68.             Console.WriteLine("FED_HW: JOINED SUCCESSFULLY: : Federate Handle = " + federateId);
  69.             //
  70.             //获取交互类句柄
  71.             Definitions.hChatClass = rti.getInteractionClassHandle("chat");
  72.             //获取交互类参数句柄
  73.             Definitions.hChatName = rti.getParameterHandle("name", Definitions.hChatClass);
  74.             Definitions.hChatSentence = rti.getParameterHandle("sentence", Definitions.hChatClass);
  75.             //公布交互类,这样可以向RTI发送信息
  76.             rti.publishInteractionClass(Definitions.hChatClass);
  77.             //定购交互类,这样可以接受来自其它发布者的信息
  78.             rti.subscribeInteractionClass(Definitions.hChatClass);
  79.             string szSentence = "";
  80.             for(int i=0; i<Definitions.data_size; i++) {
  81.                 szSentence+="a";
  82.             }
  83.             HandleValuePair[] pParams = new HandleValuePair[2];
  84.             // Add Name
  85.             pParams[0] = new HandleValuePair();
  86.             pParams[0].aHandle = Definitions.hChatName;
  87.             pParams[0].aValue = federateType;
  88.             // Add Sentence
  89.             pParams[1] = new HandleValuePair();
  90.             pParams[1].aHandle = Definitions.hChatSentence;
  91.             pParams[1].aValue = szSentence;
  92.             for (int i = 0; i < Definitions.STEP; i++) {
  93.                 while (!Definitions.received) {
  94.                     Thread.Sleep(1);   //睡眠1豪秒
  95.                 }
  96.                 Definitions.received = false; //不要放到rti.sendInteraction之后
  97.                 //发送交互,所有定购者(不包括自己)都会在HwFederateAmbassador.cpp中的receiveInteraction服务中收到该交互。
  98.                 try {
  99.                     rti.sendInteraction(Definitions.hChatClass, pParams, "");
  100.                 } catch(Exception) {
  101.                     Console.WriteLine("error for send interaction");
  102.                 }
  103.             }
  104.             while (Definitions.STEP != Definitions.receivedInteractions) { //如果发送的交互数不等于接收的交互数,则循环等待
  105.                 Thread.Sleep(1000);   //睡眠1
  106.             }
  107.             //如果程序正常退出,则表明发送的交互数等于接收的交互数,没有丢失消息.
  108.         } catch (RTI.ConcurrentAccessAttempted e) {
  109.             Console.WriteLine(e.Message);
  110.             return;
  111.         } catch (Exception e) {
  112.                 Console.WriteLine("FED_HW: ERROR: this program meets an exception."+e.Message);
  113.             return;
  114.         }
  115.         try {
  116.             Console.WriteLine("FED_HW: RESIGN FEDERATION EXECUTION CALLED");
  117.             rti.resignFederationExecution(
  118.                 ResignAction.DELETEOBJECTSANDRELEASEATTRIBUTES);
  119.                  Console.WriteLine("FED_HW: SUCCESSFUL RESIGN FEDERATION EXECUTION CALLED");
  120.         } catch (Exception) {
  121.             Console.WriteLine("FED_HW: ERROR: resign federation execution");
  122.             return;
  123.         }
  124.         //------------------------------------------------------
  125.         // Destroy the federation execution in case we are the
  126.         // last federate. This will not do anything bad if there
  127.         // other federates joined.  The RTI will throw us an
  128.         // exception telling us that other federates are joined
  129.         // and we can just ignore that.
  130.         //------------------------------------------------------
  131.         try {
  132.             Console.WriteLine("FED_HW: DESTROY FEDERATION EXECUTION CALLED");
  133.             rti.destroyFederationExecution(federationExecutionName);
  134.                  Console.WriteLine("FED_HW: SUCCESSFUL DESTROY FEDERATION EXECUTION CALLED");
  135.         } catch (RTI.FederatesCurrentlyJoined) {
  136.             Console.WriteLine("FED_HW: FederatesCurrentlyJoined");
  137.             return;
  138.         } catch (RTI.FederationExecutionDoesNotExist) {
  139.             Console.WriteLine("FED_HW: FederationExecutionDoesNotExist");
  140.             return;
  141.         } catch (Exception) {
  142.             Console.WriteLine("FED_HW: ERROR: destroy federation execution");
  143.             return;
  144.         }
  145.     }
  146. }
  147. }




                                                 表8.2  Visual C#示例:HwFederateAmbassador.cs

  1. using System;
  2. using System.Collections.Generic;
  3. using System.Linq;
  4. using System.Text;
  5. using MID; //定义数据类型,例如HandleValuePair
  6. using test;
  7. namespace MYFED
  8. {
  9. public class HwFederateAmbassador : RTI.FederateAmbassador
  10. {
  11.     public override void receiveInteraction(int theInteraction, HandleValuePair[] theParameters, double theTime, string theTag, EventRetractionHandle theHandle) {
  12.         receiveInteraction(theInteraction, theParameters, theTag);
  13.     }
  14.     public override void receiveInteraction(int theInteraction, HandleValuePair[] theParameters, string theTag) {
  15.         Definitions.receivedInteractions++;
  16.         Console.WriteLine(Definitions.receivedInteractions+" received an interaction from pong");
  17.         Definitions.received = true;
  18.     }
  19. }
  20. }

8.4 pong-notick代码设计




















                                                 表8.3  Visual C# pong示例:Program.cs

  1. using System;
  2. using System.Collections.Generic;
  3. using System.Linq;
  4. using System.Text;
  5. using RTI;
  6. using MID; //定义数据类型,例如HandleValuePair;
  7. using System.Threading; //for sleep
  8. using MYFED;
  9. namespace test
  10. {
  11. class Definitions
  12. {
  13.     public static int   STEP = 100;
  14.     public static int   data_size = 1024;
  15.     public static int   receivedInteractions = 0; //收到多少个交互
  16.     //定义交互类句柄和参数句柄
  17.     public static int   hChatClass = -1;    //对应chat.xml中的chat交互类
  18.     public static int   hChatName = -1;     //对应chat交互类的name参数
  19.     public static int   hChatSentence = -1; //对应chat交互类的sentence参数
  20.     public static bool  received = false;    //收到1个交互
  21. }
  22. class Program
  23. {
  24.     static void Main(string[] args) {
  25.         RTI.RTIambassador rti = null;
  26.         string federationExecutionName = "chat";   //联盟名称
  27.         string FEDfile = "chat.fed";                 //FED文件
  28.         string  federateType = "pong";               //盟员名称
  29.         Console.WriteLine("请输入要传输的字节数:"); //pingpong要一致
  30.         Definitions.data_size = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
  31.         if (Definitions.data_size <= 0) {
  32.             Console.WriteLine("字节数不正确");
  33.             return;
  34.         }
  35.         Console.WriteLine("请输入交互次数:");      //pingpong要一致
  36.         Definitions.STEP = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
  37.         if (Definitions.STEP < 1) {
  38.             Console.WriteLine("交互次数不正确");
  39.             return;
  40.         }
  41.         try {
  42.             rti = new RTI.RTIambassador();
  43.             MYFED.HwFederateAmbassador myfed = new MYFED.HwFederateAmbassador();
  44.             RTI.FederateAmbassador fedAmb = (RTI.FederateAmbassador)myfed;
  45.             int     federateId;
  46.             try {
  47.                 rti.createFederationExecution(federationExecutionName, FEDfile);
  48.             } catch ( RTI.FederationExecutionAlreadyExists) {
  49.                 Console.WriteLine("FED_HW: Note: Federation execution already exists.");
  50.             } catch (Exception) {
  51.                 Console.WriteLine("FED_HW: ERROR: Failed to create federation execution.");
  52.             }
  53.             try {
  54.                 Console.WriteLine("FED_HW: JOINING FEDERATION EXECUTION: ");
  55.                 federateId = rti.joinFederationExecution( federateType,
  56.                              federationExecutionName,
  57.                              ref fedAmb);
  58.             } catch (RTI.FederateAlreadyExecutionMember) {
  59.                 Console.WriteLine("FED_HW: ERROR: federate already exists in the Federation Execution " + federationExecutionName+".");
  60.                 return;
  61.             } catch (RTI.FederationExecutionDoesNotExist) {
  62.                 Console.WriteLine("FED_HW: ERROR: Federation Execution does not exists.");
  63.                 return;
  64.             } catch (Exception) {
  65.                 Console.WriteLine("FED_HW: ERROR: Failed to join federation execution.");
  66.                 return;
  67.             }
  68.             /
  69.             //获取交互类句柄
  70.             Definitions.hChatClass = rti.getInteractionClassHandle("chat");
  71.             //获取交互类参数句柄
  72.             Definitions.hChatName = rti.getParameterHandle("name", Definitions.hChatClass);
  73.             Definitions.hChatSentence = rti.getParameterHandle("sentence", Definitions.hChatClass);
  74.             //公布交互类,这样可以向RTI发送信息
  75.             rti.publishInteractionClass(Definitions.hChatClass);
  76.             //定购交互类,这样可以接受来自其它发布者的信息
  77.             rti.subscribeInteractionClass(Definitions.hChatClass);
  78.             string szSentence = "";
  79.             for(int i=0; i<Definitions.data_size; i++) {
  80.                 szSentence+="a";
  81.             }
  82.             HandleValuePair[] pParams = new HandleValuePair[2];
  83.             // Add Name
  84.             pParams[0] = new HandleValuePair();
  85.             pParams[0].aHandle = Definitions.hChatName;
  86.             pParams[0].aValue = federateType;
  87.             // Add Sentence
  88.             pParams[1] = new HandleValuePair();
  89.             pParams[1].aHandle = Definitions.hChatSentence;
  90.             pParams[1].aValue = szSentence;
  91.             for (int i = 0; i < Definitions.STEP; i++) {
  92.                 Definitions.received = false; //不要放到rti.sendInteraction之后
  93.                 //发送交互,所有定购者(不包括自己)都会在HwFederateAmbassador.cpp中的receiveInteraction服务中收到该交互。
  94.                 try {
  95.                     rti.sendInteraction(Definitions.hChatClass, pParams, "");
  96.                 } catch(Exception) {
  97.                     Console.WriteLine("error for send interaction");
  98.                 }
  99.                 while (!Definitions.received) {
  100.                     Thread.Sleep(1);   //睡眠1豪秒
  101.                 }
  102.             }
  103.             while (Definitions.STEP != Definitions.receivedInteractions) { //如果发送的交互数不等于接收的交互数,则循环等待
  104.                 Thread.Sleep(1000);   //睡眠1
  105.             }
  106.             //如果程序正常退出,则表明发送的交互数等于接收的交互数,没有丢失消息.
  107.         } catch (RTI.ConcurrentAccessAttempted e) {
  108.             Console.WriteLine(e.Message);
  109.             return;
  110.         } catch (Exception e) {
  111.             Console.WriteLine("FED_HW: ERROR: this program meets an exception."+e.Message);
  112.             return;
  113.         }
  114.         try {
  115.             Console.WriteLine("FED_HW: RESIGN FEDERATION EXECUTION CALLED");
  116.             rti.resignFederationExecution(
  117.                 ResignAction.DELETEOBJECTSANDRELEASEATTRIBUTES);
  119.         } catch (Exception) {
  120.             Console.WriteLine("FED_HW: ERROR: resign federation execution");
  121.             return;
  122.         }
  123.         //------------------------------------------------------
  124.         // Destroy the federation execution in case we are the
  125.         // last federate. This will not do anything bad if there
  126.         // other federates joined.  The RTI will throw us an
  127.         // exception telling us that other federates are joined
  128.         // and we can just ignore that.
  129.         //------------------------------------------------------
  130.         try {
  131.             Console.WriteLine("FED_HW: DESTROY FEDERATION EXECUTION CALLED");
  132.             rti.destroyFederationExecution(federationExecutionName);
  133.                  Console.WriteLine("FED_HW: SUCCESSFUL DESTROY FEDERATION EXECUTION CALLED");
  134.         } catch (RTI.FederatesCurrentlyJoined /* e */ ) {
  135.             Console.WriteLine("FED_HW: FederatesCurrentlyJoined");
  136.             return;
  137.         } catch (RTI.FederationExecutionDoesNotExist) {
  138.             Console.WriteLine("FED_HW: FederationExecutionDoesNotExist");
  139.             return;
  140.         } catch (Exception) {
  141.             Console.WriteLine("FED_HW: ERROR: destroy federation execution");
  142.             return;
  143.         }
  144.     }
  145. }
  146. }




                                                 表8.4  Visual C# pong示例:HwFederateAmbassador.cs

  1. using System;
  2. using System.Collections.Generic;
  3. using System.Linq;
  4. using System.Text;
  5. using MID; //定义数据类型,例如HandleValuePair
  6. using test;
  7. namespace MYFED
  8. {
  9. public class HwFederateAmbassador : RTI.FederateAmbassador
  10. {
  11.     public override void receiveInteraction(int theInteraction, HandleValuePair[] theParameters, double theTime, string theTag, EventRetractionHandle theHandle) {
  12.         receiveInteraction(theInteraction, theParameters, theTag);
  13.     }
  14.     public override void receiveInteraction(int theInteraction, HandleValuePair[] theParameters, string theTag) {
  15.         Definitions.receivedInteractions++;
  16.         Console.WriteLine(Definitions.receivedInteractions + " received an interaction from ping");
  17.         Definitions.received = true;
  18.     }
  19. }
  20. }


       下面以Visual C# 2010为例说明编译运行过程。



                                                 图8.1 选择项目属性

       (2)设置项目属性。通常取缺省值,但也有用户可能有特殊要求。譬如,在Visual C# 2010下,KY-RTI为.Net Framework 3.5和.Net Framework 4两种目标框架提供支持。

                                                 图8.2 设置目标框架


                                                 图8.3 添加引用

                                                 图8.4 浏览引用库



       第4步:开启两个终端,分别运行ping-notick和pong-notick这2个仿真成员,开始仿真。如图8.5和图8.6所示。在这个例子中,每次传输的字节数为100个字节,一共来回10次。另外,基于Visual C#开发程序,则程序不需要调用tick服务,否则会有1个警告。

                                                 图8.5 ping-notick运行结果

                                                 图8.6 pong-notick运行结果


KY-RTI分布仿真技术:前 言

KY-RTI分布仿真技术:第一章 简介

KY-RTI分布仿真技术:第二章 系统安装

KY-RTI分布仿真技术:第三章 KY-OMT对象模型模板工具

KY-RTI分布仿真技术:第四章 C++程序设计

KY-RTI分布仿真技术:第五章 Qt程序设计

KY-RTI分布仿真技术:第六章 Java程序设计

KY-RTI分布仿真技术:第七章 Visual C++程序设计

KY-RTI分布仿真技术:第八章 Visual C#程序设计

KY-RTI分布仿真技术:第九章 综合演示

KY-RTI分布仿真技术:附录1 分组聊天(HLA数据分发管理的应用)

KY-RTI分布仿真技术:附录2 大联邦(构建1000个成员的HLA/RTI仿真系统)

KY-RTI分布仿真技术:附录3 国产化(操作系统+CPUs)


KY-RTI分布仿真技术:第八章 Visual C#程序设计 的相关文章


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  • KY-RTI分布仿真技术:第八章 Visual C#程序设计

    第八章 Visual C 程序设计 本章讲述如何基于Visual C 设计ping pong程序 本质上是对上一章Visual C 43 43 程序的一次成功移植 对于不同的程序设计语言而言 xff0c 基于HLA RTI设计仿真应用的方法