



  • (Python)卫星RPC有理多项式模型读取与正反投影坐标计算原理与实现
    • 摘要
    • RPC几何定位模型介绍
    • RPC模型库代码实现
      • Rpc模型库
      • 使用示例
    • 实验结果
        • 精度评估
        • 性能评估






现今已建立了各种传感器模型,来描述地面空间坐标与相应像点坐标的数学关系.在传统的摄影测量领域,应用较多的是物理模型.这种模型的处理技术已趋向成熟,定位精度比较高.但由于物理传感器模型涉及传感器物理结构,成像方式及各种成像参数.为了保护技术秘密,一些公司只使用有理函数模型(RFM:Rational Function Model),并向用户提供RFM的参数――有理多项式系数(RPC:Rational Polynomial Coefficients).







RPC model parsers, localization, and projection
import numpy as np
from osgeo import gdal

class MaxLocalizationIterationsError(Exception):
    Custom rpcm Exception.

def apply_poly(poly, x, y, z):
    Evaluates a 3-variables polynom of degree 3 on a triplet of numbers.
        poly: list of the 20 coefficients of the 3-variate degree 3 polynom,
            ordered following the RPC convention.
        x, y, z: triplet of floats. They may be numpy arrays of same length.

        the value(s) of the polynom on the input point(s).
    out = 0
    out += poly[0]
    out += poly[1]*y + poly[2]*x + poly[3]*z
    out += poly[4]*y*x + poly[5]*y*z +poly[6]*x*z
    out += poly[7]*y*y + poly[8]*x*x + poly[9]*z*z
    out += poly[10]*x*y*z
    out += poly[11]*y*y*y
    out += poly[12]*y*x*x + poly[13]*y*z*z + poly[14]*y*y*x
    out += poly[15]*x*x*x
    out += poly[16]*x*z*z + poly[17]*y*y*z + poly[18]*x*x*z
    out += poly[19]*z*z*z
    return out

def apply_rfm(num, den, x, y, z):
    Evaluates a Rational Function Model (rfm), on a triplet of numbers.
        num: list of the 20 coefficients of the numerator
        den: list of the 20 coefficients of the denominator
            All these coefficients are ordered following the RPC convention.
        x, y, z: triplet of floats. They may be numpy arrays of same length.

        the value(s) of the rfm on the input point(s).
    return apply_poly(num, x, y, z) / apply_poly(den, x, y, z)

def rpc_from_geotiff(geotiff_path):
    Read the RPC coefficients from a GeoTIFF file and return an RPCModel object.
        geotiff_path (str): path or url to a GeoTIFF file

        instance of the rpc_model.RPCModel class
    # with rasterio.open(geotiff_path, 'r') as src:
    dataset = gdal.Open(geotiff_path, gdal.GA_ReadOnly)
    rpc_dict = dataset.GetMetadata("RPC")
    # 同时返回影像与rpc
    return dataset, RPCModel(rpc_dict,'geotiff')

def read_rpc_file(rpc_file):
    Read RPC from a RPC_txt file and return a RPCmodel
        rpc_file: RPC sidecar file path

        dictionary read from the RPC file, or an empty dict if fail

    with open(rpc_file) as f:
        rpc_content = f.read()
    rpc = read_rpc(rpc_content)
    return RPCModel(rpc)

def read_rpc(rpc_content):
    Read RPC file assuming the ikonos format
        rpc_content: content of RPC sidecar file path read as a string

        dictionary read from the RPC file

    import re

    lines = rpc_content.split('\n')

    dict_rpc = {}
    for l in lines:
        ll = l.split()
        if len(ll) > 1:
            k = re.sub(r"[^a-zA-Z0-9_]","",ll[0])
            dict_rpc[k] = ll[1]

    def parse_coeff(dic, prefix, indices):
        """ helper function"""
        return ' '.join([dic["%s_%s" % (prefix, str(x))] for x in indices])

    dict_rpc['SAMP_NUM_COEFF']  = parse_coeff(dict_rpc, "SAMP_NUM_COEFF", range(1, 21))
    dict_rpc['SAMP_DEN_COEFF']  = parse_coeff(dict_rpc, "SAMP_DEN_COEFF", range(1, 21))
    dict_rpc['LINE_NUM_COEFF']  = parse_coeff(dict_rpc, "LINE_NUM_COEFF", range(1, 21))
    dict_rpc['LINE_DEN_COEFF']  = parse_coeff(dict_rpc, "LINE_DEN_COEFF", range(1, 21))

    return dict_rpc

class RPCModel:
    def __init__(self, d, dict_format="geotiff"):
            d (dict): dictionary read from a geotiff file with
                rasterio.open('/path/to/file.tiff', 'r').tags(ns='RPC'),
                or from the .__dict__ of an RPCModel object.
            dict_format (str): format of the dictionary passed in `d`.
                Either "geotiff" if read from the tags of a geotiff file,
                or "rpcm" if read from the .__dict__ of an RPCModel object.
        if dict_format == "geotiff":
            self.row_offset = float(d['LINE_OFF'][0:d['LINE_OFF'].rfind(' ')])
            self.col_offset = float(d['SAMP_OFF'][0:d['SAMP_OFF'].rfind(' ')])
            self.lat_offset = float(d['LAT_OFF'][0:d['LAT_OFF'].rfind(' ')])
            self.lon_offset = float(d['LONG_OFF'][0:d['LONG_OFF'].rfind(' ')])
            self.alt_offset = float(d['HEIGHT_OFF'][0:d['HEIGHT_OFF'].rfind(' ')])

            self.row_scale = float(d['LINE_SCALE'][0:d['LINE_SCALE'].rfind(' ')])
            self.col_scale = float(d['SAMP_SCALE'][0:d['SAMP_SCALE'].rfind(' ')])
            self.lat_scale = float(d['LAT_SCALE'][0:d['LAT_SCALE'].rfind(' ')])
            self.lon_scale = float(d['LONG_SCALE'][0:d['LONG_SCALE'].rfind(' ')])
            self.alt_scale = float(d['HEIGHT_SCALE'][0:d['HEIGHT_SCALE'].rfind(' ')])

            self.row_num = list(map(float, d['LINE_NUM_COEFF'].split()))
            self.row_den = list(map(float, d['LINE_DEN_COEFF'].split()))
            self.col_num = list(map(float, d['SAMP_NUM_COEFF'].split()))
            self.col_den = list(map(float, d['SAMP_DEN_COEFF'].split()))

            if 'LON_NUM_COEFF' in d:
                self.lon_num = list(map(float, d['LON_NUM_COEFF'].split()))
                self.lon_den = list(map(float, d['LON_DEN_COEFF'].split()))
                self.lat_num = list(map(float, d['LAT_NUM_COEFF'].split()))
                self.lat_den = list(map(float, d['LAT_DEN_COEFF'].split()))

        elif dict_format == "rpcm":
            self.__dict__ = d

            raise ValueError(
                "dict_format '{}' not supported. "
                "Should be {{'geotiff','rpcm'}}".format(dict_format)

    def projection(self, lon, lat, alt):
        Convert geographic coordinates of 3D points into image coordinates.
            lon (float or list): longitude(s) of the input 3D point(s)
            lat (float or list): latitude(s) of the input 3D point(s)
            alt (float or list): altitude(s) of the input 3D point(s)

            float or list: horizontal image coordinate(s) (column index, ie x)
            float or list: vertical image coordinate(s) (row index, ie y)
        nlon = (np.asarray(lon) - self.lon_offset) / self.lon_scale
        nlat = (np.asarray(lat) - self.lat_offset) / self.lat_scale
        nalt = (np.asarray(alt) - self.alt_offset) / self.alt_scale

        col = apply_rfm(self.col_num, self.col_den, nlat, nlon, nalt)
        row = apply_rfm(self.row_num, self.row_den, nlat, nlon, nalt)

        col = col * self.col_scale + self.col_offset
        row = row * self.row_scale + self.row_offset

        return col, row

    def localization(self, col, row, alt, return_normalized=False):
        Convert image coordinates plus altitude into geographic coordinates.
            col (float or list): x image coordinate(s) of the input point(s)
            row (float or list): y image coordinate(s) of the input point(s)
            alt (float or list): altitude(s) of the input point(s)

            float or list: longitude(s)
            float or list: latitude(s)
        ncol = (np.asarray(col) - self.col_offset) / self.col_scale
        nrow = (np.asarray(row) - self.row_offset) / self.row_scale
        nalt = (np.asarray(alt) - self.alt_offset) / self.alt_scale

        if not hasattr(self, 'lat_num'):
            lon, lat = self.localization_iterative(ncol, nrow, nalt)
            lon = apply_rfm(self.lon_num, self.lon_den, nrow, ncol, nalt)
            lat = apply_rfm(self.lat_num, self.lat_den, nrow, ncol, nalt)

        if not return_normalized:
            lon = lon * self.lon_scale + self.lon_offset
            lat = lat * self.lat_scale + self.lat_offset

        return lon, lat

    def localization_iterative(self, col, row, alt):
        Iterative estimation of the localization function (image to ground),
        for a list of image points expressed in image coordinates.
            col, row: normalized image coordinates (between -1 and 1)
            alt: normalized altitude (between -1 and 1) of the corresponding 3D

            lon, lat: normalized longitude and latitude

            MaxLocalizationIterationsError: if the while loop exceeds the max
                number of iterations, which is set to 100.
        # target point: Xf (f for final)
        Xf = np.vstack([col, row]).T

        # use 3 corners of the lon, lat domain and project them into the image
        # to get the first estimation of (lon, lat)
        # EPS is 2 for the first iteration, then 0.1.
        lon = -col ** 0  # vector of ones
        lat = -col ** 0
        EPS = 2
        x0 = apply_rfm(self.col_num, self.col_den, lat, lon, alt)
        y0 = apply_rfm(self.row_num, self.row_den, lat, lon, alt)
        x1 = apply_rfm(self.col_num, self.col_den, lat, lon + EPS, alt)
        y1 = apply_rfm(self.row_num, self.row_den, lat, lon + EPS, alt)
        x2 = apply_rfm(self.col_num, self.col_den, lat + EPS, lon, alt)
        y2 = apply_rfm(self.row_num, self.row_den, lat + EPS, lon, alt)

        n = 0
        while not np.all((x0 - col) ** 2 + (y0 - row) ** 2 < 1e-18):

            if n > 100:
                raise MaxLocalizationIterationsError("Max localization iterations (100) exceeded")

            X0 = np.vstack([x0, y0]).T
            X1 = np.vstack([x1, y1]).T
            X2 = np.vstack([x2, y2]).T
            e1 = X1 - X0
            e2 = X2 - X0
            u  = Xf - X0

            # project u on the base (e1, e2): u = a1*e1 + a2*e2
            # the exact computation is given by:
            #   M = np.vstack((e1, e2)).T
            #   a = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(M), u)
            # but I don't know how to vectorize this.
            # Assuming that e1 and e2 are orthogonal, a1 is given by
            # <u, e1> / <e1, e1>
            num = np.sum(np.multiply(u, e1), axis=1)
            den = np.sum(np.multiply(e1, e1), axis=1)
            a1 = np.divide(num, den).squeeze()

            num = np.sum(np.multiply(u, e2), axis=1)
            den = np.sum(np.multiply(e2, e2), axis=1)
            a2 = np.divide(num, den).squeeze()

            # use the coefficients a1, a2 to compute an approximation of the
            # point on the gound which in turn will give us the new X0
            lon += a1 * EPS
            lat += a2 * EPS

            # update X0, X1 and X2
            EPS = .1
            x0 = apply_rfm(self.col_num, self.col_den, lat, lon, alt)
            y0 = apply_rfm(self.row_num, self.row_den, lat, lon, alt)
            x1 = apply_rfm(self.col_num, self.col_den, lat, lon + EPS, alt)
            y1 = apply_rfm(self.row_num, self.row_den, lat, lon + EPS, alt)
            x2 = apply_rfm(self.col_num, self.col_den, lat + EPS, lon, alt)
            y2 = apply_rfm(self.row_num, self.row_den, lat + EPS, lon, alt)

            n += 1

        return lon, lat


import geo_rpc

rpc = geo_rpc.read_rpc_file('../data/BWDSC_RPC.txt')

lon, lat ,h  = 112.961403969,34.452284651 ,100

rows ,cols = rpc.projection(lon, lat ,h )
print (" rows and cols : ", rows ,cols )
rows ,cols = rpc.localization(rows ,cols ,h )
print ( " lon and lat : ", lon, lat)


 rows and cols :  7442.261718114856 19653.793617557167
 lon and lat :  112.961403969 34.452284651





import geo_rpc
from time import *

rpc = geo_rpc.read_rpc_file('../data/BWDSC_RPC.txt')

lon, lat ,h  = 112.961403969,34.452284651 ,100

begin_time = time()
for i in range(10000):
    rows ,cols = rpc.projection(lon, lat ,h )

end_time = time()
run_time = end_time-begin_time
print ('正投影平均耗时:',run_time/10000*1000,'ms')

begin_time = time()
for i in range(10000):
    rows ,cols = rpc.localization(rows ,cols ,h )

end_time = time()
run_time = end_time-begin_time
print ('反投影平均耗时:',run_time/10000*1000,'ms')


正投影平均耗时: 0.028485536575317383 ms
反投影平均耗时: 1.0120615482330322 ms




(Python)卫星RPC有理多项式模型读取与正反投影坐标计算原理与实现 的相关文章
