







The order in which variables are eliminated in a linear solver can have a significant of impact on the efficiency and accuracy of the method. For example when doing sparse Cholesky factorization, there are matrices for which a good ordering will give a Cholesky factor with O(n) storage, where as a bad ordering will result in an completely dense factor.


Ceres allows the user to provide varying amounts of hints to the solver about the variable elimination ordering to use. This can range from no hints, where the solver is free to decide the best ordering based on the user’s choices like the linear solver being used, to an exact order in which the variables should be eliminated, and a variety of possibilities in between.


Instances of the ParameterBlockOrdering class are used to communicate this information to Ceres.


Formally an ordering is an ordered partitioning of the parameter blocks. Each parameter block belongs to exactly one group, and each group has a unique integer associated with it, that determines its order in the set of groups. We call these groups Elimination Groups


Given such an ordering, Ceres ensures that the parameter blocks in the lowest numbered elimination group are eliminated first, and then the parameter blocks in the next lowest numbered elimination group and so on. Within each elimination group, Ceres is free to order the parameter blocks as it chooses. For example, consider the linear system

x + y = 3 2 x + 3 y = 7 x+y=3\\ 2x+3y=7 x+y=32x+3y=7
There are two ways in which it can be solved. First eliminating x from the two equations, solving for y and then back substituting for x, or first eliminating y, solving for x and back substituting for y. The user can construct three orderings here.


  1. {0:x},{1:y} : Eliminate x first.
  2. {0:y},{1:x} : Eliminate y first.
  3. {0:x,y} : Solver gets to decide the elimination order.

Thus, to have Ceres determine the ordering automatically using heuristics, put all the variables in the same elimination group. The identity of the group does not matter. This is the same as not specifying an ordering at all. To control the ordering for every variable, create an elimination group per variable, ordering them in the desired order.


If the user is using one of the Schur solvers (DENSE_SCHUR, SPARSE_SCHUR, ITERATIVE_SCHUR) and chooses to specify an ordering, it must have one important property. The lowest numbered elimination group must form an independent set in the graph corresponding to the Hessian, or in other words, no two parameter blocks in in the first elimination group should co-occur in the same residual block. For the best performance, this elimination group should be as large as possible. For standard bundle adjustment problems, this corresponds to the first elimination group containing all the 3d points, and the second containing the all the cameras parameter blocks.


If the user leaves the choice to Ceres, then the solver uses an approximate maximum independent set algorithm to identify the first elimination group [LiSaad].




  • class ParameterBlockOrdering

    ParameterBlockOrdering is a class for storing and manipulating an ordered collection of groups/sets with the following semantics:Group IDs are non-negative integer values. Elements are any type that can serve as a key in a map or an element of a set.An element can only belong to one group at a time. A group may contain an arbitrary number of elements.Groups are ordered by their group id.


  • bool ParameterBlockOrdering::AddElementToGroup(const double *element, const int group)¶

    Add an element to a group. If a group with this id does not exist, one is created. This method can be called any number of times for the same element. Group ids should be non-negative numbers. Return value indicates if adding the element was a success.


  • void ParameterBlockOrdering::Clear()¶

    Clear the ordering.


  • bool ParameterBlockOrdering::Remove(const double *element)¶

    Remove the element, no matter what group it is in. If the element is not a member of any group, calling this method will result in a crash. Return value indicates if the element was actually removed.


  • void ParameterBlockOrdering::Reverse()¶

    Reverse the order of the groups in place.


  • int ParameterBlockOrdering::GroupId(const double *element) const

    Return the group id for the element. If the element is not a member of any group, return -1.


  • bool ParameterBlockOrdering::IsMember(const double *element) const

    True if there is a group containing the parameter block.


  • int ParameterBlockOrdering::GroupSize(const int group) const

    This function always succeeds, i.e., implicitly there exists a group for every integer.


  • int ParameterBlockOrdering::NumElements() const

    Number of elements in the ordering.


  • int ParameterBlockOrdering::NumGroups() const

    Number of groups with one or more elements.



ceres::ParameterBlockOrdering* ordering = new ceres::ParameterBlockOrdering();
// set all points in ordering to 0
for(int i = 0; i < num_points; i++){
    ordering->AddElementToGroup(points + i * point_block_size, 0);
// set all cameras in ordering to 1
for(int i = 0; i < num_cameras; i++){
    ordering->AddElementToGroup(cameras + i * camera_block_size, 1);

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