omv5-gitlab/gitlab-ce deploy



#yml example
version: '3.6'



  image: 'gitlab/gitlab-ce:latest'

  restart: always



​    external_url 'http://localhost:80'

​     \# Add any other gitlab.rb configuration here, each on its own line


   \- '1180:80'

   \- '11443:443'

   \- '1122:22'


   \- '/srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-8cc2e65c-4534-4857-b6e4-ce9f06e6cb80/synca/gitlab/config:/etc/gitlab'

   \- '/srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-8cc2e65c-4534-4857-b6e4-ce9f06e6cb80/synca/gitlab/logs:/var/log/gitlab'

   \- '/srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-8cc2e65c-4534-4857-b6e4-ce9f06e6cb80/synca/gitlab/data:/var/opt/gitlab'

  shm_size: '256m'
  reset password

root@omv5:~# sudo docker exec -it gitlab-ce_web_1 grep 'Password:' /etc/gitlab/initial_root_password

Password: eJ/chu1tqAHBJ2ohGRlHiS97vwWhoER9/sRTLatSTTg=


root@omv5:~# sudo docker exec -it gitlab-ce_web_1 grep 'Password:' /etc/gitlab/initial_root_password

Password: eJ/chu1tqAHBJ2ohGRlHiS97vwWhoER9/sRTLatSTTg=

root@omv5:~# docker exec -it gitlab-ce_web_1 /bin/bash



root@e3a53be26d5e:/# ls

RELEASE bin  dev home lib32 libx32  media opt  root sbin sys usr

assets  boot etc lib  lib64 linuxrc mnt  proc run  srv  tmp var

root@e3a53be26d5e:/# gitlab-rails console -e production


 Ruby:     ruby 2.7.5p203 (2021-11-24 revision f69aeb8314) [x86_64-linux]

 GitLab:    14.10.2 (07d12f3fd11) FOSS

 GitLab Shell: 13.25.1

 PostgreSQL:  12.7

------------------------------------------------------------[ booted in 36.81s ]

user = User.where(id:1).first

Loading production environment (Rails



irb(main):003:0> user = User.where(id:1).first

=> #<User id:1 @root>

irb(main):004:0> user.password='J1'

=> "J1"


=> true

irb(main):006:0> exit

root@e3a53be26d5e:/# exit



sudo docker run --detach \

 --publish 11443:443 --publish 1180:80 --publish 1122:22 \

 --name gitlab \

 --restart always \

 --volume /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-8cc2e65c-4534-4857-b6e4-ce9f06e6cb80/synca/gitlab/config:/etc/gitlab \

 --volume /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-8cc2e65c-4534-4857-b6e4-ce9f06e6cb80/synca/gitlab/logs:/var/log/gitlab \

 --volume /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-8cc2e65c-4534-4857-b6e4-ce9f06e6cb80/synca/gitlab/data:/var/opt/gitlab \

 --shm-size 256m \


version: '3.6'



  image: 'gitlab/gitlab-ce:latest'

  restart: always

  hostname: 'localhost'



​    external_url 'localhost'

​    external_url ''

​    external_url ''

​    external_url ''

​    external_url ''

​    external_url ''

​    external_url ''

​     \# Add any other gitlab.rb configuration here, each on its own line


   \- '1180:80'

   \- '11443:443'

   \- '1122:22'


   \- '/srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-8cc2e65c-4534-4857-b6e4-ce9f06e6cb80/synca/gitlab/config:/etc/gitlab'

   \- '/srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-8cc2e65c-4534-4857-b6e4-ce9f06e6cb80/synca/gitlab/logs:/var/log/gitlab'

   \- '/srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-8cc2e65c-4534-4857-b6e4-ce9f06e6cb80/synca/gitlab/data:/var/opt/gitlab'

  shm_size: '256m'

version: "3.6"



  image: gitlab/gitlab-ce:latest


   \- "1122:22"

   \- "1180:80"

   \- "11443:443"


   \- /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-8cc2e65c-4534-4857-b6e4-ce9f06e6cb80/synca/gitlab/data:/var/opt/gitlab

   \- /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-8cc2e65c-4534-4857-b6e4-ce9f06e6cb80/synca/gitlab/logs:/var/log/gitlab

   \- /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-8cc2e65c-4534-4857-b6e4-ce9f06e6cb80/synca/gitlab/config:/etc/gitlab

  shm_size: '256m'


   GITLAB_OMNIBUS_CONFIG: "from_file('/omnibus_config.rb')"


   \- source: gitlab

​    target: /omnibus_config.rb


   \- gitlab_root_password


  image: gitlab/gitlab-runner:alpine


   mode: replicated

   replicas: 4



  file: ./gitlab.rb



  file: ./root_password.txt

GitLab Docker images

The GitLab Docker images are monolithic images of GitLab running all the necessary services in a single container. If you instead want to install GitLab on Kubernetes, see GitLab Helm Charts.

Find the GitLab official Docker image at:

The Docker images don’t include a mail transport agent (MTA). The recommended solution is to add an MTA (such as Postfix or Sendmail) running in a separate container. As another option, you can install an MTA directly in the GitLab container, but this adds maintenance overhead as you’ll likely need to reinstall the MTA after every upgrade or restart.

In the following examples, if you want to use the latest RC image, use gitlab/gitlab-ee:rc instead.

Docker for Windows is not officially supported. There are known issues with volume permissions, and potentially other unknown issues. If you are trying to run on Docker for Windows, see the getting help page for links to community resources (such as IRC or forums) to seek help from other users.


Docker is required. See the official installation documentation.

Set up the volumes location

Before setting everything else, configure a new environment variable $GITLAB_HOME pointing to the directory where the configuration, logs, and data files will reside. Ensure that the directory exists and appropriate permission have been granted.

For Linux users, set the path to /srv/gitlab:

export GITLAB_HOME=/srv/gitlab

For macOS users, use the user’s $HOME/gitlab directory:

export GITLAB_HOME=$HOME/gitlab

The GitLab container uses host mounted volumes to store persistent data:

Local location Container location Usage
$GITLAB_HOME/data /var/opt/gitlab For storing application data.
$GITLAB_HOME/logs /var/log/gitlab For storing logs.
$GITLAB_HOME/config /etc/gitlab For storing the GitLab configuration files.


The GitLab Docker images can be run in multiple ways:

Install GitLab using Docker Engine

You can fine tune these directories to meet your requirements. Once you’ve set up the GITLAB_HOME variable, you can run the image:

sudo docker run --detach \

–hostname \

–publish 443:443 --publish 80:80 --publish 22:22 \

–name gitlab \

–restart always \

–volume $GITLAB_HOME/config:/etc/gitlab \

–volume $GITLAB_HOME/logs:/var/log/gitlab \

–volume $GITLAB_HOME/data:/var/opt/gitlab \

–shm-size 256m \


This will download and start a GitLab container and publish ports needed to access SSH, HTTP and HTTPS. All GitLab data will be stored as subdirectories of $GITLAB_HOME. The container will automatically restart after a system reboot.

If you are on SELinux, then run this instead:

sudo docker run --detach \

–hostname \

–publish 443:443 --publish 80:80 --publish 22:22 \

–name gitlab \

–restart always \

–volume $GITLAB_HOME/config:/etc/gitlab:Z \

–volume $GITLAB_HOME/logs:/var/log/gitlab:Z \

–volume $GITLAB_HOME/data:/var/opt/gitlab:Z \

–shm-size 256m \


This will ensure that the Docker process has enough permissions to create the configuration files in the mounted volumes.

If you’re using the Kerberos integration , you must also publish your Kerberos port (for example, --publish 8443:8443). Failing to do so prevents Git operations with Kerberos.

The initialization process may take a long time. You can track this process with:

sudo docker logs -f gitlab

After starting a container you can visit (or if you used boot2docker on macOS). It might take a while before the Docker container starts to respond to queries.

Visit the GitLab URL, and log in with username root and the password from the following command:

sudo docker exec -it gitlab grep ‘Password:’ /etc/gitlab/initial_root_password

The password file will be automatically deleted in the first reconfigure run after 24 hours.

Install GitLab using Docker Compose

With Docker Compose you can easily configure, install, and upgrade your Docker-based GitLab installation:

  1. Install Docker Compose.

  2. Create a docker-compose.yml file (or download an example):

version: ‘3.6’



image: ‘gitlab/gitlab-ee:latest’

restart: always

hostname: ‘’



​ external_url ‘’

​ # Add any other gitlab.rb configuration here, each on its own line


- ‘80:80’

- ‘443:443’

- ‘22:22’


- ‘$GITLAB_HOME/config:/etc/gitlab’

- ‘$GITLAB_HOME/logs:/var/log/gitlab’

- ‘$GITLAB_HOME/data:/var/opt/gitlab’

shm_size: ‘256m’

  1. Make sure you are in the same directory as docker-compose.yml and start GitLab:

docker-compose up -d

Read the “Pre-configure Docker container” section to see how the GITLAB_OMNIBUS_CONFIG variable works.

Below is another docker-compose.yml example with GitLab running on a custom HTTP and SSH port. Notice how the GITLAB_OMNIBUS_CONFIG variables match the ports section:

version: ‘3.6’



image: ‘gitlab/gitlab-ee:latest’

restart: always

hostname: ‘’



​ external_url ‘’

​ gitlab_rails[‘gitlab_shell_ssh_port’] = 2224


- ‘8929:8929’

- ‘2224:22’


- ‘$GITLAB_HOME/config:/etc/gitlab’

- ‘$GITLAB_HOME/logs:/var/log/gitlab’

- ‘$GITLAB_HOME/data:/var/opt/gitlab’

shm_size: ‘256m’

This is the same as using --publish 8929:8929 --publish 2224:22.

Install GitLab using Docker swarm mode

With Docker swarm mode, you can easily configure and deploy your Docker-based GitLab installation in a swarm cluster.

In swarm mode you can leverage Docker secrets and Docker configurations to efficiently and securely deploy your GitLab instance. Secrets can be used to securely pass your initial root password without exposing it as an environment variable. Configurations can help you to keep your GitLab image as generic as possible.

Here’s an example that deploys GitLab with four runners as a stack, using secrets and configurations:

  1. Set up a Docker swarm.

  2. Create a docker-compose.yml file:

version: “3.6”



image: gitlab/gitlab-ee:latest


- “22:22”

- “80:80”

- “443:443”


- $GITLAB_HOME/data:/var/opt/gitlab

- $GITLAB_HOME/logs:/var/log/gitlab

- $GITLAB_HOME/config:/etc/gitlab

shm_size: ‘256m’


GITLAB_OMNIBUS_CONFIG: “from_file(‘/omnibus_config.rb’)”


- source: gitlab

​ target: /omnibus_config.rb


- gitlab_root_password


image: gitlab/gitlab-runner:alpine


mode: replicated

replicas: 4



file: ./gitlab.rb



file: ./root_password.txt

For simplicity reasons, the network configuration was omitted. More information can be found in the official Compose file reference.

  1. Create a gitlab.rb file:

external_url ‘’

gitlab_rails[‘initial_root_password’] =‘/run/secrets/gitlab_root_password’).gsub(“\n”, “”)

  1. Create a root_password.txt file:


  1. Make sure you are in the same directory as docker-compose.yml and run:

docker stack deploy --compose-file docker-compose.yml mystack


This container uses the official Omnibus GitLab package, so all configuration is done in the unique configuration file /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb.

To access the GitLab configuration file, you can start a shell session in the context of a running container. This will allow you to browse all directories and use your favorite text editor:

sudo docker exec -it gitlab /bin/bash

You can also just edit /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb:

sudo docker exec -it gitlab editor /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb

Once you open /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb make sure to set the external_url to point to a valid URL.

To receive e-mails from GitLab you have to configure the SMTP settings because the GitLab Docker image doesn’t have an SMTP server installed. You may also be interested in enabling HTTPS.

After you make all the changes you want, you will need to restart the container in order to reconfigure GitLab:

sudo docker restart gitlab

GitLab will reconfigure itself whenever the container starts. For more options about configuring GitLab, check the configuration documentation.

Pre-configure Docker container

You can pre-configure the GitLab Docker image by adding the environment variable GITLAB_OMNIBUS_CONFIG to Docker run command. This variable can contain any gitlab.rb setting and is evaluated before the loading of the container’s gitlab.rb file. This behavior allows you to configure the external GitLab URL, and make database configuration or any other option from the Omnibus GitLab template. The settings contained in GITLAB_OMNIBUS_CONFIG aren’t written to the gitlab.rb configuration file, and are evaluated on load.

Here’s an example that sets the external URL and enables LFS while starting the container:

sudo docker run --detach \

–hostname \

–env GITLAB_OMNIBUS_CONFIG=“external_url ‘’; gitlab_rails[‘lfs_enabled’] = true;” \

–publish 443:443 --publish 80:80 --publish 22:22 \

–name gitlab \

–restart always \

–volume $GITLAB_HOME/config:/etc/gitlab \

–volume $GITLAB_HOME/logs:/var/log/gitlab \

–volume $GITLAB_HOME/data:/var/opt/gitlab \

–shm-size 256m \


Note that every time you execute a docker run command, you need to provide the GITLAB_OMNIBUS_CONFIG option. The content of GITLAB_OMNIBUS_CONFIG is not preserved between subsequent runs.

Use tagged versions of GitLab

Tagged versions of the GitLab Docker images are also provided. To see all available tags see:

To use a specific tagged version, replace gitlab/gitlab-ee:latest with the GitLab version you want to run, for example gitlab/gitlab-ee:12.1.3-ce.0.

Run GitLab on a public IP address

You can make Docker to use your IP address and forward all traffic to the GitLab container by modifying the --publish flag.

To expose GitLab on IP

sudo docker run --detach \

–hostname \

–publish \

–publish \

–publish \

–name gitlab \

–restart always \

–volume $GITLAB_HOME/config:/etc/gitlab \

–volume $GITLAB_HOME/logs:/var/log/gitlab \

–volume $GITLAB_HOME/data:/var/opt/gitlab \

–shm-size 256m \


You can then access your GitLab instance at and

Expose GitLab on different ports

GitLab will occupy some ports inside the container.

If you want to use a different host port than 80 (HTTP) or 443 (HTTPS), you need to add a separate --publish directive to the docker run command.

For example, to expose the web interface on the host’s port 8929, and the SSH service on port 2289:

  1. Use the following docker run command:

sudo docker run --detach \

–hostname \

–publish 8929:8929 --publish 2289:22 \

–name gitlab \

–restart always \

–volume $GITLAB_HOME/config:/etc/gitlab \

–volume $GITLAB_HOME/logs:/var/log/gitlab \

–volume $GITLAB_HOME/data:/var/opt/gitlab \

–shm-size 256m \


The format for publishing ports is hostPort:containerPort. Read more in Docker’s documentation about exposing incoming ports.

  1. Enter the running container:

sudo docker exec -it gitlab /bin/bash

  1. Open /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb with your editor and set external_url:

# For HTTP

external_url “”


# For HTTPS (notice the https)

external_url “”

The port specified in this URL must match the port published to the host by Docker. Additionally, if the NGINX listen port is not explicitly set in nginx[‘listen_port’], it will be pulled from the external_url. For more information see the NGINX documentation.

  1. Set gitlab_shell_ssh_port:

gitlab_rails[‘gitlab_shell_ssh_port’] = 2289

  1. Finally, reconfigure GitLab:

gitlab-ctl reconfigure

Following the above example, you will be able to reach GitLab from your web browser under :8929 and push using SSH under the port 2289.

A docker-compose.yml example that uses different ports can be found in the Docker compose section.


In most cases, upgrading GitLab is as easy as downloading the newest Docker image tag.

Upgrade GitLab using Docker Engine

To upgrade GitLab that was installed using Docker Engine:

  1. Take a backup.

  2. Stop the running container:

sudo docker stop gitlab

  1. Remove the existing container:

sudo docker rm gitlab

  1. Pull the new image. For example, the latest GitLab image:

sudo docker pull gitlab/gitlab-ee:latest

  1. Create the container once again with the previously specified options:

sudo docker run --detach \

–hostname \

–publish 443:443 --publish 80:80 --publish 22:22 \

–name gitlab \

–restart always \

–volume $GITLAB_HOME/config:/etc/gitlab \

–volume $GITLAB_HOME/logs:/var/log/gitlab \

–volume $GITLAB_HOME/data:/var/opt/gitlab \

–shm-size 256m \


On the first run, GitLab will reconfigure and upgrade itself.

Refer to the GitLab Upgrade recommendations when upgrading between major versions.

Upgrade GitLab using Docker compose

To upgrade GitLab that was installed using Docker Compose:

  1. Take a backup.

  2. Download the newest release and upgrade your GitLab instance:

docker-compose pull

docker-compose up -d

If you have used tags instead, you’ll need to first edit docker-compose.yml.

Convert Community Edition to Enterprise Edition

You can convert an existing Docker-based GitLab Community Edition (CE) container to a GitLab Enterprise Edition (EE) container using the same approach as upgrading the version.

We recommend you convert from the same version of CE to EE (for example, CE 14.1 to EE 14.1). This is not explicitly necessary, and any standard upgrade (for example, CE 14.0 to EE 14.1) should work. The following steps assume that you are upgrading the same version.

  1. Take a backup.

  2. Stop the current CE container, and remove or rename it.

  3. To create a new container with GitLab EE, replace ce with ee in your docker run command or docker-compose.yml file. However, reuse the CE container name, port and file mappings, and version.

Back up GitLab

You can create a GitLab backup with:

docker exec -t gitlab-backup create

Read more on how to back up and restore GitLab.

If configuration is provided entirely via the GITLAB_OMNIBUS_CONFIG environment variable (per the “Pre-configure Docker Container” steps), meaning no configuration is set directly in the gitlab.rb file, then there is no need to back up the gitlab.rb file.

Installing GitLab Community Edition

GitLab CE Docker image

To install the Community Edition, replace ee with ce in the commands on this page.


The following information will help if you encounter problems using Omnibus GitLab and Docker.

Diagnose potential problems

Read container logs:

sudo docker logs gitlab

Enter running container:

sudo docker exec -it gitlab /bin/bash

From within the container you can administer the GitLab container as you would normally administer an Omnibus installation

500 Internal Error

When updating the Docker image you may encounter an issue where all paths display a 500 page. If this occurs, restart the container to try to rectify the issue:

sudo docker restart gitlab

Permission problems

When updating from older GitLab Docker images you might encounter permission problems. This happens when users in previous images were not preserved correctly. There’s script that fixes permissions for all files.

To fix your container, execute update-permissions and restart the container afterwards:

sudo docker exec gitlab update-permissions

sudo docker restart gitlab

Windows/Mac: Error executing action run on resource ruby_block[directory resource: /data/GitLab]

This error occurs when using Docker Toolbox with VirtualBox on Windows or Mac, and making use of Docker volumes. The /c/Users volume is mounted as a VirtualBox Shared Folder, and does not support the all POSIX file system features. The directory ownership and permissions cannot be changed without remounting, and GitLab fails.

Our recommendation is to switch to using the native Docker install for your platform, instead of using Docker Toolbox.

If you cannot use the native Docker install (Windows 10 Home Edition, or Windows 7/8), then an alternative solution is to setup NFS mounts instead of VirtualBox shares for Docker Toolbox’s boot2docker.

Linux ACL issues

If you are using file ACLs on the Docker host, the docker group requires full access to the volumes in order for GitLab to work:

getfacl $GITLAB_HOME

# file: $GITLAB_HOME

# owner: XXXX

# group: XXXX










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    matlab中打开文件 fid fopen 文件名 打开方式 说明 fid用于存储文件句柄值 若是fid gt 0 这说明文件打开乐成 另外 在这些字符串后添加一个 t 如 rt 或 wt 则将该文件以文本方式打开 若是添加的是 b 则以二
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    1 最基础的排序算法 1 冒泡排序 思想 每次使用交换的方式将剩余元素中较大的元素放到一端 直到剩余元素为0的时候排序结束 include
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    原码 反码 补码都是有符号定点数的表示方法 一个有符号定点数的最高位为符号位 0是正 1是负 反码 原码 除符号位外 每位取反 补码 反码 1 反码 补码 1 移码 补码符号位取反 原码就是这个数本身的二进制形式 正数的反码和补码都是和原码
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    描述 在编译代码的时候 经常会出现 未声明的引用 和 未定义的引用 之类的错误 原因 这种情况一般在编译的过程是不会出现问题 在链接的过程会出现这些问题 未声明的引用一般是头文件引入错误 或者找不到头文件 未定义的引用应该是找不到函数的实现
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