11Multi-objective optimal design of hybrid renewable energy systems using preference-inspired coevol


Multi-objective optimal design of hybrid renewable energy systems using preference-inspired coevolutionary approach
Hybrid renewable energy systems混合可再生能源系统;
Preference-inspired coevolutionary algorithm偏好启发的协同进化算法

As the increasing energy demand and rapid depletion of conventional fossil fuel resources, renewable energy has caused great attention of the public. The main drawback of the renewable resources is their unpredictable nature. A hybrid renewable energy system (HRES) that integrates different resources in proper combination is a promising solution to overcome this challenge. In this context, the preference-inspired coevolutionary algorithm (PICEA) has been applied for the first time to the design of multi-objective hybrid renewable energy system. We propose an enhanced fitness assignment method to improve the preference-inspired coevolutionary algorithm using goal vectors (PICEA-g) in the optimization process minimizing, simultaneously, the annualized cost of system (ACS), the loss of power supply probability (LPSP) and the fuel emissions. As an example of application, a stand-alone hybrid system including PV panels, wind turbines, batteries and diesel generators has been designed to find the best combination of components, achieving a set of non-dominated solutions from which the decision maker can select a most adequate one.


In this paper, a novel approach is presented for the optimal design of an HRES with diesel generators and battery storages. The modified preference-inspired coevolutionary algorithms using goal vectors (PICEA-ng) (Shi et al. 2014) is applied to minimize the annualized cost of the system (ACS), the loss of power supply probability (LPSP) and fuel emissions simultaneously. Preference-inspired coevolutionary algorithms using goal vectors (PICEA-g) (Wang et al., 2013) is an advanced search technique, and has the ability to attain better performance for multi-objective problems (especially many-objective problems) than other best-in-class MOEAs such as NSGA2 (Deb et al., 2002), SPEA2 (Zitzler et al., 2002) and MOEA/D. PICEA-ng is an enhanced version of the
PICEA-g where a new fitness assignment method is employed. The features of this approach are its high performance and simplicity compared with Pareto-based and decomposition based evolutionary algorithms. In addition, the number of optimization objectives is flexible to be extended and more renewable energy sources and storage devices can be considered easily.
本文提出了一种新的方法来优化设计带有柴油发电机和蓄电池的HRES(hybrid renewable energy system,混合可再生能源系统)。利用增强的适应度分配方法(简称 PICEA-ng),使系统的年化成本(ACS)、供电损失概率(LPSP)和燃料排放同时最小化。使用目标向量的偏好启发协同进化算法(PICEA-g)(Wang等人,2013)是一种先进的搜索技术,对于多目标问题(尤其是高维目标问题)具有比其他同类最优的多目标进化算法(如NSGA2(Deb et al.,2002)、SPEA2(Zitzler et al.,2002)和MOEA/D获得更好的性能。PICEA-ng是PICEA-g的一个增强版本,它采用了一种新的适应度分配方法。与基于帕累托和基于分解的进化算法相比,该方法具有性能高、简单等特点。此外,优化目标的数量可灵活扩展,可方便地考虑更多的可再生能源和储存装置。

In this study, the preference-inspired coevolutionary algorithm (PICEA) has been applied for the first time to the design of multi-objective hybrid renewable energy system. We proposed an enhanced fitness assignment method to improve the preference-inspired coevolutionary algorithm using goal vectors (PICEA-g), followed by the simultaneous minimization of three objectives: the annualized cost of system (ACS), the loss of power supply probability (LPSP) and the fuel emissions. The main features of this approach are its high performance and simplicity compared with other evolutionary algorithms.
A case study system composed of PV panels, wind turbines, batteries and diesel generators has been explained, in which the proposed method is evaluated and good optimal sizing performance is found. Except for the number of system components, the slope angle of PV panels and the height of wind turbines are also considered in the decisionvariables. Unlike single objective optimization, we obtained a large number of optimal sizing results, that is a set of non-dominated solutions, by the approach presented in this paper. The decision maker can select a most suitable solution from the set with specified preference information, studying further the objectives and the state variation of system components.

Future work:
For future research, a detailed hybrid system that takes the accessory components into account will be studied. Also, more objectives, e.g., unmet load and total system cost could be included into consideration. Lastly, uncertainties of the load and renewable energy sources availability will also be considered for more practical research.


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