【数据挖掘】从“文本”到“知识”:信息抽取(Information Extraction)






1.共指解析(Coreference Resolution)

“共指解析”就是在文本中查找引用特定实体的所有表达式。简单来说就是解决代指问题。比如,Deepika has a dog. She loves him. 我们知道这里的she指代的是Deepika,him指代的是dog,但是计算机不知道。


import spacy
import neuralcoref

# Load SpaCy
nlp = spacy.load('en')
# Add neural coref to SpaCy's pipe

def coref_resolution(text):
    """Function that executes coreference resolution on a given text"""
    doc = nlp(text)
    # fetches tokens with whitespaces from spacy document
    tok_list = list(token.text_with_ws for token in doc)
    for cluster in doc._.coref_clusters:
        # get tokens from representative cluster name
        cluster_main_words = set(cluster.main.text.split(' '))
        for coref in cluster:
            if coref != cluster.main:  # if coreference element is not the representative element of that cluster
                if coref.text != cluster.main.text and bool(set(coref.text.split(' ')).intersection(cluster_main_words)) == False:
                    # if coreference element text and representative element text are not equal and none of the coreference element words are in representative element. This was done to handle nested coreference scenarios
                    tok_list[coref.start] = cluster.main.text + \
                    for i in range(coref.start+1, coref.end):
                        tok_list[i] = ""

    return "".join(tok_list)


Elon Musk is a business magnate, industrial designer, and engineer. He is the founder, CEO, CTO, and chief designer of SpaceX. He is also early investor, CEO, and product architect of Tesla, Inc. He is also the founder of The Boring Company and the co-founder of Neuralink. A centibillionaire, Musk became the richest person in the world in January 2021, with an estimated net worth of $185 billion at the time, surpassing Jeff Bezos. Musk was born to a Canadian mother and South African father and raised in Pretoria, South Africa. He briefly attended the University of Pretoria before moving to Canada aged 17 to attend Queen's University. He transferred to the University of Pennsylvania two years later, where he received dual bachelor's degrees in economics and physics. He moved to California in 1995 to attend Stanford University, but decided instead to pursue a business career. He went on co-founding a web software company Zip2 with his brother Kimbal Musk.


Elon Musk is a business magnate, industrial designer, and engineer. Elon Musk is the founder, CEO, CTO, and chief designer of SpaceX. Elon Musk is also early investor, CEO, and product architect of Tesla, Inc. Elon Musk is also the founder of The Boring Company and the co-founder of Neuralink. A centibillionaire, Musk became the richest person in the world in January 2021, with an estimated net worth of $185 billion at the time, surpassing Jeff Bezos. Musk was born to a Canadian mother and South African father and raised in Pretoria, South Africa. Elon Musk briefly attended the University of Pretoria before moving to Canada aged 17 to attend Queen's University. Elon Musk transferred to the University of Pennsylvania two years later, where Elon Musk received dual bachelor's degrees in economics and physics. Elon Musk moved to California in 1995 to attend Stanford University, but decided instead to pursue a business career. Elon Musk went on co-founding a web software company Zip2 with Elon Musk brother Kimbal Musk.

2.命名实体链接(Named Entity Linking)

这部分我使用的是Wikifier API。大家可以自己尝试一下。Wikifier API:http://wikifier.org/
在通过Wikifier API运行输入文本之前,我们将文本拆分为句子并删除标点符号。代码如下:

import urllib
from string import punctuation
import nltk

ENTITY_TYPES = ["human", "person", "company", "enterprise", "business", "geographic region",
                "human settlement", "geographic entity", "territorial entity type", "organization"]

def wikifier(text, lang="en", threshold=0.8):
    """Function that fetches entity linking results from wikifier.com API"""
    # Prepare the URL.
    data = urllib.parse.urlencode([
        ("text", text), ("lang", lang),
        ("userKey", "tgbdmkpmkluegqfbawcwjywieevmza"),
        ("pageRankSqThreshold", "%g" %
         threshold), ("applyPageRankSqThreshold", "true"),
        ("nTopDfValuesToIgnore", "100"), ("nWordsToIgnoreFromList", "100"),
        ("wikiDataClasses", "true"), ("wikiDataClassIds", "false"),
        ("support", "true"), ("ranges", "false"), ("minLinkFrequency", "2"),
        ("includeCosines", "false"), ("maxMentionEntropy", "3")
    url = "http://www.wikifier.org/annotate-article"
    # Call the Wikifier and read the response.
    req = urllib.request.Request(url, data=data.encode("utf8"), method="POST")
    with urllib.request.urlopen(req, timeout=60) as f:
        response = f.read()
        response = json.loads(response.decode("utf8"))
    # Output the annotations.
    results = list()
    for annotation in response["annotations"]:
        # Filter out desired entity classes
        if ('wikiDataClasses' in annotation) and (any([el['enLabel'] in ENTITY_TYPES for el in annotation['wikiDataClasses']])):

            # Specify entity label
            if any([el['enLabel'] in ["human", "person"] for el in annotation['wikiDataClasses']]):
                label = 'Person'
            elif any([el['enLabel'] in ["company", "enterprise", "business", "organization"] for el in annotation['wikiDataClasses']]):
                label = 'Organization'
            elif any([el['enLabel'] in ["geographic region", "human settlement", "geographic entity", "territorial entity type"] for el in annotation['wikiDataClasses']]):
                label = 'Location'
                label = None

            results.append({'title': annotation['title'], 'wikiId': annotation['wikiDataItemId'], 'label': label,
                            'characters': [(el['chFrom'], el['chTo']) for el in annotation['support']]})
    return results


3.关系提取(Relationship Extraction)


  • wiki80_cnn_softmax: trained on wiki80 dataset with a CNN encoder.
  • wiki80_bert_softmax: trained on wiki80 dataset with a BERT encoder.
  • wiki80_bertentity_softmax: trained on wiki80 dataset with a BERT encoder (using entity representation concatenation).
  • tacred_bert_softmax: trained on TACRED dataset with a BERT encoder.
  • tacred_bertentity_softmax: trained on TACRED dataset with a BERT encoder (using entity representation concatenation).



# 示例
model.infer({'text': 'He was the son of Máel Dúin mac Máele Fithrich, and grandson of the high king Áed Uaridnach (died 612).', 
			    'h': {'pos': (18, 46)}, 
			    't': {'pos': (78, 91)}
# 结果
('father', 0.5108704566955566)


# First get all the entities in the sentence
entities = wikifier(sentence, threshold=entities_threshold)
# Iterate over every permutation pair of entities
for permutation in itertools.permutations(entities, 2):
    for source in permutation[0]['characters']:
        for target in permutation[1]['characters']:
            # Relationship extraction with OpenNRE
            data = relation_model.infer(
                {'text': sentence, 'h': {'pos': [source[0], source[1] + 1]}, 't': {'pos': [target[0], target[1] + 1]}})
            if data[1] > relation_threshold:
                    {'source': permutation[0]['title'], 'target': permutation[1]['title'], 'type': data[0]})



4.知识图谱(Knowledge Graph)



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