











  • Difficulty 此区块的难度级别
  • ExtraData 与此区块相关的附加数据 在区块链早期使用比较多,现在用的很少
  • gasLimit 当前区块允许使用的最大gas, gas表示一种计算量, 使用的算力单位
  • gasUsed 当前区块已经使用的gas
  • Hash 当前区块的哈希值。如果区块没有被确认,这个字段会是null值
  • LogsBloom 由日志信息组成的一个Bloom过滤器 (数据结构),区块没被确认- 是值为null
  • Miner 取得该区块记账权的矿工
  • mixHash 一个Hash值,当与nonce组合时,证明此区块已经执行了足够的计算
  • nonce 一个Hash值,当与mixHash组合时,证明此区块已经执行了足够的计算
  • Number 当前区块的计数(创世纪块的区块序号为0,对于每个后续区块,区块序号都增加1)
  • parentHash 父区块头的Hash值(这也是使得区块变成区块链的原因)
  • receiptsRoot 包含此区块所列的所有交易收据的树的根节点Hash值
  • Sha3Uncles 数据块的哈希值
  • Size 当前区块的字节大小
  • stateRoot 区块状态树的根哈希
  • Timestamp 区块打包时的unix时间戳
  • totalDifficulty 区块链到当前区块的总难度
  • Transactions 交易的对象
  • transactionsRoot 区块的交易树的根哈希
  • Uncles 叔哈希数组 树区块详见 https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_42874184/article/details/81735695




import hashlib
import datetime
import random
class Block:
    def __init__(self, index, transaction, pre_hash, difficulty, nonce):
        self.index = index
        self._timestamp = datetime.datetime.now()
        self._transaction = transaction
        self._pre_hash = pre_hash
        self._nonce = nonce
        self._difficulty = difficulty
        self.hash = self.gen_hash()
    def get_hash(self):
        return self.hash
    def get_index(self):
        return self.index
    def get_transaction(self):
        return self._transaction
    def get_difficulty(self):
        return self._difficulty
    def get_timestamp(self):
        return self._timestamp
    def get_pre_hash(self):
        return self._pre_hash
    def get_nonce(self):
        return self._nonce
    def gen_hash(self):
        sha = hashlib.sha256()
        data = str(self.index) + str(self._timestamp) + str(self._transaction) + str(self._pre_hash) + str(self._nonce) + str(self._difficulty)
        return sha.hexdigest()
class Blockchain:
    def __init__(self, max_blocks):
        self._chain_list = [Block(0, "The First Block", '0', '1', random.randrange(0, 99999))]
        self._previous_block = self._chain_list[0]
        self._current_block = 1
        self.max_blocks = max_blocks
    def create_next_block(self):
        last_block = self._chain_list[self._current_block - 1]
        last_difficulty = last_block.get_difficulty
        this_index = last_block.index + 1
        this_transaction = "New Block " + str(this_index) + " has been generated successfully."
        nonce = random.randrange(0, 99999)
        this_difficulty = self.proof_of_work(nonce)
        pre_hash = last_block.hash
        self._chain_list.append(Block(this_index, this_transaction, pre_hash, this_difficulty, nonce))
        self._current_block += 1
    def last_block(self):
        return self._chain_list[-1]
    def proof_of_work(self, nonce):
        proof = 0
        while self.valid_proof(self, proof, nonce) is False:
            proof += 1
        return proof
    def valid_proof(self, proof, nonce):
        guess = f'{proof}{nonce}'.encode()
        guess_hash = hashlib.sha256(guess).hexdigest()
        pattern = "0000"
        return guess_hash[:len(pattern)] == pattern
    def run(self):
        for i in range(self.max_blocks):
    def show_block(self, index):
        print("ID: ", self._chain_list[index].get_index)
        print("Time", self._chain_list[index].get_transaction)
        print("Cur Hash", self._chain_list[index].get_hash)
        print("Pre Hash", self._chain_list[index].get_pre_hash)
        print("Difficulty", self._chain_list[index].get_difficulty)
        print("Trans", self._chain_list[index].get_transaction)
        print("Nonce", self._chain_list[index].get_nonce)
myBlockChain = Blockchain(100)
for i in range(myBlockChain.max_blocks):




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