


If you’ve been looking around for WordPress hosting you might have come across a number of companies offering it for free. Whilst we all love a free service, using one does not guarantee that it is the best choice for your website. There is often a world of difference between what’s on offer from a free hosting package and what you get with a paid hosting service. In this post, we’ll look at the differences between free and paid WordPress hosting so that you can clearly see which is the best choice for you.

如果您一直在寻找WordPress托管服务,那么您可能会遇到许多免费提供WordPress托管服务的公司。 虽然我们都喜欢免费服务,但使用其中一项并不能保证它是您网站的最佳选择。 免费托管包提供的服务与付费托管服务提供的服务之间通常存在差异。 在这篇文章中,我们将研究免费和付费WordPress托管之间的区别,以便您清楚地看到哪种是最适合您的选择。

1. Your own domain name


Every website has a unique domain name which enables people to find it on the internet. Ours, for example, is eUKhost.com.  If you run a business, you’ll need a domain that contains your brand or your company name.

每个网站都有一个唯一的域名,使人们可以在Internet上找到它。 例如,我们的是eUKhost.com。 如果您经营一家企业,则需要一个包含您的品牌或公司名称的域。

Unfortunately, with a free hosting account, this isn’t 100% achievable. You’ll be able to use your brand name somewhere in the domain name, but you’ll also have to include the name of the hosting provider. If you use a paid hosting service, however, you can have your own domain name without the unwanted hostname. Here’s an example of the difference.

不幸的是,使用免费的托管帐户,这不是100%可以实现的。 您将可以在域名中的某处使用您的品牌名称,但还必须包括托管服务提供商的名称。 但是,如果您使用付费托管服务,则可以拥有自己的域名,而无需不需要的主机名。 这是区别的一个例子。

With paid hosting: joesbuilders.com


With free hosting: joesbuilders.freebiehostingservices.com


As you can see, the free hosting domain looks much less professional than the paid hosting domain. This can have a significant impact on how customers perceive your brand.

如您所见,免费托管域看起来比付费托管域专业得多。 这可能会对客户对您品牌的看法产生重大影响。

The other issue is that the free domain essentially remains the property of the hosting provider. If ‘freebiehostingservices.com’ goes out of business, you’ll lose your domain name. This means you’ll need to find a new one and you’ll lose all the traffic that used to come through your old address. If you purchase your own domain name, it’s yours for as long as you need it and provided you pay the annual registration fee, no-one can deprive you of it.

另一个问题是,免费域本质上仍然是托管服务提供商的财产。 如果“ freebiehostingservices.com”倒闭,您将失去域名。 这意味着您需要找到一个新地址,并且您将失去过去通过您的旧地址发送的所有流量。 如果您购买自己的域名,只要您需要它,并且只要您支付年度注册费,它就是您的域名,没有人可以剥夺您的域名。

2. Technical support


Running a website can be challenging and there are quite a few technical problems that can raise their heads unexpectedly. If you are trading online, the last thing you need is for your website to go down and be unable to get the matter resolved quickly.

运营网站可能具有挑战性,并且存在很多技术问题,这些问题可能会引起他们的意外关注。 如果您在线交易,那么您需要做的最后一件事就是使您的网站瘫痪,并无法Swift解决问题。

Most free hosting providers will offer some form of technical support, however, there is usually a 24 to 48-hour response time with these kinds of services and you limited to email support often via a third-party. This can be a real problem if you are likely to lose sales during that period or need your website online.

大多数免费托管服务提供商将提供某种形式的技术支持,但是,此类服务通常需要24至48小时的响应时间,并且您通常只能通过第三方获得电子邮件支持。 如果在此期间您可能会失去销售或需要在线网站,那么这可能是一个真正的问题。

In addition, a free hosting provider might not have the in-house expertise needed to solve WordPress specific issues. Although WordPress is the most commonly used website building platform, not every customer support service can offer guidance in this area.

此外,免费的托管服务提供商可能没有解决WordPress特定问题所需的内部专业知识。 尽管WordPress是最常用的网站构建平台,但并非每个客户支持服务都可以在此领域提供指导。

When you use a paid WordPress hosting service, you’ll be guaranteed that the web host knows the platform inside out and that they are available 24/7, via phone, online chat and email, to help with any technical issues. This way, if you accidentally delete a file or install an incompatible plugin, your site can be back online in no time.

当您使用付费的WordPress托管服务时,可以确保Web托管人员完全了解该平台,并可以通过电话,在线聊天和电子邮件全天候24/7地访问该平台,以解决任何技术问题。 这样,如果您不小心删除了文件或安装了不兼容的插件,则您的网站可以立即恢复在线状态。

3. Guaranteed uptime


Another key requirement for websites is that they stay online. You need a web host who will maintain their servers in a way that prevents them breaking down and ensures that any scheduled maintenance or software upgrades take place as quickly as possible and at a time that’s least likely to affect your business.

网站的另一个关键要求是它们保持在线状态。 您需要一个Web主机,该主机将以某种方式维护服务器,以防止其崩溃,并确保尽快进行计划的维护或软件升级,且时间最不影响您的业务。

If you are getting a service for free, you cannot always be sure these guarantees are included. When you pay for hosting, the host knows you’ll have higher expectations of their service. Most paid hosting providers guarantee uptime of 99.95% and upwards and this level of availability is included in the contract.

如果您免费获得服务,则不能总是确定是否包括这些保证。 当您为主机付费时,主机知道您会对他们的服务有更高的期望。 大多数付费托管服务提供商保证99.95%以上的正常运行时间,并且此可用性级别已包含在合同中。

4. Bandwidth and storage space


Bandwidth is the amount of data your website sends and receives over the internet in any given billing period. It works a bit like phone data. Every time someone visits your site, you’ll use up some of your bandwidth.

带宽是您的网站在任何给定的计费周期内通过Internet发送和接收的数据量。 它的工作原理类似于电话数据。 每次有人访问您的网站时,您都会消耗一些带宽。

In the early days of the internet, most web hosts used to give customers a monthly bandwidth limit. If you went over that limit, i.e. you had lots of visitors, your website could no longer be visited until the next billing period started. The only alternative was to upgrade to a more expensive package.

在Internet成立之初,大多数Web主机曾经为客户提供每月带宽限制。 如果您超过了该限制,即您有很多访问者,那么在下一个计费期开始之前,将无法再访问您的网站。 唯一的选择是升级到更昂贵的软件包。

These days, most paid hosts provide unlimited bandwidth – in other words, there’s no limit on the number of visitors you can have. However, this is not the case with many free hosting companies who deliberately restrict bandwidth in order to get customers to sign up for their premium paid hosting.

如今,大多数付费主机都提供无限带宽-换句话说,您可以拥有的访问者数量没有限制。 但是,许多免费托管公司不是这种情况,它们故意限制带宽以使客户注册其付费付费托管。

The situation is similar with the amount of storage you are allowed to use. If you have a website with lots of pages or images or if you install a lot of plugins, you may find that you run out of the storage allowance that comes with free hosting.

情况与允许使用的存储量类似。 如果您的网站上有很多页面或图像,或者您安装了许多插件,则可能会发现免费托管提供的存储空间已用完。

5. Vendor lock-in


Before choosing a free hosting option, you should always consider why a company would go to the expense of offering a free service in the first place. One of the reasons is that they may be using free hosting as a honey trap.

在选择免费托管选项之前,您应该始终考虑为什么公司会首先牺牲提供免费服务的费用。 原因之一是,他们可能正在使用免费托管作为蜜罐。

Offering a free service undoubtedly attracts a lot of customers. However, as the free hosting is very limited, people soon realise they need to upgrade to get the service their website needs. The problem for the users is that many do not know how to migrate their site to a different host and so end up paying overinflated prices for a premium account just because it is easier to stay. This is known as vendor lock-in.

提供免费服务无疑会吸引很多客户。 但是,由于免费托管非常有限,人们很快意识到他们需要升级才能获得网站所需的服务。 用户面临的问题是,许多人不知道如何将其网站迁移到其他主机,因此仅仅因为更容易留下来而最终为溢价帐户支付了过高的价格。 这称为供应商锁定。

If you choose an eUKhost hosting package, we’ll migrate your site to our servers for you – for free.

如果您选择eUKhost托管软件包 ,我们将为您免费将您的网站迁移到我们的服务器。

6. Additional extras


Many things which come free with paid hosting, such as multiple email accounts, the ability to host multiple websites and a range of essential security features, e.g. intrusion and infection monitoring, are usually offered as additional, paid extras, with free hosting accounts. When these are taken into consideration, the free hosting can often work out more expensive than paid hosting.

付费托管可以免费提供许多功能,例如,多个电子邮件帐户,托管多个网站的能力以及一系列基本安全功能(例如,入侵和感染监控),以及免​​费托管帐户,可作为额外的付费服务提供。 考虑到这些因素,免费托管通常比付费托管更昂贵。

7. Paid hosting is cheaper than you think


Surprisingly, professional standard, dedicated WordPress hosting is incredibly inexpensive. Here at eUKhost, for example, prices start at £3.99 a month, which works out at less than a pound a week. For that, you get all the storage and bandwidth you need, as well as 24/7 WordPress expert support, guaranteed 99.95% uptime and a wealth of other benefits.

出乎意料的是,专业标准的专用WordPress托管非常便宜。 例如,在eUKhost,价格起价为每月3.99英镑,每周的费用不到一磅。 为此,您可以获得所需的所有存储和带宽,以及24/7 WordPress专家支持,可保证99.95%的正常运行时间以及许多其他好处。



The proverb tells us never to look a gift horse in the mouth, however, in this post, this is precisely what we have done. Whilst free WordPress hosting options are available, they are extremely limited in what they offer to people wanting to set up websites, especially those who need a professional business site. For a minor investment of around a pound a week, you’ll get a far superior quality of service.

谚语告诉我们,永远不要在嘴里看礼物马,但是,在这篇文章中,这正是我们所做的。 尽管可以使用免费的WordPress托管选项,但它们为想要建立网站的人(尤其是需要专业商务网站的人)提供的服务极为有限。 每周仅需约一磅的小额投资,您就能获得优质得多的服务。

If you are looking for affordable, high-performance WordPress hosting, check out our range of WordPress packages.


翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/7-differences-between-free-and-paid-wordpress-hosting/



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