android 移植






[-] [+]
1 Introduction 2 Copyright and Acknowledgements 3 The brief analysis of the Android architecture
3.1 Android Kernel
3.1.1 ARM EABI 3.1.2 OpenBinder 3.1.3 Frame Buffer 3.1.4 Input Devices 3.1.5 Low Memory Killer 3.1.6 Android Logger 3.1.7 Android Power 3.1.8 Panic Timeout
3.2 Android Root File system 3.3 Licenses of the Android Packages
4 Toolchain supporting ARM EABI
4.1 Building toolchain 4.2 Other toolchain
5 Kernel
5.1 Patch kernel 5.2 .config
6 Root file system
6.1 Get ramdisk image from emulator 6.2 Get data and system directory from emulator 6.3 Integrate the Android system with a existing ramdisk image. 6.4 System and Data directories 6.5 Run and Debug 6.6 Screenshots
7 Application Development
7.1 Install Eclipse IDE 7.2 Build and Run Sample Applications 7.3 Screenshots
8 Epilogue 9 Links and References

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1 Introduction

Google explains that Android is a software stack for mobile devices that includes an operating system, middleware and key applications. This document explains the Android architecture by Google and porting procedure on the real hardware. The explanation is based on the m3 sdk version of the Android emulator.

If you have enough knowledge about patching the kernel, resolving rejections from a patch, making an ramdisk image, and the Linux kernel itself, reading this article will be easier.

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2 Copyright and Acknowledgements

This document is copyright (c) Kwangwoo Lee (kwangwoo.lee at gmail dot com). Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License.

AndroidPortingOnRealTarget/ko - Korean translation by dasomoli (dasomoli at gmail dot com).
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3 The brief analysis of the Android architecture

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3.1 Android Kernel ¶

The most different things are the Android kernel uses ARM EABI(Embedded Application Binary Interface) and O penBinder IPC(Inter Process Communication). If you want to compile the kernel supporting ARM EABI, you should rebuild toolchains to support ARM EABI.

The Android sdk emulates goldfish architecture using qemu. The alsa may be used for audio on Android. See the audio.c file in the goldfish architecture directory and the driver uses /dev/eac for audio on the Android system. RTC(Real Time Clock) device is also used through /dev/rtc0.

The following parts explain the main differences:

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3.1.1 ARM EABI ¶

EABI is the new "Embedded" ABI by ARM Ltd. The changes are listed on Debian wiki. ( )

  • Faster floating point performance, with or without FPU.
  • Mixing soft and hardfloat code is possible.
  • Structure packing is not as painful as it used to be.
  • More compatibility with various tools.
  • A more efficient syscall convention. ( )

Example with long ftruncate64(unsigned int fd, loff_t length):

legacy ABI:
- put fd into r0
- put length into r1-r2
- use "swi #(0x900000 + 194)" to call the kernel

- put fd into r0
- put length into r2-r3 (skipping over r1)
- put 194 into r7
- use "swi 0" to call the kernel

The Android uses EABI kernel feature. Enable kernel options of the CONFIG_AEABI and CONFIG_OABI_COMPAT. You can see the differences of the executable binary as follows :

  • Legacy ABI

$ arm-softfloat-linux-gnu-objdump -x t7-demo | grep private
private flags = 202: [APCS-32] [FPA float format] [software FP] [has entry point]

$ file t7-demo
t7-demo: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, version 1 (ARM),
for GNU/Linux 2.4.3, dynamically linked (uses shared libs),
for GNU/Linux 2.4.3, stripped


$ arm-softfloat-linux-gnueabi-objdump -x t7-demo  | grep private
private flags = 4000002: [Version4 EABI] [has entry point]

$ file t7-demo
t7-demo: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, version 1 (SYSV),
for GNU/Linux 2.6.14, dynamically linked (uses shared libs),
for GNU/Linux 2.6.14, stripped

[https] The FAQs from codesourcery explains ABI and EABI :

What is the ABI for the ARM Architecture? Is it the same as the ARM EABI?

The ABI for the ARM Architecture is a standard developed by ARM and its partners (including CodeSourcery) that explains how compilers, assemblers, linkers, and other similar tools should generate object files and executable files. Tools that correctly implement the ABI for the ARM Architecture can interoperate; i.e., objects files built with one toolchain can be combined with object files built with another toolchain if both compilers use the ABI for the ARM Architecture. The "ARM EABI" is an informal name for the ABI for the ARM Architecture.

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3.1.2 O penBinder ¶

The O penBinder provides a object-oriented operating system environment. It is designed to be hosted by traditional kernels. This project is started at Be. Inc. as the part of the next generation B eOS , and finished implementing at P almSource as a core part at the Cobalt system.

It is a system oriented component architecture rather than application oriented, and It provides IPC between processes, threadpool, memory management and clean up feature at the end of reference of an binder object.

The vanilla kernel do not have O penBinder IPC mechanism you should patch the kernel. The O penBinder offers thread management for the system through /dev/binder. It is the reason that Android system do not offer thread libraries.

  • Dianne Hackborn worked for the B eOS explains briefly at
  • Documentation
  • Source code
After patching the kernel, you can see the files for binder at drivers/binder/.

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3.1.3 Frame Buffer ¶

The basic frame buffer driver should be implemented already. After that you need to implement the differences between your architecture driver and the goldfish driver.

The frame buffer driver of the goldfish architecture supports the fb_pan_display function of the struct fb_ops. It means you should allocate memory twice rather than the actual frame size.

  • Initialize frame buffer information

struct fb_info *fbinfo;
fbinfo->fix.ypanstep = 1;
fbinfo->var.yres_virtual = gm->lcd.yres * 2;
fbinfo->fix.smem_len = (gm->lcd.xres *
gm->lcd.yres *
gm->lcd.bpp / 8) * 2;

  • Allocate frame buffer memory

struct mvfb_info *fbi;
fbi->map_size = PAGE_ALIGN(fbi->fb->fix.smem_len + PAGE_SIZE);
fbi->map_cpu = dma_alloc_writecombine(fbi->dev, fbi->map_size,
&fbi->map_dma, GFP_KERNEL);

  • Implement fb_pan_display fuction hook

static int mvfb_pan_display(struct fb_var_screeninfo *var, struct fb_info *fb)

static struct fb_ops mvfb_ops = {
.owner = THIS_MODULE,

.fb_check_var = mvfb_check_var,
.fb_set_par = mvfb_set_par,
.fb_setcolreg = mvfb_setcolreg,
.fb_blank = mvfb_blank,
.fb_pan_display = mvfb_pan_display,

.fb_fillrect = cfb_fillrect,
.fb_copyarea = cfb_copyarea,
.fb_imageblit = cfb_imageblit,

.fb_mmap = mvfb_mmap,

The device file is located at /dev/graphics/fb0.

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3.1.4 Input Devices ¶

Android uses event device for user input. There are three devices such as keypad, qwerty2 keyboard and mouse. The qwerty2 keyboard and mouse are normal devices. So I just explain the keypad and touchscreen which mouse device is replaced with.

On the Android shell, Cat the /proc/bus/input/{devices,handlers} and then you will see the devices used for the Android.

$ adb shell

# cat /proc/bus/input/devices
I: Bus=0000 Vendor=0000 Product=0000 Version=0000
N: Name="goldfish-events-keyboard"
P: Phys=
S: Sysfs=/class/inut/input0
U: Uniq=
H: Handlers=kbd mouse0 event0
# cat /proc/bus/input/handlers
N: Number=0 Name=kbd
N: Number=1 Name=mousedev Minor=32
N: Number=2 Name=evdev Minor=64

  • Keypad
Qemu emulates goldfish-events-keyboard. It is a keypad using event device(/dev/input/event0). So you should know which key event and values come from the event device to activate Android applications. To do that, read event0 device with cat and redirect the output to a file. If you push and release the key button on emulator, the output values will be saved.

The output format is struct input_event. So the output on each event is 16 bytes like 8 bytes for time, 2 bytes for type, 2 bytes for code, 4 bytes for value. Read input.txt and input-programming.txt about input event devices in the Documentation/input directory of the Linux kernel source code.

struct input_event {
struct timeval time;
unsigned short type;
unsigned short code;
unsigned int value;

The Tiger7 evaluation board has it's own scancode table. The following shows the key layout on evaluation board, scancode table, and Android keycodes:

* Key Layout Scancode Table
* 1 2 3 0x1 0x10 0x100
* 4 5 6 0x2 0x20 0x200
* 7 8 9 0x4 0x40 0x400
* * 0 # 0x8 0x80 0x800

static unsigned short android_keycode[] = {
* 0x66 0x67 0x9e Home Up Back
* 0x69 0xe8 0x6a Left Ok Right
* 0xe7 0x6c 0x6b Send Down Hangup
* 0xe5 Menu just_distinction_for_private

There is a power button on emulator, but I skipped it to get output value.

If an interrupt of the keypad is caught, translate the scancode with the keycode of the Android on the above table and send event to user space application.

keycode = translate_keycode(scancode);
input_event(keydev->input, EV_KEY, keycode, KEY_PRESSED);
input_event(keydev->input, EV_KEY, keycode, KEY_RELEASED);

The high resolution timer - hrtimer is used for reduce keypad debounce.

  • Touchscreen
If you have a touchscreen driver supporting the event interface for a pointing device, it'll work well. If you do not have it, you may implement it or use other pointing devices. Fortunately the evaluation board has already implemented touchscreen driver - drivers/input/touchscreen/tsc2007.c - which is made just before beginning to porting Android. Refer the drivers on drivers/input/touchscreen/ to implement your own driver and the text files on Documentation/input/.

Here is the output of the /proc/bus/input/{devices,handlers} on evaluation board.

# cat /proc/bus/input/devices
I: Bus=0000 Vendor=0000 Product=0000 Version=0000
P: Phys=
S: Sysfs=/class/input/input0
U: Uniq=
H: Handlers=kbd event0 evbug
B: EV=f

I: Bus=0000 Vendor=0000 Product=0000 Version=0000
N: Name="TSC2007 Touchscreen"
P: Phys=0-0090/input0
S: Sysfs=/class/input/input1
U: Uniq=
H: Handlers=event1 evbug
B: EV=b
B: KEY=400 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
B: ABS=1000003

# cat /proc/bus/input/handlers
N: Number=0 Name=kbd
N: Number=1 Name=evdev Minor=64
N: Number=2 Name=evbug

As a result, the keypad uses /dev/input/event0 and the touchscreen interface uses /dev/input/event1 on application layer.

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3.1.5 Low Memory Killer ¶

The Linux Kernel has an OOM(Out of Memory) killer for the situation that no memory is left to allocate for a request of a process. It examines all processes and keeps score with some restrictions. The process with highest score will be killed except init.

The Low Memory Killer of the Android behaves a bit different against OOM killer. It classifies processes according to the importance with groups and kills the process in the lowest group. It will make the system to be stable at the view of the end users. For example, the UI Process - foreground process - is the most important process for the end users. So to keep the process live looks more stable than keeping other background processes live.

Enable CONFIG_LOW_MEMORY_KILLER after patching the kernel.
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3.1.6 Android Logger ¶

If you enable this feature, you can see some useful information about Android through /dev/log/main. There are three device files on /dev/log such as main, events, radio. The /dev/log/radio file seems to be related with a modem device and ril daemon - rild - on Android system.

When this logger is enabled, the system performance is a bit slower on the system. To use this feature, enable CONFIG_ANDROID_LOGGER.

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3.1.7 Android Power ¶

The Android power is for the battery management on devices and some subsystem related with power management like inotify feature on file system. It is not necessary to start up Android through the init( S hellScript ) of the Android system. But the runtime binary looks up some files regarding Android power - /sys/android_power/acruire_partial_wake_lock - on starting up Android manually and failed to start up. Enable CONFIG_ANDROID_POWER to use.
- 예전 버전의 문서에서 init은 바이너리로 되어있었는데 쉘스크립트로 바뀌어 있네요. 이전 문서에서 말한 init은 안드로이드 램디스크의 루트 디렉토리 밑에 있는 init 바이너리를 말씀하신 것 같은데, 그 것이 아니고 다른 init인건가요? 아니면 그 init이 쉘 스크립트인 것인가요? -- dasomoli

- 문서를 작성한 m3 버전에서는 binary 였습니다. 다른 분이 shell script로 바꾼 것 같네요. 번역해 주셔서 감사합니다. -- 이광우

- m5 버전에서도 바이너리인 것 같아서요. 그리고 별 말씀을요.^^; -- dasomoli
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3.1.8 Panic Timeout ¶

It is not necessary to start up Android on evaluation board. Set CONFIG_PANIC_TIMEOUT with a desired value.

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3.2 Android Root File system ¶

Android emulator has 3 basic images on tools/lib/images directory.

  • ramdisk.img
  • system.img
  • userdata.img
ramdisk.img is gziped cpio archive. ramdisk image is very small and contains configuration files, and some executable files such as init and recovery. The init file is not a regular system V init. It is made just for the Android and do special things to start up the Android system.

system.img and userdata.img are VMS Alpha executable. system.img and userdata.img have the contents of /system and /data directory on root file system. They are mapped on NAND devices with yaffs2 file system. /dev/block/mtdblock0 for /system and /dev/block/mtdblock1 for /data.

/system directory has libraries and default system packages (*.apk). /data directory has timezone, cache, and A piDemos .apk package.

The main services are zygote(/system/bin/app_process), runtime(/system/bin/runtime), and dbus(/system/bin/dbus-daemon). You can see the /etc/init.rc file on the Android ramdisk image.

zygote {
exec /system/bin/app_process
args {
0 -Xzygote
1 /system/bin
2 --zygote
autostart 1
runtime {
exec /system/bin/runtime
autostart 1
dbus {
exec /system/bin/dbus-daemon
args.0 --system
args.1 --nofork
autostart 1

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3.3 Licenses of the Android Packages ¶

tools/lib/images/NOTICE contains package lists and licenses for each libraries. The table of the licenses is cited from the presentation by Lim, G eunSik at 2008 Korea Android Summit.

Open Source License
Linux Kernel GPL
NetBSD C Library BSD
O penBinder (core) G PL2
SQLite G PL2
Webkit BSD (including LGPL)
W ebCore LGPL
SGL Google(Skia)

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4 Toolchain supporting ARM EABI

The toolchain represents the tools to be used for the system development. It contains C/C++ compiler, linker, libraries, binutils, and etc. The Android kernel and system requires EABI support. So legacy toolchain is not compatible to make the Android system.

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4.1 Building toolchain ¶

To make life easier, I used the crosstool-0.43 script ( ) by Dan Kegel. Unfortunately it is not support to build eabi toolchain, so I applied a glibc 2.5+ nptl build for arm softfloat eabi patch ( ) by Khem Raj.


If the network is connected, the script will download and build toolchain using gcc 4.1.1 and glibc 2.5.

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4.2 Other toolchain ¶

I did not use the codesourcery toolchain, but they said it will work for the building Android system.


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5 Kernel

To port the Android on a real hardware is started by Benno ( ), you can see some useful information on his blog. On his blog some pre-compiled static binaries are linked. It is very helpful for debugging Android system. You can also build static build busybox and strace binaries, but it's better to get them and use.

You can get patch file including the differences between the Android kernel and the vanilla kernel with 2.6.23 version. It has all differences between them. So you need to extract parts of them, and make your own patch for your system architecture.

For example, the Android kernel has it's own yaffs file system patch. If you have your own yaffs or some other file systems like jffs2 on your architecture, then you need to remove the yaffs parts of the patch. The goldfish architecture which the Android kernel emulate an ARM architecture on qemu is not necessary part for your architecture. It can be removed.

The Android kernel emulates A RMv5 instructions. So A RM926EJ -S ( A RMv5TEJ ) will be good to work.

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5.1 Patch kernel ¶

Benno played with a N EO1973 device by openmoko. So he made patch files for it. Get the original patch file from , I used android.diff. It has whole things about goldfish, qemu, yaffs, and Android specific parts.

You can edit and remove the patch file directly. After making patch including binder, android power, android logger, low memory killer except goldfish and qemu specific parts, get vanilla 2.6.23 version Linux kernel and patch it.

If you use a version Linux kernel, some part regarding android power should be fixed accordingly or disabled to work.

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5.2 .config ¶

  • Necessary


  • Optional


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6 Root file system

The root file system is composed of three parts such as a primary ramdisk image on ram, a system image on nand dev0 (/dev/block/mtdblock0), and a data image on nand dev1 (/dev/block/mtdblock1). The mtd devices has a yaffs2 file system and each of them has 64 M iB capacity on the Android emulator.

The extracted system and data directories are copied to the real existing NAND device and they are mounted with --bind option to work on a real hardware.

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6.1 Get ramdisk image from emulator ¶

1. unpack ramdisk image from tools/lib/images/ramdisk.img

$ gzip -cd ramdisk.img > ramdisk
$ cpio -iv -F ramdisk

cpio will extract files and directories on current working directory.

2. the contents list of the ramdisk


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6.2 Get data and system directory from emulator ¶

To get data and system directory you need a static compiled busybox binary. The compiled binary can be obtained from , or make your own binary.

1. launch the Android emulator

2. push static compiled busybox into emulator

# adb push busybox .

3. launch the Android shell

# adb shell

4. make tarball with busybox

# chmod +x /busybox
# busybox tar -c /data.tar /data
# busybox tar -c /system.tar /system
# exit

5. extract tarball from the emulator

# adb pull /data.tar .
# adb pull /system.tar .

Extract command often failed. So you may repeat it again until it has done successfully.

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6.3 Integrate the Android system with a existing ramdisk image. ¶

The ramdisk for your architecture can make your work a bit easier. Copy the contents of the Android ramdisk to your own ramdisk except system and data directory. And make just mount point for system and data directory. The mount points will be used later with a bind option. The init binary of the Android ramdisk image is the key binary to start the system and It read a configuration file on /etc/init.rc.

Edit /etc/init.rc and comment out qemu part.

startup {
# qemu-init {
# exec /etc/
# }

Make script. /dev/block/mtdblock5 is a mtd partition on a real NAND device, and it is mounted on /mnt. data and system directories are already copied on mtdblock5. So the script below just shows bind mounting each directory on /. Fix your script according to your board configuration.

mount -t yaffs /dev/block/mtdblock5 /mnt
mount --bind /mnt/data /data
mount --bind /mnt/system /system

# data folder is owned by system user on emulator. Fix 777 to other.
chmod 777 /data
#chmod 777 /system

export PATH=/system/sbin:/system/bin:/sbin/usr/local/bin
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/system/lib

export ANDROID_ROOT=/system
export ANDROID_ASSETS=/system/app
export EXTERNAL_STORAGE=/sdcard
export ANDROID_DATA=/data
export DRM_CONTENT=/data/drm/content

/init &

An optional configuration for touchscreen - T SLib .

export TSLIB_FBDEVICE=/dev/fb0
export TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/event1
export TSLIB_CALIBFILE=/etc/pointercal
export TSLIB_CONFFILE=/etc/ts.conf
export TSLIB_PLUGINDIR=/lib/ts

export LD_PRELOAD=/lib/

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6.4 System and Data directories ¶

The contents of the system and data directories are copied to mtdblock5 already. You should copy your own method. To use it, I chose bind mounting on root directory. Bind mounting is a technique to mount an existing directory with a new mount point.

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6.5 Run and Debug ¶

Now the kernel, ramdisk, and data directories - data and system - are ready. It's time to see the red cylon eye. After boot up your integrated system, run the on root directory.

# cd /
# . /android/
yaffs: dev is 32505861 name is "mtdblock5"
yaffs: passed flags ""
yaffs: Attempting MTD mount on 31.5, "mtdblock5"
yaffs: auto selecting yaffs2
init: reading config file
init: device init
init: mtd partition -1,
init: mtd partition 0, "l1boot"
init: mtd partition 1, "u-boot"
init: mtd partition 2, "params"
init: mtd partition 3, "kernel"
init: mtd partition 4, "ramdisk"
init: mtd partition 5, "rootfs"
sh: can't access tty; job control turned off
# binder_open(c394bcc8 c3c731a0) (pid 1577) got c3e48000
binder_open(c394bcc8 c3cd8dc0) (pid 1616) got c319f000
binder_open(c394bcc8 c3cd8ac0) (pid 1673) got c3d10000
binder_open(c394bcc8 c3cd8940) (pid 1680) got c0e19000
binder_open(c394bcc8 c3cd88c0) (pid 1691) got c2fa0000
binder_open(c394bcc8 c3d174a0) (pid 1592) got c25b8000
binder_release(c394bcc8 c3cd88c0) (pid 1691) pd c2fa0000

  • Do not make eac device file on /dev. It is for the audio on qemu. If it exists, the start up sequence will wait forever to finish writing some data to the sound device.
  • Use the Android init binary instead of manual startup. The manual start up will require the android power patch. In that case the start up sequence will access /sys/android_power/acquire_partial_wake_lock and wait.
To debug the Android system, use static compiled strace binary from and run the Android manually.

# set environment variables above example
/system/bin/app_process -Xzygote /system/bin --zygote &
/system/bin/dbus-daemon --system &

The above example shows manual startup sequence, use strace on run /system/bin/runtime binary.

./strace -ff -F -tt -s 200 -o /tmp/strace runtime

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6.6 Screenshots ¶

  • Skipped
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7 Application Development

The Android applications use Java syntax and xml layouts, but it is not a Java. Because they use their own virtual machine - dalvik - and compiler for dex file format. And use package named apk such as Home.apk, Phone.apk, ApiDemos.apk and etc.

The apk file is a Zip archive and it has four parts.

  • AndroidManifest.xml
  • classes.dex
  • resources.arsc
  • res directory
The Dex file format is explained on . And the contents of the files and directories are explained some day by Google. It is not explained currently. We can just guess about it.

The Android SDK will create an *.apk file.

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7.1 Install Eclipse IDE ¶

Install procedure from

1. Eclipse IDE for Java developer (JDT and WST plugins are included) from

2. JDK (Java SE) from

3. ADT (Android Development Tools) with a eclipse plugin including Apache Ant

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7.2 Build and Run Sample Applications ¶

1. Open sample projects and build

2. Run sample applications on emulator

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7.3 Screenshots ¶

  • Android Platform on Nokia's N810 Product(arm1136jf-s)
  • Android Platform on arm1136jf-S for another CE Product.
  • invain님이 shot을 올려주셨군요. -- 이광우
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8 Epilogue

The Android system seems to be a new kind of a Linux based distribution for a mobile environment like Debian, RedHat , SuSE , and etc. They just use the Linux kernel and a lot of different libraries in the open source world. They offer a software based O penGL -ES library on a 3D acceleration currently, but they are developing on a hardware accelerated baseband processor for it. The hardware acceleration is necessary for fast UI rendering effects later.

The Android system on the sdk is not a completed one to port on a real hardware, because some device - for example, camera - related libraries and classes are not implemented yet and not opened for users. It seems to be under the development stage. So we would better to wait the Google announces the whole porting kit.

Until then, we should look for the business model with the Android system. It requires a bit high cpu performance, so the carrier vendors will require a cheap baseband processor (RF part) and a multimedia co-processor, because the baseband processor including multimedia features will be very expensive.

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9 Links and References

  • Android Main Page :
  • Debian ARM EABI wiki :
  • System Call Convention :
  • The F AQs from Codesourcery :
  • Dianne Hackborn interview for O penBinder :
  • O penBinder Documentation :
  • O penBinder Source :
  • Crosstool :
  • Crosstool EABI patch :
  • Codesourcery :
  • Benno's blog :
  • Android patch :
  • Static Busybox :
  • Static Strace :
  • Dex File Format :
  • Android SDK Install :
  • Eclipse IDE :
  • JDK SE :
  • Presentation from the 2008 Korea Android Summit ( )

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    问题 xff1a linux新建用户 xff0c 切换后只显示 的问题 xff0c 而且有些命令也使用不了 xff0c 解决方法如下 1 新建用户命令 root登录 useradd d usr sam m jiang 此命令创建了一个用户j
  • DTI(dwi)使用FSL做预处理及做TBSS处理流程(fsleyes查看结果)

    预处理 刚开始我用的数据初始文件是多个dcm格式的文件 xff0c 当时我从格式转换 提取b0 波脑 涡流 计算张量下来是没有问题的 后来我用dwi的文件 xff08 包含四维的 nii gz bvec bval文件 xff09 xff0c
  • 引用的问题

    1 二者的区别 xff08 1 xff09 引用 访问一个变量是直接访问 xff0c 而指针是间接访问 xff08 2 xff09 引用 是一个变量的别名 xff0c 本身不单独分配自己的内存空间 xff0c 而指针有自己的内存空间 xff
  • Android抓取log文件的方法

    很简单 xff0c 使用命令行来就可以 xff0c 步骤如下 xff1a 1 adb devices 检查调试设备是否连接好 xff0c 没有调试设备抓不了 2 adb logcat c 3 cd Desktop 进入你要存放日志文件的目录
  • ESLint 配置入门

    大家好 xff0c 我是前端西瓜哥 xff0c 今天带大家了解 ESLint 的配置项 ESLint 是一款检查 JavaScript 程序是否符合特定的规则的工具 比如字符串用单引号还是双引号 xff0c tab 缩进用 2 个空格还是
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  • Python(Web服务)全链路日志个跟踪

    1 背景 在我们的实际项目中 xff0c 尤其以Web服务为例 xff0c 经常遇到要做日志跟踪的场景 我们经常采用的方式是 xff0c 生成一个trace id 在全链路的调用中都输出这个id进行跟踪 这里需要处理的几个问题是 xff1a
  • BCLinux用yum安装报Your license is invalid.

    1 介绍 BCLinux基于 CentOS 进行定制化 xff0c 满足企业对于通用 Linux 操作系统的需求 xff0c 提供标准化 平台化的产品发布及运行环境 xff0c 该版本与红帽商业版本及社区版本完全兼容 2 步骤 安装好操作系
  • Excel表格数据如何批量乘以一个数字

    今天跟大家分享一下Excel表格数据如何批量乘以一个数字 1 打开Excel文件 xff0c 我们想要批量将数字乘以10 2 首先我们选择所有数据单元格区域 3 点击下图选项 xff08 Excel工具箱 xff0c 百度即可了解详细下载安
  • Win2003系统部署SSL证书(部署https教程)

    在windows 2003操作系统下 xff0c IIS 6 环境的服务器SSL证书安装教程 安装前 xff0c 请准备好SSL证书 部署前请退出服务器内安装的杀毒软件 xff08 360 金山 安全狗等安全软件有可能导致SSL证书部署出错
  • Android启动模式之singleinstance的坑

    Android启动模式之singleinstance的坑 前言 在实际应用中 xff0c 使用singleinstance启动模式时 xff0c 会遇到一些奇奇怪怪的问题 Android有四种启动模式 xff0c 分别是standard x
  • 关于使用iconfont图标总生成小长方形框的解决办法

    起因是在联系仿写网易的静态页面的时候 xff0c 使用iconfont小图标的时候 xff0c 引入正确 xff0c 但是在页面上一直显示的是一个长方形小框的页面 各种搜索终于找到了解决办法 主要原因是由于iconfont css中路径不对
  • Qt和MFC的效率对比

    Qt和MFC的效率对比 之前一直做mfc xff0c 昨天看了一晚上的Qt xff0c 瞬间就喜欢上它了 xff0c Qt在windows下应该没有mfc的运行效率高 xff0c 但是我想知道差多少 xff0c 不知有没有大牛做过这方面的对
  • android 移植

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