翻译 第9章 of IEEE Std 1666-2011 IEEE Standard for Standard SystemC Language Reference Manual


9. Overview of TLM-2.0
9. TLM-2.0的概述

The following clauses define the OSCI Transaction-Level Modeling Standard, version 2.0, also known as TLM-2.0. 
接下来的内容是定义 OSCI 的事务层建模规范,第2版,也就是TLM-2.0.

TLM-2.0 supersedes versions 2.0-draft-1 and 2.0-draft-2, and it is not generally compatible with either. 
TLM-2.0 用来接替2.0的第一份草稿和第二份草稿,而且TLM-2.0并不与这两份草稿兼容。

This version of the standard includes the core interfaces from TLM-1.

TLM-2.0 consists of a set of core interfaces, the global quantum, initiator and target sockets, the generic payload and base protocol, and the utilities. 

The TLM-1 core interfaces, analysis interface, and analysis
ports are also included, although they are separate from the main body of the TLM-2.0 standard. 

The TLM-2.0 core interfaces consist of the blocking and non-blocking transport interfaces, the direct memory interface
(DMI), and the debug transport interface. 

The generic payload supports the abstract modeling of memorymapped buses, together with an extension mechanism to support the modeling of specific bus protocols while maximizing interoperability.

The TLM-2.0 classes are layered on top of the SystemC class library as shown in Figure 16.

For maximum interoperability, and particularly for memory-mapped bus modeling, it is recommended that the TLM-2.0
 core interfaces, sockets, generic payload, and base protocol be used together in concert. 

These classes are known collectively as the interoperability layer. 

In cases where the generic payload is inappropriate, it is possible for the core interfaces  and the initiator and target sockets, or the core interfaces alone, to be used with an alternative transaction type. 
在有效载荷不适用的情况下,对于核心接口、发起者和目标套接字,或者单单在核心接口中, 使用一个供替代的事务类型是可能的。
It is even technically possible for the generic payload to be used directly with the core interfaces without the initiator and target sockets, although this approach is not recommended.
It is not strictly necessary to use the utilities to achieve interoperability between bus models. 

Nonetheless, these classes should be used where possible for consistency of style and are documented and maintained as part of the TLM-2.0 standard.


The generic payload is primarily intended for memory-mapped bus modeling, but it may also be used to model other non-bus protocols with similar attributes. 

The attributes and phases of the generic payload can be extended to model specific protocols, but such extensions may lead to a reduction in interoperability depending on the degree of deviation from the standard non-extended generic payload.

A fast, loosely-timed model is typically expected to use the blocking transport interface, the direct memory interface, and temporal decoupling. 

A more accurate, approximately-timed model is typically expected to use the non-blocking transport interface and the payload event queues. 

These statements are just coding style suggestions, however, and are not a normative part of the TLM-2.0 standard.



9.1 Compliance with the TLM-2.0 standard
9.1 遵守TLM-2.0规范

This standard defines three notions of compliance related to the TLM-2.0 classes, the first concerning compliance of the implementation and the latter two concerning compliance of the application.

a) A TLM-2.0-compliant implementation is an implementation that provides all of the TLM-2.0 classes described in this standard with the semantics described in this standard, including both the TLM-2.0 interoperability layer and the TLM-2.0 utilities. 

TLM-2.0-compliance alone does not infer full compliance with the entire standard, although it does implicitly infer compliance with the subset of SystemC used by the TLM-2.0 classes (see also 1.3).

b) A TLM-2.0 base-protocol-compliant model is a part of an application that obeys all of the rules of the TLM-2.0 base protocol as described in this standard. 

Such a model will necessarily consist of one or more SystemC modules with standard sockets (as defined below) specialized using the protocol traits class tlm_base_protocol, and precisely obeying each and every rule defined in 15.2.

See 15.2.1 for an introduction to the base protocol rules and 14.2.1 regarding the use of extensions with the base protocol.

c) A TLM-2.0 custom-protocol-compliant model is a part of an application that has standard sockets specialized with a user-defined protocol traits class (specifically not tlm_base_protocol) and that uses the generic payload, including the generic payload extension and memory management mechanisms where appropriate. 

A custom-protocol-compliant model is not obliged to obey any of the rules of the base protocol, although such a model is recommended to follow the rules of the base protocol as closely as possible in order to minimize the amount of engineering effort required to interface any two such models. 

Although this recommendation is necessarily informal, there being no a priori limits on the kinds of protocols modeled using TLM-2.0, it is key to gaining benefit from the TLM-2.0 standard. 

See 14.2.2 regarding the relationship between custom protocol rules and the base protocol.

In case b) and case c), the term standard socket means an object of type tlm_initiator_socket,tlm_target_socket, or any class derived from one of these two classes.

A model that uses only isolated features of the TLM-2.0 class library may be compliant with this standard but is neither TLM-2.0 base-protocol-compliant nor TLM-2.0 custom-protocol-compliant.


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