


namespace CircleArea
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            const double PI = 3.1415926;  
            double Radius,Area;
            Radius = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            //Area = PI * Radius * Radius;
            Area = PI * Math.Pow(Radius, 2);


namespace Struct
    class Program
        struct Rectangle
            public double Width;
            public double Height;

            public bool IsSquare()
                return Width == Height;
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Rectangle rect;
            string issquare;
            rect.Height = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            rect.Width = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            if (rect.IsSquare())
                issquare = "是";
                issquare = "不是";
            Console.WriteLine("长为{0},宽为{1}的矩形{2}正方形!", rect.Height, rect.Width, issquare);



namespace OnSpecial
    class Program
        enum Week
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Week week = (Week)int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                case Week.Sunday:
                case Week.Monday:
                case Week.Tuesday:
                case Week.Wenesday:
                case Week.Thursday:
                case Week.Friday:
                case Week.Saturday:


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace CockHenChicknum
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            int cock, hen, chick;
            for (cock = 0; cock <= 20; cock++)
                for (chick = 0; chick <= 99; chick += 3)
                    hen = 100 - cock - chick;
                    if (hen >= 0 && hen <= 33 && cock * 5 + chick / 3 + hen * 3 == 100)
                        Console.WriteLine("公鸡{0}只,母鸡{1}只,小鸡{2}只", cock, hen, chick);


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Cube
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            int num = 100;
                int x = num / 100;//百位baidu
                int y = num % 100 / 10;//十位
                int z = num % 10;//个位
                if (x * x * x + y * y * y + z * z * z == num)
                    Console.Write(" {0} ",num);
                num += 1;
            } while (num < 1000);


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace StudentDataTime
    enum WeekDayhz { 星期日, 星期一, 星期二, 星期三, 星期四, 星期五, 星期六 };
    class Program
      class Student			
            public string number;		//学号
            public string name;	//姓名
            public DateTime birthday;	//出生日期
            public void SetInfo(string xh, string xm, DateTime sr)
                number = xh;
                name = xm;
                birthday = sr;
            public void GetInfo()

                Console.WriteLine("学号是{0}的学生的姓名是{1},出生日期为{2};", number, name,birthday);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Student s1, s2;
            s1 = new Student();
            s2 = new Student();
            DateTime birthday1 = new DateTime(1995, 10, 18);
            DateTime birthday2 = new DateTime(1996, 2, 16);
            int i = (int)s1.birthday.DayOfWeek;
            Console.WriteLine("{0}出生在{1}", s1.name, (WeekDayhz)i);
            i = (int)s2.birthday.DayOfWeek;
            Console.WriteLine("{0}出生在{1}", s2.name, (WeekDayhz)i);
            Console.WriteLine("{0}和{1}相差{2}天", s1.name, s2.name, s2.birthday - s1.birthday);


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace FindWord
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string sentence = "我希望有个如你一般的人 如山间清爽的风 如古城温暖的光 从清晨到夜晚 由山野到书房 只要最后是你就好";
            string word = Console.ReadLine();
            if (sentence.IndexOf(word)>=0)
                Console.WriteLine("在句子中没有找到词语“{0}”,请重新输入检索词!", word);



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Reference
    struct Class   //声明结构类型班级Class 
        public Information stuIfo;  //学生信息
        public string teacher;  //班主任
    class Information
        public int sumNum; //总数量

class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Class class1, class2;
            Information stuInfo1 = new Information();
            stuInfo1.sumNum = 30;
            class1.stuIfo = stuInfo1;
            class1.teacher = "Marry";
            Console.WriteLine("一班的班主任是:{0}", class1.teacher);
            Console.WriteLine("一班的总人数是:{0}", class1.stuIfo.sumNum);

            class2 = class1;
            class2.teacher = "Tom";
            Console.WriteLine("二班的班主任是{0}:", class2.teacher);
            class2.stuIfo.sumNum = 31;
            Console.WriteLine("二班的总人数是:{0}", class2.stuIfo.sumNum);
            Console.WriteLine("一班的班主任是{0},总人数是{1}:", class1.teacher,class1.stuIfo.sumNum);



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace StudentInfo
    class Student
        public string number;       //学号
        public string name; //姓名
        public string sclass;   //班级
        public Student(string xh, string xm, string bj)
            number = xh;
            name = xm;
            sclass = bj;
        public void GetInfo()
            Console.WriteLine("类Student中学号是{0}的学生的姓名是{1},来自{2};", number, name, sclass);

    struct SStudent
        public string number;       //学号
        public string name; //姓名
        public string sclass;   //班级
        public void SetInfo(string xh, string xm, string bj)
            number = xh;
            name = xm;
            sclass = bj;
        public void GetInfo()
            Console.WriteLine("结构类型SStudent中学号是{0}的学生的姓名是{1},来自{2};", number, name, sclass);
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Student s1 = new Student("101", "张三", "信息191");
            Student s2 = s1;
            s2.number = "102";
            s2.name = "王小花";
            SStudent ss1 = new SStudent();
            ss1.SetInfo("201", "云朵朵", "信息192");
            SStudent ss2 = ss1;
            ss2.number = "202";
            ss2.name = "令狐花";


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace ReloadFunction
    class Program
        class Employee
            int no;
            string name;
            string professionalTitle;
            public Employee()
            { }
            public Employee(int bh, string xm, string jb)
                no = bh;
                name = xm;
                professionalTitle = jb;
            public void GetIfo(int basesalary)
                Console.WriteLine("编号{0},姓名{1},职称为{2},薪水为:基本工资{3}元", no, name, professionalTitle, basesalary);
            public void GetIfo(int basesalary, int housingAllowance)
                Console.WriteLine("编号{0},姓名{1},职称为{2},薪水为:基本工资{3}元+住房补贴{4}元={5}元", no, name, professionalTitle, basesalary, housingAllowance, basesalary + housingAllowance);
            public void GetIfo(int basesalary, int housingAllowance, int reward)
                Console.WriteLine("编号{0},姓名{1},职称为{2},薪水为:基本工资{3}元+住房补贴{4}元+奖金{5}元={6}元", no, name, professionalTitle, basesalary, housingAllowance, reward, basesalary + housingAllowance + reward);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Employee e1 = new Employee(001, "张三", "研究员");
            Employee e2 = new Employee(002, "李四", "工程师");
            Employee e3 = new Employee(003, "王五", "高级工程师");
            e2.GetIfo(1200, 500);
            e3.GetIfo(2000, 1000, 2000);



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace CalculateDistance
    class Program
        class Point
            double x;
            double y;

            public double X
                get { return x; }
                set { x = value; }
            public double Y
                get { return y; }
                set { y = value; }

            public void Eu_distance(Point p1)
                double result;
                result = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow((x - p1.x), 2) + Math.Pow((y - p1.y), 2));

            public void MH_distance(Point p1)
                double result;
                result = Math.Abs(x - p1.x) + Math.Abs(y - p1.y);
                Console.WriteLine("点({0},{1})和点({2},{3})之间的曼哈顿距离是:{4}", x, y, p1.x, p1.y, result);

            public void Cos_distance(Point p1)
                double result;
                result = (x * p1.x + y * p1.y) / (Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(x, 2) + Math.Pow(y, 2)) * Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(p1.x, 2) + Math.Pow(p1.y, 2)));
                Console.WriteLine("点({0},{1})和点({2},{3})之间的余弦距离是:{4}", x, y, p1.x, p1.y, result);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Point p = new Point();
            Point p1 = new Point();
            p.X = 1;
            p.Y = 1;
            p1.X = 2;
            p1.Y = 2;



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace InteractionObject
    class Program
        class Student
            string id;
            string name;
            int scredits;
            Course course;
            public Student(string id, string name, int scredits, Course course)
                this.id = id;
                this.name = name;
                this.scredits = scredits;
                this.course = course;

            public void UpdateCredit()
                scredits += course.Credits; 

            public void display()


        class Course
            string cid;
            string cname;
            int credits;
            string teacher;
            public Course(string cid,string cname,int credits,string teacher)
                this.cid = cid;
                this.cname = cname;
                this.credits = credits;
                this.teacher = teacher;


            public string Cid
                get { return cid; }
            public string Name
                get { return cname; }
            public int Credits
                get { return credits; }
            public string Teacher
                get { return teacher; }
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Course c = new Course("Scl178","高阶英语",4,"Marry");
            Student s = new Student("101","王明",30,c);


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Inheritance1
    class Teacher
        string tid;
        string tname;
        public Teacher(string tid,string tname)
            this.tid = tid;
            this.tname = tname;
        public string Tid
                return tid;
        public string Tname
                return tname;
    class Advisor:Teacher
        string major;
        public Advisor(string tid,string tname,string major):base(tid,tname)
        { this.major = major; }
        public string Major
                return major;
    class Student
        protected string sid;
        protected string sname;
        public Student(string sid, string sname)
            this.sid = sid;
            this.sname = sname;
    class UnderGraduate : Student
        Teacher teacher;
        public UnderGraduate(string sid, string sname, Teacher teacher) : base(sid, sname)
        { this.teacher = teacher; }
        public void Udisplay()
    class Graduate : Student
        Advisor advisor;
        public Graduate(string sid, string sname, Advisor advisor) : base(sid, sname)
        { this.advisor = advisor; }
        public void Gdisplay()
            Console.WriteLine("该生学号:{0},姓名:{1};他导师的工号:{2},姓名:{3},研究方向:{4}。",sid,sname, advisor.Tid, advisor.Tname, advisor.Major);
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Teacher t = new Teacher("2020112", "Marry");
            UnderGraduate ug = new UnderGraduate("20200101", "Rose",t);
            Advisor a = new Advisor("2018111", "Jim", "信息行为");
            Graduate g = new Graduate("20200201", "Jack", a);


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace Ploymorphism
     class Circle
        protected double radius;
        public Circle(double bj)
            radius = bj;
        public  double CircleArea()
            return Math.PI * radius * radius;
    class Cylinder : Circle
        double high;
        public Cylinder(double r, double h)
            : base(r)
            high = h;
        public double CylinderArea()
            return base.CircleArea() * 2 + 2 * Math.PI * radius * high;
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Circle circle = new Circle(100);
            Console.WriteLine("半径为100的圆的面积为{0:N2}", circle.CircleArea());
            Cylinder cylinder = new Cylinder(100, 100);
            Console.WriteLine("半径为100,高为100的圆柱体的表面积为{0:N2}", cylinder.CylinderArea());          


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace Ploymorphism
     class Circle
        protected double radius;
        public Circle(double bj)
            radius = bj;
        public virtual double Area()
            return Math.PI * radius * radius;
    class Cylinder : Circle
        double high;
        public Cylinder(double r, double h)
            : base(r)
            high = h;
        public override double Area()
            return base.Area() * 2 + 2 * Math.PI * radius * high;
    class Cone : Circle
        double high;
        public Cone(double r, double h)
            : base(r)
            high = h;
        public override double Area()
            return base.Area() + Math.PI * radius * Math.Sqrt(radius * radius + high * high);
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Circle cylinder = new Cylinder(100, 100);
            Console.WriteLine("半径为100,高为100的圆柱体的表面积为{0:N2}", cylinder.Area());
            Circle cone = new Cone(100, 100);
            Console.WriteLine("半径为100,高为100的圆锥体的表面积为{0:N2}", cone.Area());


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace Proj7_1
    class Program
        public class Employee
            int no;
            string name;
            int lengthofservice;
            const double basesalary = 1000;
           // double realsalary;
            public int No
                get { return no; }
                set { no = value; }
            public string Name
                get { return name; }
                set { name = value; }
            public virtual double SetRealSalary()
                lengthofservice = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                double realsalary = basesalary + 30 * lengthofservice;
                return realsalary;

        public class UEmployee:Employee
            public override double SetRealSalary()
               return base.SetRealSalary() * 2;

        public class GEmployee : UEmployee
            public override double SetRealSalary()
                return base.SetRealSalary() * 1.5;
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Employee s1 = new Employee();
            s1.No = 101;
            s1.Name = "张三";
            Console.WriteLine("普通职工 工号:{0}  姓名:{1}",s1.No,s1.Name);
            Console.WriteLine("此人的实际工资为:{0}", s1.SetRealSalary());

            UEmployee s2 = new UEmployee();
            s2.No = 201;
            s2.Name = "李四";
            Console.WriteLine("本科生职工 工号:{0}  姓名:{1}", s2.No, s2.Name);
            Console.WriteLine("此人的实际工资为:{0}", s2.SetRealSalary());

            GEmployee s3 = new GEmployee();
            s3.No = 301;
            s3.Name = "王五";
            Console.WriteLine("研究生职工 工号:{0}  姓名:{1}", s3.No, s3.Name);
            Console.WriteLine("此人的实际工资为:{0}", s3.SetRealSalary());


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace AbstructClass
    abstract class Student
        public abstract void Authority();
    class Undergraduate : Student
        public override void Authority()
    class Postgraduate : Student
        public override void Authority()
    class Doctor : Student
        public override void Authority()
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Undergraduate s1 = new Undergraduate();
            Postgraduate s2 = new Postgraduate();
            Doctor s3 = new Doctor();



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace duotai1
    abstract class Person
        protected string no;
        protected string name;

        abstract public string No
        { set;}

        abstract public string Name
        { set;}

        abstract public void Display();

    class Student : Person
        string grade;
        public override string No
        { set { no = value; } }

        public override string Name
        { set { name = value; } }

        public string Grade
        { set { grade = value; } }

        public override void Display()
            Console.WriteLine("学生的学号是{0},姓名是{1},班级是{2}!",no, name,grade);


    class Teacher : Person
        string professionalTitle;
        string department;
        public override string No
        { set { no = value; } }

        public override string Name
        { set { name = value; } }

        public Teacher(string no, string name, string professionalTitle, string department)
            this.no = no;
            this.name = name;
            this.professionalTitle = professionalTitle;
            this.department = department;
        public override void Display()
            Console.WriteLine("教师的学号是{0},姓名是{1},是{2}的{3}!", no, name, department, professionalTitle);

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Student s = new Student();
            s.No = "19111701";
            s.Name = "Mary";
            s.Grade = "信息161";
            Teacher t = new Teacher("2017001","Tom","副教授","信息管理系");


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    参考 Python将txt文件内容转换成列表 云 社区 腾讯云 方法一 coding utf 8 f open r ip txt r a list f print a f close 方法二 coding utf 8 f open r ip
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    终端输入 bt default
  • 【实例】python中简单分句,通过替代句号 &给句尾(不是句首)添加序号

    gt gt gt fn open E 西方哲学史 txt read gt gt gt fn fn replace t r n gt gt gt s open E 西方哲学史分句 txt w gt gt gt s s write fn 想要给
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    乘积尾零 一 题目内容 本题为填空题 只需要算出结果后 在代码中使用输出语句将所填结果输出即可 如下的 10 行数据 每行有 10 个整数 请你求出它们的乘积的末尾有多少个零 5650 4542 3554 473 946 4114 3871
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    1 美图 2 背景 创建了一个dockerfile base lcc lcc negix ll total 8 drwxr xr x 3 lcc staff 96 4 8 08 47 drwxr xr x 4 lcc staff 128 4
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    写在最前面 敏捷开发模式更加适合项目型的系统 瀑布开发模式更适合产品型系统 设计后多次迭代 以上属于个人理解 有不同的见解欢迎大家一起讨论 在软件开发时 经常面对的第一个项目实现决策是 我们应该使用哪种开发方法 这是一个引起很多讨论 和激烈
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    最近我的导师去了解一下华为的MindSpore框架 觉得很有意思然后就让我跑一下他的文本生成实验 不过其中有很多是他的实验手册没怎么写清楚的点 我在这里为各位一个一个排坑拉 本实验都是来源于华为的文本生成实验手册 只是里面很多内容写的不清楚
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    操作常见错误 1 忘记记录源频率f0 或选错源频率f0 每一台设备的源频率都不相同 在导轨左 右两侧可以找到 如下图为 37420 2 超声波的发射器和接受器端面不平行 甚至不与轨道垂直 解决办法 拧松发射器或接收器后面的螺丝 然后调整端面
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    1 圆的面积 namespace CircleArea class Program static void Main string args const double PI 3 1415926 double Radius Area Cons