Unity 3D 做FPS游戏


Part 1: Introduction 第一部分 介绍

This tutorial will detail how to make a simple First Person Shooter (FPS). It will introduce fundamental 3D game programming concepts and give tips on how to think like a game programmer.

Setting up the game environment 安装游戏环境


Once the assets have been imported, you’ll notice there are many folders in the Project panel.

 In the Projects panel, Select the mainLevelMesh from Objects/mainLevelMesh/mainLevelMesh.


 In the Inspector panel, inside of the FBXImporter options you’ll find the "Generate
Colliders" option. Toggle that option on. If we don’t do this, the player will
simply fall through the level (no collision).
 Drag the mainLevelMesh into the scene.



There is no need to add a light to the scene, the level is already fully lightmapped. The
imported level uses lightmaps for all lighting which allows us to use prebaked shadows.
这里不需要给场景增加灯光,这个层面上已经提供了充分的光影,这个导入层使用了允许我们使用prebaked Shadows预焙阴影。
Lightmaps are very good for performance, especially if you want to create a
complex lighting setup.
You’re now ready to add a character into the environment.
Adding the Main Character 增加主角

We’re now going to add in a character for the player to control. Unity has a built in
prefab specifically for a firstperson controller. This can be found in the Project panel under Standard Assets>Prefabs.
 To add the First Person Controller, click on the arrow beside Standard Assets in the Project panel, as list of assets will appear. Find the folder called Prefabs and click on the arrow in the left hand side. You should now see the First person controller asset. Drag this into the Scene view.



You should see a cylinder object representing the player, 3 large arrows for altering
the location in 3D space for the object (if you do not see 3 arrows then
press the‘W’key), and a white mesh which shows the object’s viewport (where
it is currently looking). The FPS Controller is now the default camera, by moving
this object, you change the current view in the Game View. You’ll also notice
that the FPS Controller has a camera icon on top of it. Move the character so
that it is above ground level in the environment.


今天早上我重新打开了这个项目,发现导入Character Controllers插件包里面是有这个First Person Controller的!~直接拖出来就可以用了。



This intermediate-level tutorial extends upon the Basic FPS tutorial by introducing game elements such as multiple weapons, damage and enemies.
This tutorial assumes that you are familiar with the Unity interface and basic scripting
concepts. Additionally, you should already be familiar with the concepts discussed in
Part 1 of the FPS tutorial series.
Before we begin -level setup
Download FPS_Tutorial.zip, unzip, and open the project folder in Unity. If you
have completed Part 1, then unzip the files to a new folder.
Import the Standard Assets Unity Package.
Add the mainLevelMesh and FPS controller prefab to the scene.
NOTE In this tutorial no new scripts need to created. We’ll be using the ones that
were downloaded from the Unity Package.
Weapon switching Before we discuss how to create each individual weapon, we need to write some code to manage how the weapons are initialized and switched from one to another. Let’s look at the Javascript for PlayerWeapons.js:

首先是给武器一个位置,我们建立一个空物体,作用是定位子弹从什么地方发射出去。这个难度不大,有一个Unity 3D做坦克大战的教程里面已经写好了如何发射炮弹。







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