


If you're new to web development and are in the market for a new laptop, you might be wondering which operating system is best.


Spoiler: there is no straightforward answer. One person's preference might not be the best fit for you.

剧透:没有简单的答案。 一个人的喜好可能不是最适合您的。

Unlike some iOS or some types of application development, the tools for web development are all operating system agnostic. You can write HTML, CSS, and JavaScript on Windows, Mac, Linux, and even ChromeOS if you're willing to get a bit creative.

与某些iOS或某些类型的应用程序开发不同,Web开发工具与操作系统无关。 如果您愿意有所创新,可以在Windows,Mac,Linux甚至ChromeOS上编写HTML,CSS和JavaScript。

So while you won't find a definitive answer in this article, here are a few pros and cons for each of the three major operating systems, Windows, Mac, and Linux.


视窗 (Windows)

Windows is easily the most popular OS in terms of market share, with an estimated 87.89% of PCs running some form of the operating system. Windows devices also tend to be cheaper and more configurable than Apple devices.

就市场份额而言,Windows无疑是最受欢迎的操作系统, 估计有87.89%的PC运行某种形式的操作系统。 Windows设备也往往比Apple设备便宜和可配置。

Some people have trouble with doing more advanced development with Windows, like getting Docker containers to run, trouble with Node and npm, and so on. One reason for this is that the default command line utility for Windows is PowerShell, which is quite different than Bash found on most servers that run Linux.

有些人在使用Windows进行更高级的开发时遇到了麻烦,例如使Docker容器运行,Node和npm出现问题等。 原因之一是Windows的默认命令行实用程序是PowerShell,它与大多数运行Linux的服务器上的Bash完全不同。

But for basic web development, all you really need is an editor like VSCode, which is another Microsoft product.


Recently Microsoft has been embracing open source technologies, and allow you to install things like a Bash terminal with Windows Subsystem for Linux. These advances should further close the gap between the Windows and Unix based OSs like MacOS and Linux.

最近,Microsoft一直在接受开源技术,并允许您使用Windows Subsystem for Linux安装Bash终端之类的东西。 这些进步将进一步缩小Windows和MacOS和Linux等基于Unix的操作系统之间的差距。

苹果系统 (MacOS)

Computers running MacOS make up about 9.68% of the total market share, which has been growing slowly over the past decade.

运行MacOS的计算机约占总市场份额的9.68% ,在过去十年中增长缓慢。

While Apple computers tend to be more expensive than those running Windows, many swear by their build quality and the flexibility of the BSD Unix based MacOS. For web developers, especially those that work with the backend, MacOS is close enough to Linux that many servers run on, making development easier to jump into.

尽管苹果计算机的价格往往比运行Windows的计算机贵,但许多计算机还是以其制造质量和基于BSD Unix的MacOS的灵活性发誓。 对于Web开发人员,尤其是与后端一起工作的Web开发人员,MacOS与运行许多服务器的Linux足够接近,从而使开发人员更容易进入。

One of the understated advantages that MacOS PCs have is that, with Windows running in a VM, they can run all major browsers for testing. If one of your goals as a web developer is to shoot for complete compatibility, the ability to test your projects in Chrome, Firefox Safari, Opera, Internet Explorer, and Edge is a big plus.

MacOS PC的低调优势之一是,由于Windows在VM中运行,因此它们可以运行所有主要的浏览器进行测试。 如果您作为网络​​开发人员的目标之一是为获得完全的兼容性而射击,那么能够在Chrome,Firefox Safari,Opera,Internet Explorer和Edge中测试您的项目将是一大优势。

的Linux (Linux)

Linux is everywhere. It's what runs the web, with Unix and Unix-like OSs running on about 67% of all web servers as of 2016. Android, the most popular mobile OS in the world, is built on top of Linux.

Linux无处不在。 它是运行网络的工具,截至2016年,Unix和类似Unix的操作系统在所有Web服务器上运行约67% 。Android是世界上最流行的移动操作系统,基于Linux。

But desktop Linux only runs on about 1.72% of all desktop PCs, and has been slowly slipping over the years.

但是台式机Linux仅可在所有台式机上运行约1.72% ,并且多年来一直在缓慢下滑。

That said, Linux is very popular among developers, who praise the OS for being free (both as in freedom and as in beer) and the ability to quickly install everything you need for your dev environment.


However, not all devices run well with Linux. The Linux kernel, distributions – unique operating systems that run the Linux kernel like Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Red Hat, and so on – and application developers are largely open source projects. This means they're largely supported by volunteers who work on these projects during their spare time.

但是,并非所有设备都能在Linux上正常运行。 Linux内核,发行版(运行Linux内核(如Ubuntu,Linux Mint,Red Hat等)的独特操作系统)和应用程序开发人员基本上都是开源项目。 这意味着他们在很大程度上得到了在业余时间从事这些项目的志愿者的支持。

While many devices running Linux are considered secure because so many people review code and submit patches to fix new vulnerabilities, some hardware will not work out of the box. Make sure you do your research beforehand to see if the computer or components you buy are properly supported, or buy a device with a lot of support like a Lenovo Thinkpad or Dell XPS.

尽管许多运行Linux的设备被认为是安全的,因为有很多人查看代码并提交补丁以修复新漏洞,但某些硬件将无法立即使用。 确保事先进行研究,以了解购买的计算机或组件是否受到正确支持,或者购买的设备如Lenovo Thinkpad或Dell XPS。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/which-operating-system-would-be-better-for-web-development/



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