TensorRT Samples: MNIST API


关于TensorRT的介绍可以参考:  http://blog.csdn.net/fengbingchun/article/details/78469551 

以下是参考TensorRT 2.1.2中的sampleMNISTAPI.cpp文件改写的实现对手写数字0-9识别的测试代码,各个文件内容如下:



#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <device_launch_parameters.h>
#include <NvInfer.h>

template< typename T >
static inline int check_Cuda(T result, const char * const func, const char * const file, const int line)
	if (result) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Error CUDA: at %s: %d, error code=%d, func: %s\n", file, line, static_cast<unsigned int>(result), func);
		cudaDeviceReset(); // Make sure we call CUDA Device Reset before exiting
		return -1;

template< typename T >
static inline int check(T result, const char * const func, const char * const file, const int line)
	if (result) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Error: at %s: %d, error code=%d, func: %s\n", file, line, static_cast<unsigned int>(result), func);
		return -1;

#define checkCudaErrors(val) check_Cuda((val), __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define checkErrors(val) check((val), __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__)

#define CHECK(x) { \
	if (x) {} \
	else { fprintf(stderr, "Check Failed: %s, file: %s, line: %d\n", #x, __FILE__, __LINE__); return -1; } \

// Logger for GIE info/warning/errors
class Logger : public nvinfer1::ILogger			
	void log(Severity severity, const char* msg) override
		// suppress info-level messages
		if (severity != Severity::kINFO)
			std::cout << msg << std::endl;


#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <tuple>

#include <NvInfer.h>
#include <NvCaffeParser.h>
#include <cuda_runtime_api.h>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>

#include "common.hpp"

// reference: TensorRT-2.1.2/samples/sampleMNIST/sampleMNISTAPI.cpp

// intput width, input height, output size, input blob name, output blob name, weight file, mean file
typedef std::tuple<int, int, int, std::string, std::string, std::string, std::string> DATA_INFO;

// Our weight files are in a very simple space delimited format.
// [type] [size] <data x size in hex> 
static std::map<std::string, nvinfer1::Weights> loadWeights(const std::string& file)
    std::map<std::string, nvinfer1::Weights> weightMap;
	std::ifstream input(file);
	if (!input.is_open()) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to load weight file: %s\n", file.c_str());
		return  weightMap;

    int32_t count;
    input >> count;
	if (count <= 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Invalid weight map file: %d\n", count);
		return weightMap;

    while(count--) {
    	nvinfer1:: Weights wt{nvinfer1::DataType::kFLOAT, nullptr, 0};
    	uint32_t type, size;
        std::string name;
        input >> name >> std::dec >> type >> size;
        wt.type = static_cast<nvinfer1::DataType>(type);
        if (wt.type == nvinfer1::DataType::kFLOAT) {
            uint32_t *val = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(malloc(sizeof(val) * size));
            for (uint32_t x = 0, y = size; x < y; ++x) {
                input >> std::hex >> val[x];
            wt.values = val;
        } else if (wt.type == nvinfer1::DataType::kHALF) {
            uint16_t *val = reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(malloc(sizeof(val) * size));
            for (uint32_t x = 0, y = size; x < y; ++x) {
                input >> std::hex >> val[x];
            wt.values = val;
        wt.count = size;
        weightMap[name] = wt;

    return weightMap;

// Creat the Engine using only the API and not any parser.
static nvinfer1::ICudaEngine* createMNISTEngine(unsigned int maxBatchSize, nvinfer1::IBuilder* builder, nvinfer1::DataType dt, const DATA_INFO& info)
	nvinfer1::INetworkDefinition* network = builder->createNetwork();

	//  Create input of shape { 1, 1, 28, 28 } with name referenced by INPUT_BLOB_NAME
	auto data = network->addInput(std::get<3>(info).c_str(), dt, nvinfer1::DimsCHW{ 1, std::get<1>(info), std::get<0>(info)});
	assert(data != nullptr);

	// Create a scale layer with default power/shift and specified scale parameter.
	float scale_param = 0.0125f;
	nvinfer1::Weights power{nvinfer1::DataType::kFLOAT, nullptr, 0};
	nvinfer1::Weights shift{nvinfer1::DataType::kFLOAT, nullptr, 0};
	nvinfer1::Weights scale{nvinfer1::DataType::kFLOAT, &scale_param, 1};
	auto scale_1 = network->addScale(*data,	nvinfer1::ScaleMode::kUNIFORM, shift, scale, power);
	assert(scale_1 != nullptr);

	// Add a convolution layer with 20 outputs and a 5x5 filter.
    std::map<std::string, nvinfer1::Weights> weightMap = loadWeights(std::get<5>(info));
	auto conv1 = network->addConvolution(*scale_1->getOutput(0), 20, nvinfer1::DimsHW{5, 5}, weightMap["conv1filter"], weightMap["conv1bias"]);
	assert(conv1 != nullptr);
	conv1->setStride(nvinfer1::DimsHW{1, 1});

	// Add a max pooling layer with stride of 2x2 and kernel size of 2x2.
	auto pool1 = network->addPooling(*conv1->getOutput(0), nvinfer1::PoolingType::kMAX, nvinfer1::DimsHW{2, 2});
	assert(pool1 != nullptr);
	pool1->setStride(nvinfer1::DimsHW{2, 2});

	// Add a second convolution layer with 50 outputs and a 5x5 filter.
	auto conv2 = network->addConvolution(*pool1->getOutput(0), 50, nvinfer1::DimsHW{5, 5}, weightMap["conv2filter"], weightMap["conv2bias"]);
	assert(conv2 != nullptr);
	conv2->setStride(nvinfer1::DimsHW{1, 1});

	// Add a second max pooling layer with stride of 2x2 and kernel size of 2x3>
	auto pool2 = network->addPooling(*conv2->getOutput(0), nvinfer1::PoolingType::kMAX, nvinfer1::DimsHW{2, 2});
	assert(pool2 != nullptr);
	pool2->setStride(nvinfer1::DimsHW{2, 2});

	// Add a fully connected layer with 500 outputs.
	auto ip1 = network->addFullyConnected(*pool2->getOutput(0), 500, weightMap["ip1filter"], weightMap["ip1bias"]);
	assert(ip1 != nullptr);

	// Add an activation layer using the ReLU algorithm.
	auto relu1 = network->addActivation(*ip1->getOutput(0), nvinfer1::ActivationType::kRELU);
	assert(relu1 != nullptr);

	// Add a second fully connected layer with 20 outputs.
	auto ip2 = network->addFullyConnected(*relu1->getOutput(0), std::get<2>(info), weightMap["ip2filter"], weightMap["ip2bias"]);
	assert(ip2 != nullptr);

	// Add a softmax layer to determine the probability.
	auto prob = network->addSoftMax(*ip2->getOutput(0));
	assert(prob != nullptr);

	// Build the engine
	builder->setMaxWorkspaceSize(1 << 20);

	auto engine = builder->buildCudaEngine(*network);
	// we don't need the network any more

	// Once we have built the cuda engine, we can release all of our held memory.
	for (auto &mem : weightMap) {

	return engine;

static int APIToModel(unsigned int maxBatchSize, // batch size - NB must be at least as large as the batch we want to run with)
		     nvinfer1::IHostMemory** modelStream, Logger logger, const DATA_INFO& info)
	// create the builder
	nvinfer1::IBuilder* builder = nvinfer1::createInferBuilder(logger);

	// create the model to populate the network, then set the outputs and create an engine
	nvinfer1::ICudaEngine* engine = createMNISTEngine(maxBatchSize, builder, nvinfer1::DataType::kFLOAT, info);
	CHECK(engine != nullptr);

	// serialize the engine, then close everything down
	(*modelStream) = engine->serialize();

	return 0;

static int doInference(nvinfer1::IExecutionContext& context, float* input, float* output, int batchSize, const DATA_INFO& info)
	const nvinfer1::ICudaEngine& engine = context.getEngine();
	// input and output buffer pointers that we pass to the engine - the engine requires exactly IEngine::getNbBindings(),
	// of these, but in this case we know that there is exactly one input and one output.
	CHECK(engine.getNbBindings() == 2);
	void* buffers[2];

	// In order to bind the buffers, we need to know the names of the input and output tensors.
	// note that indices are guaranteed to be less than IEngine::getNbBindings()
	int inputIndex = engine.getBindingIndex(std::get<3>(info).c_str()), 
	    outputIndex = engine.getBindingIndex(std::get<4>(info).c_str());

	// create GPU buffers and a stream
	checkCudaErrors(cudaMalloc(&buffers[inputIndex], batchSize * std::get<1>(info) * std::get<0>(info) * sizeof(float)));
	checkCudaErrors(cudaMalloc(&buffers[outputIndex], batchSize * std::get<2>(info) * sizeof(float)));

	cudaStream_t stream;

	// DMA the input to the GPU,  execute the batch asynchronously, and DMA it back:
	checkCudaErrors(cudaMemcpyAsync(buffers[inputIndex], input, batchSize * std::get<1>(info) * std::get<0>(info) * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, stream));
	context.enqueue(batchSize, buffers, stream, nullptr);
	checkCudaErrors(cudaMemcpyAsync(output, buffers[outputIndex], batchSize * std::get<2>(info) * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, stream));

	// release the stream and the buffers

	return 0;

int test_mnist_api()
	Logger logger; // multiple instances of IRuntime and/or IBuilder must all use the same logger
	// stuff we know about the network and the caffe input/output blobs
	const DATA_INFO info(28, 28, 10, "data", "prob", "models/mnistapi.wts", "models/mnist_mean.binaryproto");

	// create a model using the API directly and serialize it to a stream
    nvinfer1::IHostMemory* modelStream{ nullptr };
    APIToModel(1, &modelStream, logger, info);

	// parse the mean file produced by caffe and subtract it from the image
	nvcaffeparser1::ICaffeParser* parser = nvcaffeparser1::createCaffeParser();
	nvcaffeparser1::IBinaryProtoBlob* meanBlob = parser->parseBinaryProto(std::get<6>(info).c_str());
	const float* meanData = reinterpret_cast<const float*>(meanBlob->getData());

	nvinfer1::IRuntime* runtime = nvinfer1::createInferRuntime(logger);
	nvinfer1::ICudaEngine* engine = runtime->deserializeCudaEngine(modelStream->data(), modelStream->size(), nullptr);
	nvinfer1::IExecutionContext* context = engine->createExecutionContext();

	uint8_t fileData[std::get<1>(info) * std::get<0>(info)];
	const std::string image_path{ "images/digit/" };
	for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
		const std::string image_name = image_path + std::to_string(i) + ".png";
		cv::Mat mat = cv::imread(image_name, 0);
		if (!mat.data) {
			fprintf(stderr, "read image fail: %s\n", image_name.c_str());
			return -1;

		cv::resize(mat, mat, cv::Size(std::get<0>(info), std::get<1>(info)));
		mat.convertTo(mat, CV_32FC1);

		float data[std::get<1>(info)*std::get<0>(info)];
		const float* p = (float*)mat.data;
		for (int j = 0; j < std::get<1>(info)*std::get<0>(info); ++j) {
			data[j] = p[j] - meanData[j];

		// run inference
		float prob[std::get<2>(info)];
		doInference(*context, data, prob, 1, info);

		float val{-1.f};
		int idx{-1};

		for (int t = 0; t < std::get<2>(info); ++t) {
			if (val < prob[t]) {
				val = prob[t];
				idx = t;

		fprintf(stdout, "expected value: %d, actual value: %d, probability: %f\n", i, idx, val);

    if (modelStream) modelStream->destroy();
	// destroy the engine

	return 0;

执行结果如下:(与  http://blog.csdn.net/fengbingchun/article/details/78552908  中结果一致)


1. 将终端定位到CUDA_Test/prj/linux_tensorrt_cmake,依次执行如下命令:
	$ mkdir build
	$ cd build
	$ cmake ..
	$ make (生成TensorRT_Test执行文件)
	$ ln -s ../../../test_data/models  ./ (将models目录软链接到build目录下)
	$ ln -s ../../../test_data/images  ./ (将images目录软链接到build目录下)
	$ ./TensorRT_Test
2. 对于有需要用OpenCV参与的读取图像的操作,需要先将对应文件中的图像路径修改为Linux支持的路径格式

GitHub: https://github.com/fengbingchun/CUDA_Test


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    在以太坊中 账户 地址 私钥 Private Key 和公钥 Public Key 是非常重要的概念 账户扮演着以太坊的中心角色 地址是我们与以太坊系统进行交互的标识 它是以太坊账户与外界进行交互的名字 而私钥与公钥是保护我们账户安全的重要
  • 微搭低代码学习之数据展示

    低代码平台是一个快速发展的领域 未来有着广阔的发展前景 以下是一些低代码平台未来的发展方向 1 人工智能和机器学习 随着人工智能和机器学习技术的不断发展 低代码平台将能够更好地利用这些技术来提高应用程序的智能化和自动化水平 例如 低代码平台
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    目录 1 需求背景 2 解决方案 3 代码示例 1 需求背景 需要根据动态生成垂直菜单组件 数据来源的一级菜单可能包含二级子菜单 也可能不包含二级子菜单 难度在于是否包含二级子菜单决定着生成
  • 开源自动化测试平台介绍一览

    以下为小编整理的 各类自动化测试平台 供大家工作中自己参考 一 autotestplat 作者 fin 功能 接口自动化测试 性能测试 appui自动化测试 webui自动化测试 源码 https github com testdevhom
  • TensorRT Samples: MNIST API

    关于TensorRT的介绍可以参考 http blog csdn net fengbingchun article details 78469551 以下是参考TensorRT 2 1 2中的sampleMNISTAPI cpp文件改写的实