





int Scale_Polygon2D(POLYGON2D_PTR poly, float sx, float sy)


         // this function scalesthe local coordinates of the polygon


         // test for valid pointer

         if (!poly)



         // loop and scale each point

         for (int curr_vert = 0; curr_vert < poly->num_verts; curr_vert++)


                   // scale and store result back

                   poly->vlist[curr_vert].x *= sx;

                   poly->vlist[curr_vert].y *= sy;


         } // end for curr_vert


         // return success



} // end Scale_Polygon2D


POLYGON2D asteroid;




         // define points of asteroid

         VERTEX2DF asteroid_vertices[8] = {33,-3, 9,-18, -12,-9, -21,-12, -9,6, -15,15, -3,27, 21,21};


         // initialize asteroid

         asteroid.state       = 1;   // turn it on

         asteroid.num_verts   = 8; 

         asteroid.x0          = SCREEN_WIDTH/2; // position it

         asteroid.y0          = SCREEN_HEIGHT/2;

         asteroid.xv          = 0;

         asteroid.yv          = 0;

         asteroid.color       = 255; // white

         asteroid.vlist       = new VERTEX2DF [asteroid.num_verts];


         for (int index = 0; index < asteroid.num_verts; index++)

                   asteroid.vlist[index] = asteroid_vertices[index];

在game_main()中,按 s和a键,可以放缩


         // do the graphics

         Draw_Polygon2D(&asteroid, (UCHAR *)ddsd.lpSurface, ddsd.lPitch);


         // test for scale

         if (KEYDOWN('A')) // scale up

                   Scale_Polygon2D(&asteroid, 1.1, 1.1);


                   if (KEYDOWN('S')) // scale down

                            Scale_Polygon2D(&asteroid, 0.9, 0.9);


         // rotate the polygon by 5 degrees

         Rotate_Polygon2D(&asteroid, 5);




int DDRAW_Interface::Scale_Polygon2D(POLYGON2D_PTR poly, float sx, float sy)


         // this function scalesthe local coordinates of the polygon


         // test for valid pointer

         if (!poly)



         // loop and scale each point

         for (int curr_vert = 0; curr_vert < poly->num_verts; curr_vert++)


                   // scale and store result back

                   poly->vlist[curr_vert].x *= sx;

                   poly->vlist[curr_vert].y *= sy;


         } // end for curr_vert


         // return success






void DDRAW_Interface::setCosLook( int i , float cos_value )


         cos_look[i]        = cos_value;



void DDRAW_Interface::setSinLook( int i , float sin_value )


         sin_look[i]         = sin_value;






         // define points of asteroid

         VERTEX2DF asteroid_vertices[8] = {33,-3, 9,-18, -12,-9, -21,-12, -9,6, -15,15, -3,27, 21,21};


         // initialize asteroid

         asteroid.state       = 1;   // turn it on

         asteroid.num_verts   = 8; 

         asteroid.x0          = SCREEN_WIDTH/2; // position it

         asteroid.y0          = SCREEN_HEIGHT/2;

         asteroid.xv          = 0;

         asteroid.yv          = 0;

         asteroid.color       = 255; // white

         asteroid.vlist       = new VERTEX2DF [asteroid.num_verts];


         for (int index = 0; index < asteroid.num_verts; index++)

                   asteroid.vlist[index] = asteroid_vertices[index];




         // generate the tables

         for (int ang = 0; ang < 360; ang++)


                   // convert ang to radians

                   float theta = (float)ang*PI/(float)180;




                   ddraw->setCosLook( ang, cos(theta) );

                   ddraw->setSinLook(ang, sin( theta));

         } // end for ang


在game_main()中,ddraw->Draw_Polygon2D(&asteroid, ddraw->getbackbuffer(), ddraw->getbacklpitch());


         // test for scale

         if (KEYDOWN('A')) // scale up

                   ddraw->Scale_Polygon2D(&asteroid, 1.1, 1.1);


                   if (KEYDOWN('S')) // scale down

                            ddraw->Scale_Polygon2D(&asteroid, 0.9, 0.9);


         // rotate the polygon by 5 degrees

         ddraw->Rotate_Polygon2D(&asteroid, 5);







         //while( FAILED( ddraw->DDraw_Flip() ) );


         Sleep( 33 );




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