AI Stable Diffusion Prompt参数【一】


AI Stable Diffusion Prompt参数【一】

  • 配置
  • 场景1:草丛里的女性
    • prompt
    • Negative Prompt
    • 结果
  • 场景2: 雨中披头散发的女孩
    • prompt
    • Negative Prompt
    • 结果
  • 场景3: 一个女孩和她的朋友在逛街
    • prompt
    • Negative Prompt
    • 结果
  • 场景4: 学生在教室
    • prompt
    • Negative Prompt
    • 结果
  • 场景5: 穿着白色丝袜和黑色绿皮衣的萝莉魅魔
    • prompt
    • Negative Prompt
    • 结果





(masterpiece:1.11), (best quality:1.38), (ultra high res:1.18), (photorealistic:1.38), (8k, RAW photo:1.18), (1girl:0.49), 20yo, (skinny), demon, race queen, (Plant suit made of plants:1.3), ornate robe, chapped skin, demon's horns, roses surrounding, fighting, laughing, medium breasts, wind, hell, dust, humidity, heat, ionizing radiation, vibration, shock, sand, (best shadow:1.08), (cinematic light:1.12), many small details, <lora:ghostOfTsushimaStyle_v10:0.5>

Negative Prompt

(nsfw:2),Multiple people,easynegative,(worst quality:2),(low quality:2),lowres,(monochrome:1.4),(grayscale:1.4),big head,severed legs,short legs,missing legs,acnes,skin blemishes,age spot,backlight,(ugly:1.4),(duplicate:1.4),(morbid:1.2),(mutilated:1.2),mutated hands,(poorly drawn hands:1.4),blurry, (bad anatomy:1.4),(bad proportions:1.4),(disfigured:1.4),(unclear eyes:1.4),bad hands, bad tooth,missing fingers,extra digit,bad body,NG_DeepNegative_V1_75T,glans,EasyNegative:0.5,gross proportions.short arm,(missing arms:1.4),missing thighs,missing calf,mutation,duplicate,morbid,mutilated,poorly drawn cloth,strange finger,bad finger,(mutated hands and fingers:1.4),(text:1.4), bad-artist, bad_prompt_version2, bad-hands-5, bad-image-v2-39000



场景2: 雨中披头散发的女孩


a young woman, street, laughing, ponytails, (hdr:1.3), (muted colors:1.2), dramatic, complex background, cinematic, filmic, (rutkowski, artstation:0.8), soaking wet,

Negative Prompt

(nsfw:2),Multiple people,easynegative,(worst quality:2),(low quality:2),lowres,(monochrome:1.4),(grayscale:1.4),big head,severed legs,short legs,missing legs,acnes,skin blemishes,age spot,backlight,(ugly:1.4),(duplicate:1.4),(morbid:1.2),(mutilated:1.2),mutated hands,(poorly drawn hands:1.4),blurry, (bad anatomy:1.4),(bad proportions:1.4),(disfigured:1.4),(unclear eyes:1.4),bad hands, bad tooth,missing fingers,extra digit,bad body,NG_DeepNegative_V1_75T,glans,EasyNegative:0.5,gross proportions.short arm,(missing arms:1.4),missing thighs,missing calf,mutation,duplicate,morbid,mutilated,poorly drawn cloth,strange finger,bad finger,(mutated hands and fingers:1.4),(text:1.4),bad-artist, bad_prompt_version2, bad-artist-anime, bad-hands-5, bad-image-v2-39000,



场景3: 一个女孩和她的朋友在逛街


Black-haired (girl), (shopping in a bustling city), wearing (black jeans, white loose T-shirt with black and white pattern), (slim figure), (standing in front of a high-end brand store), (dreamy gaze), with (fashionable friend), (wearing high heels, black beret with red satin ribbon, and a tight green dress), (holding a designer camera), (leaning against the cement pillar at the store entrance), (smiling), (vibrant city shopping atmosphere)

Negative Prompt

(nsfw:2),Multiple people,easynegative,(worst quality:2),(low quality:2),lowres,(monochrome:1.4),(grayscale:1.4),big head,severed legs,short legs,missing legs,acnes,skin blemishes,age spot,backlight,(ugly:1.4),(duplicate:1.4),(morbid:1.2),(mutilated:1.2),mutated hands,(poorly drawn hands:1.4),blurry, (bad anatomy:1.4),(bad proportions:1.4),(disfigured:1.4),(unclear eyes:1.4),bad hands, bad tooth,missing fingers,extra digit,bad body,NG_DeepNegative_V1_75T,glans,EasyNegative:0.5,gross proportions.short arm,(missing arms:1.4),missing thighs,missing calf,mutation,duplicate,morbid,mutilated,poorly drawn cloth,strange finger,bad finger,(mutated hands and fingers:1.4),(text:1.4), bad-artist, bad_prompt_version2, bad-hands-5, bad-image-v2-39000



场景4: 学生在教室


(Girl student), (sitting in a classroom), (wearing striped shirt and jeans), (wearing glasses and having a ponytail), (thinking in front of a computer screen), (smiling slightly), (male student) (sitting next her, attentively listening to the teacher's lecture, taking neat notes), (wearing a gray T-shirt, black jeans, well-groomed hair), (teacher) (standing at the blackboard, explaining with a pink chalk), (smiling and enthusiastic), (school classroom with white walls, blue curtains, and clean air.)

Negative Prompt

(nsfw:2),Multiple people,easynegative,(worst quality:2),(low quality:2),lowres,(monochrome:1.4),(grayscale:1.4),big head,severed legs,short legs,missing legs,acnes,skin blemishes,age spot,backlight,(ugly:1.4),(duplicate:1.4),(morbid:1.2),(mutilated:1.2),mutated hands,(poorly drawn hands:1.4),blurry, (bad anatomy:1.4),(bad proportions:1.4),(disfigured:1.4),(unclear eyes:1.4),bad hands, bad tooth,missing fingers,extra digit,bad body,NG_DeepNegative_V1_75T,glans,EasyNegative:0.5,gross proportions.short arm,(missing arms:1.4),missing thighs,missing calf,mutation,duplicate,morbid,mutilated,poorly drawn cloth,strange finger,bad finger,(mutated hands and fingers:1.4),(text:1.4), bad-artist, bad_prompt_version2, bad-hands-5, bad-image-v2-39000



场景5: 穿着白色丝袜和黑色绿皮衣的萝莉魅魔


Masterpiece: Highly-detailed, ultra-detailed prompt for a young succubus wearing white stockings and a black emerald skin outfit Gender: Female Age range: 18-22 years old Body type: Petite and curvaceous Hair color: Dark purple Hair style: Curly, shoulder-length hair Eye color: Green Skin color: Light purple Horns: Small, black and curled Wings: Small, bat-like wings on the back Outfit: Tight-fitting black emerald skin outfit with a plunging neckline, short skirt, long gloves, and white stockings Shoes: High-heeled black boots that reach the mid-calf Accessories: Small silver earrings, silver necklace with a heart-shaped pendant Personality: Playful, mischievous, and seductive Pose: Standing with one hand on her hip, a sly smile on her lips, and the other hand pointing behind her, as if inviting someone to follow her. Environment: A dimly-lit room with a red velvet couch and a crystal chandelier hanging overhead. Some candles are placed in different corners, casting flickering shadows on the walls.

Negative Prompt

(nsfw:2),Multiple people,easynegative,(worst quality:2),(low quality:2),lowres,(monochrome:1.4),(grayscale:1.4),big head,severed legs,short legs,missing legs,acnes,skin blemishes,age spot,backlight,(ugly:1.4),(duplicate:1.4),(morbid:1.2),(mutilated:1.2),mutated hands,(poorly drawn hands:1.4),blurry, (bad anatomy:1.4),(bad proportions:1.4),(disfigured:1.4),(unclear eyes:1.4),bad hands, bad tooth,missing fingers,extra digit,bad body,NG_DeepNegative_V1_75T,glans,EasyNegative:0.5,gross proportions.short arm,(missing arms:1.4),missing thighs,missing calf,mutation,duplicate,morbid,mutilated,poorly drawn cloth,strange finger,bad finger,(mutated hands and fingers:1.4),(text:1.4), bad-artist, bad_prompt_version2, bad-hands-5, bad-image-v2-39000




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