


C++ 中存在隐式构造的现象,即在某些情况下,会隐式调用单参数的构造函数。

1.1 情况一

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Student
	int age;

		age = 0;
		cout << "Student() - " << this << endl;
	Student(int v)
		age = v;
		cout << "Student(int v) - " << this << endl;
	Student(const Student& stu) // 拷贝构造函数
		age = stu.age;
		cout << "Student(const Student& stu) - " << this << endl;
	Student& operator=(const Student& stu) // 拷贝赋值运算符
		age = stu.age;
		cout << "Student& operator=(const Student& stu) - " << this << endl;
		return *this;
		cout << "~Student() - " << this << endl;
	void display()
		cout << "display() - " << this << endl;

int main()
	Student stu1 = 20;

	return 0;


1.2 情况二

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Student
	int age;

		age = 0;
		cout << "Student() - " << this << endl;
	Student(int v)
		age = v;
		cout << "Student(int v) - " << this << endl;
	Student(const Student& stu) // 拷贝构造函数
		age = stu.age;
		cout << "Student(const Student& stu) - " << this << endl;
	Student& operator=(const Student& stu) // 拷贝赋值运算符
		age = stu.age;
		cout << "Student& operator=(const Student& stu) - " << this << endl;
		return *this;
		cout << "~Student() - " << this << endl;
	void display()
		cout << "display() - " << this << endl;

void test1(Student stu)


int main()

	return 0;


1.3 情况三

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Student
	int age;

		age = 0;
		cout << "Student() - " << this << endl;
	Student(int v)
		age = v;
		cout << "Student(int v) - " << this << endl;
	Student(const Student& stu) // 拷贝构造函数
		age = stu.age;
		cout << "Student(const Student& stu) - " << this << endl;
	Student& operator=(const Student& stu) // 拷贝赋值运算符
		age = stu.age;
		cout << "Student& operator=(const Student& stu) - " << this << endl;
		return *this;
		cout << "~Student() - " << this << endl;
	void display()
		cout << "display() - " << this << endl;

Student test2()
	return 40;

int main()

	return 0;



上面的三个代码都隐式调用了单参数的构造函数,将一个整数类型 int 转换为类类型 Student。但是,这种隐式类型转换有些不伦不类,容易让人产生疑惑,有什么办法可以阻止这种用法呢?

答案:使用 explicit 关键字。explicit 指定构造函数或转换函数为显式,即不能用于隐式转换和复制初始化。

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Student
	int age;

		age = 0;
		cout << "Student() - " << this << endl;
	explicit Student(int a)
		age = a;
		cout << "Student(int v) - " << this << endl;
	Student(const Student& stu) // 拷贝构造函数
		age = stu.age;
		cout << "Student(const Student& stu) - " << this << endl;
	Student& operator=(const Student& stu) // 拷贝赋值运算符
		age = stu.age;
		cout << "Student& operator=(const Student& stu) - " << this << endl;
		return *this;
		cout << "~Student() - " << this << endl;
	void display()
		cout << "display() - " << this << endl;

int main()
	Student stu1 = 18; // 报错
	Student stu2 = { 20 }; // 报错

	return 0;


explicit 关键字只对带一个参数的类构造函数有效,如果类构造函数参数大于或等于两个,是不会产生隐式转换的,所以 explicit 关键字也就无效了。

但是,如果类构造函数除了第一个参数以外的其他参数都有默认值,此时等效于只有一个参数的类构造函数,那么 explicit 关键字依然有效。

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Student
	int age;
	int height;

		age = 0;
		height = 0;
		cout << "Student() - " << this << endl;
	explicit Student(int a, int b = 180)
		age = a;
		height = b;
		cout << "Student(int v) - " << this << endl;
	Student(const Student& stu) // 拷贝构造函数
		age = stu.age;
		height = stu.height;
		cout << "Student(const Student& stu) - " << this << endl;
	Student& operator=(const Student& stu) // 拷贝赋值运算符
		age = stu.age;
		height = stu.height;
		cout << "Student& operator=(const Student& stu) - " << this << endl;
		return *this;
		cout << "~Student() - " << this << endl;
	void display()
		cout << "display() - " << this << endl;

int main()
	Student stu1 = 18; // 报错
	Student stu2 = { 20 }; // 报错

	return 0;

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