
Qt CAN Bus API extensions


April 20, 2023 by Ivan Solovev | Comments

​2023年4月20日:Ivan Solovev |评论

The latest Qt 6.5 release introduced a lot of new features. You can read about all of them in the recent blog post. This blog post will give an overview of the improvements that we have made to the Qt CAN Bus module.

​最新发布的Qt 6.5引入了许多新功能。可以在最近的博客文章中阅读到所有这些内容。这篇博客文章将概述我们对Qt CAN总线模块所做的改进。

The Brief History


The Qt CAN Bus module has always provided APIs for high-level manipulation with CAN bus: 

Qt CAN总线模块始终为CAN总线的高级操作提供API:

  • QCanBusDevice represents a CAN device. This class can be used to read and write CAN frames. 
  • QCanBusDevice表示一个CAN设备。此类可用于读取和写入can帧。
  • QCanBusFrame represents an actual CAN frame. 
  • QCanBusFrame表示实际的CAN帧。

The CAN bus frame consists of a FrameId and a Payload. In the existing API, the FrameId is represented as an unsigned integer, and the payload is just a QByteArray holding some raw bytes. 


In practice, higher-level protocols are applied on top of CAN bus frames. This overcomes the generic definition of arbitrary payloads and FrameIds, which replaces it with unique identifiers for bus devices, message and signal types which may occur, and provides type information for the values within signals.


Before Qt 6.5, the users had to provide their own implementation for extracting these values. With Qt 6.5, we introduced a set of APIs to simplify this process.

在Qt 6.5之前,用户必须提供自己的实现来提取这些值。在Qt 6.5中,我们引入了一组API来简化这个过程。

New APIs to Parse CAN Frames


The new APIs provide a way to describe the top-level protocol. Later on, these rules can be used to decode an incoming CAN frame, as well as to encode data into a CAN frame before sending it to a device. 


Let’s have a closer look at the APIs: 


  • QCanUniqueIdDescription defines the rules for storing and extracting a unique identifier within a CAN frame. 
  • QCanUniqueIdDescription定义了在CAN帧中存储和提取唯一标识符的规则。
  • QCanSignalDescription defines the rules for storing and extracting individual signal values within a CAN frame. 
  • QCanSignalDescription定义了在CAN帧内存储和提取单个信号值的规则。
  • QCanMessageDescription defines a CAN message. A message contains a unique identifier and multiple signals. 
  • QCanMessageDescription定义了一条CAN消息。一条消息包含一个唯一的标识符和多个信号。
  • QCanFrameProcessor can be used to decode an incoming CAN frame or encode the provided values into a CAN frame to be sent to the receiver. 
  • QCanFrameProcessor可用于解码传入的can帧,或将提供的值编码为can帧,发送至接收器。

The QCanFrameProcessor class uses the descriptions provided by other new classes. It provides two main methods for encoding and decoding the frames: 


Let’s develop a small example to demonstrate the new APIs in action.


Demo Time

Let’s consider a protocol with the following format: 


  • A unique identifier is encoded into the first 11 bits of the FrameId. 
  • 一个唯一的标识符被编码到FrameId的前11个比特中。
  • A payload contains 8 bytes. 
  • 有效载荷包含8个字节。
  • The first two bytes represent a signal called “Signal 0”. This signal contains an unsigned integer number. 
  • 前两个字节表示一个称为“信号0”的信号。此信号包含一个无符号整数。
  • The next 4 bytes represent a signal called “Signal 1”. This signal contains a signed integer number. 
  • 接下来的4个字节表示一个称为“信号1”的信号。此信号包含一个带符号的整数。
  • The bytes are in Little-Endian format. 
  • 字节采用的是Little Endian格式。

This format can be visualized with the following image.


Let’s see how we can describe this protocol in terms of the new API.


Unique Identifier


Let’s start with the unique identifier.


QCanUniqueIdDescription uid; 

We define the source (FrameId), the endian (Little-Endian), the start bit and the bit length of the unique identifier.

我们定义了唯一标识符的源(FrameId)、端(Little endian)、起始位和位长度。

The source defines a part of the CAN frame which will be used to extract the value. It can be either a FrameId, or a Payload.


Signal and Message Descriptions


Next, let’s define the signal descriptions.


QCanSignalDescription s0;
s0.setName(u"signal 0"_s);

QCanSignalDescription s1;
s1.setName(u"signal 1"_s);

For both signals, we define the signal name, the source (Payload), the endian (Little-Endian), the data type, the start bit, and the bit length. Note that the bit numbering is continuous for the whole payload. Bit 0 represents the first bit of Byte 0, and Bit 63 represents the last bit of Byte 7. The signal name must be unique within a message description. The signal names are used to provide meaningful results when parsing the frame, and also to identify the proper rules for encoding the values into a newly generated frame. The QCanSignalDescription class allows you to specify more parameters. Please refer to the documentation for the full list. 

​对于这两个信号,我们定义了信号名称、源(Payload)、端序(Little endian)、数据类型、起始位和位长度。注意,比特编号对于整个有效载荷是连续的。比特0表示字节0的第一个比特,比特63表示字节7的最后一个比特。信号名称在消息描述中必须是唯一的。信号名称用于在解析帧时提供有意义的结果,还用于确定将值编码到新生成的帧中的正确规则。QCanSignalDescription类允许您指定更多参数。请参阅文档以获取完整列表

Once the signal description is specified, we can define the message description.


QCanMessageDescription msg; 
msg.setName(u"example message"_s); 
msg.setSignalDescriptions({s0, s1}); 

For the message description, we specify the payload size, the list of signal descriptions contained in this message, and a unique identifier. The unique identifier will be used to select a proper message description when decoding the incoming CAN frame. Like with signal descriptions, the QCanMessageDescription class allows you to specify more parameters, so make sure to check the documentation. 


Frame Processor


Once we have created the description for a unique identifier and for the message, we can create an instance of QCanFrameProcessor.


QCanFrameProcessor processor;

The frame processor is initialized with the previously-generated unique id description and a list of message descriptions. In our case, the list contains only one element.


Processing CAN Frames


This section describes how the above message description can be used to parse incoming and encode new frames.


For simplicity, let's create a CAN frame manually.


QCanBusFrame frame(0x123, QByteArray::fromHex("ABCD123456780000"));

In practice, such frames will be received from a QCanBusDevice. Note that the frame has a unique identifier which matches the unique identifier of the message description which was created earlier.


To parse this frame, simply call a parseFrame() method:


QCanFrameProcessor::ParseResult result = processor.parseFrame(frame);
qDebug() << Qt::hex << Qt::showbase << Qt::uppercasedigits
         << "Unique ID:" << result.uniqueId << Qt::endl
         << "Values:" << result.signalValues;

This method returns a ParseResult struct which contains a unique identifier and a map holding signal names and signal values. The output of the qDebug() call is shown below.


Unique ID: 0x123 
Values: QMap(("signal 0", QVariant(qulonglong, 0xCDAB))("signal 1", QVariant(qlonglong, 0x78563412)))

To generate a frame, we need to call the prepareFrame() method, and pass a unique identifier and a map of signal names and signal values as parameters. The signal names must match those of the signal descriptions. For this example, we will re-use the values returned by the parseFrame() method.


QCanBusFrame generated = processor.prepareFrame(result.uniqueId,
qDebug() << Qt::hex << Qt::showbase << Qt::uppercasedigits
         << generated.frameId() << generated.payload().toHex().toUpper();

The generated frame should be similar to the initial one. And that's what we see in the qDebug() output.


0x123 "ABCD123456780000"

Automatically Extracting Bus Information


The example in the previous section shows how to manually specify CAN message descriptions. This approach is rather verbose and error-prone.


Can we do better?


Luckily, there are already some well-known standards for describing CAN bus parameters. One such standard is DBC. It is a text-based format that is widely used in various industries.


In Qt 6.5, we have introduced a QCanDbcFileParser class. This class parses an input DBC file, and automatically generates the message descriptions. The DBC format also contains well-defined requirements for unique identifier, so the class also has a static method to generate the unique identifier description.

​在Qt 6.5中,我们引入了一个QCanDbcFileParser类。这个类解析输入的DBC文件,并自动生成消息描述。DBC格式还包含对唯一标识符的定义良好的要求,因此类也有一个静态方法来生成唯一标识符描述。

This example can illustrate the typical pattern for using this class.


QCanDbcFileParser dbcParser;
if (dbcParser.parse("path/to/file.dbc")) {
    QCanFrameProcessor processor;
    // Do the actual processing
} else {
    // Failed to extract data from DBC file
    qDebug() << "Got error:" << dbcParser.error();
    qDebug() << "Error details:" << dbcParser.errorString();

If the DBC file parsing is successful, we can use the generated message and unique identifier descriptions to create a frame processor and start processing. If the parsing fails, the API provides some convenient methods to handle the errors.




Thanks for reading that far. The new APIs are released as Technical Preview, so your feedback is extremely valuable to us. If you encounter any bugs or have any suggestions for improving the API, please submit your reports in our bugtracker under the SerialBus: CAN Bus component.



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