c++ 读取UTF-8编码文本







bool UTF8Reader_Approch_1(string fileName)  
	int byte_110 = 3 << 6;
	int byte_mark_110 = 7 << 5;
	int byte_1110 = 7 << 5;
	int byte_mark_1110 = 15 << 4;
	int byte_11110 = 15 << 4;
	int byte_mark_11110 = 31 << 3;
	int byte_111110 = 31 << 3;
	int byte_mark_111110 =63<< 2;
	int byte_1111110 = 63 << 2;
	int byte_mark_1111110 = 127 << 1;

	fp = fopen(fileName.c_str(),"r");
	FILE *output = NULL;
	output = fopen("ToWrite.txt","w");
	int byte =fgetc(fp);
	while (byte!=EOF)
		if ((byte&byte_mark_110) == byte_110)
			char str[3];
			str[0] = byte;
			str[1] = fgetc(fp);
			str[2] = '\0';
			fprintf(output, "%s ", str);
		else if ((byte&byte_mark_1110) == byte_1110)
			char str[4];
			str[0] = byte;
			str[1] = fgetc(fp);
			str[2] = fgetc(fp);
			str[3] = '\0';
			fprintf(output, "%s ", str);
		else if ((byte&byte_mark_11110) == byte_11110)
			char str[5];
			str[0] = byte;
			str[1] = fgetc(fp);
			str[2] = fgetc(fp);
			str[3] = fgetc(fp);
			str[4] = '\0';
			fprintf(output, "%s ", str);
		else if ((byte&byte_mark_111110) == byte_111110)
			char str[6];
			str[0] = byte;
			str[1] = fgetc(fp);
			str[2] = fgetc(fp);
			str[3] = fgetc(fp);
			str[4] = fgetc(fp);
			str[5] = '\0';
			fprintf(output, "%s ", str);
		else if ((byte&byte_mark_1111110) == byte_1111110)
			char str[7];
			str[0] = byte;
			str[1] = fgetc(fp);
			str[2] = fgetc(fp);
			str[3] = fgetc(fp);
			str[4] = fgetc(fp);
			str[5] = fgetc(fp);
			str[6] = '\0';
			fprintf(output, "%s ", str);
			char str[2];
			str[0] = byte;
			str[1] ='\0';
			fprintf(output, "%s ", str);
		byte =fgetc(fp);
	return true;


bool UTF8Reader_Approch_2(string fileName)  
	FILE *fp = NULL;
	fp = fopen(fileName.c_str(), "r");
	FILE *output = NULL;
	output = fopen("ToWrite.txt", "w");
	if (fp == NULL || output == NULL)
		return false;
	char byte = fgetc(fp);
	unsigned char mask = 255;
	while (byte != EOF)
		int result = mask & byte;
		if (result < 128)  //1字节
			char str[2];
			str[0] = byte;
			str[1] = '\0';
			fprintf(output, "%s ", str);
		else if (result >= 192 && result <= 223)  //2字节
			char str[3];
			str[0] = byte;
			str[1] = fgetc(fp);
			str[2] = '\0';
			fprintf(output, "%s ", str);
		else if (result >= 224 && result <= 239)  //3字节
			char str[4];
			str[0] = byte;
			str[1] = fgetc(fp);
			str[2] = fgetc(fp);
			str[3] = '\0';
			fprintf(output, "%s ", str);
		else if (result >= 240 && result <= 247)  //4字节
			char str[5];
			str[0] = byte;
			str[1] = fgetc(fp);
			str[2] = fgetc(fp);
			str[3] = fgetc(fp);
			str[4] = '\0';
			fprintf(output, "%s ", str);
		else if (result >= 248 && result <= 251)  //5字节
			char str[6];
			str[0] = byte;
			str[1] = fgetc(fp);
			str[2] = fgetc(fp);
			str[3] = fgetc(fp);
			str[4] = fgetc(fp);
			str[5] = '\0';
			fprintf(output, "%s ", str);
		else if (result >= 252 && result <= 253)  //6字节
			char str[7];
			str[0] = byte;
			str[1] = fgetc(fp);
			str[2] = fgetc(fp);
			str[3] = fgetc(fp);
			str[4] = fgetc(fp);
			str[5] = fgetc(fp);
			str[6] = '\0';
			fprintf(output, "%s ", str);
		byte = fgetc(fp);
	return true;



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